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    In this video, I discuss Sam Altman’s recent crypto project Worldcoin, which is (in my opinion) a dangerous scam.

    Not only has the company exploited poor people from developing countries, but the biometric data that they are collecting can be used to help to put humanity into a digital prison that is controlled by a few tech elite.

    We CANNOT allow ourselves to be put into a digital prison of CBDCs, movement passports, medical passports, internet passports combined with personal biometric data.

    Such a digital prison would be almost impossible for humanity to escape from.

    Bitcoin will play a major role in protecting the self-sovereignty and monetary control of people against totalitarian governments and corporations.

    Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

    Worldcoin: Sell Your Eyeballs For Crypto?

    Sam Altman — who warned AI poses ‘risk of extinction’ to humanity — is also a ‘doomsday prepper’:

    List of Worldcoin investors including SBF:

    Sam Altman’s evil orb:

    Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts: How Worldcoin recruited its first half a million test users:

    Worldcoin on CoinMarketCap:

    Chris Blec on Worldcoin:

    Anita Posch on Worldcoin:

    Two paths diverged in the wood:

    Biometric Digital Prison Is Coming (Worldcoin):

    I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


    Neither Bitcoin University, nor any of its directors, officers, shareholders, personnel, representatives, agents, or independent contractors (collectively, the “Operator Parties”) are licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisors, or registered broker-dealers. None of the Operator Parties are providing investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, and nothing in this video, on this YouTube channel, or at www.Trader.University or (henceforth, “the Sites”) should be construed as such by you. This video, channel, and the Sites should be used as educational tools only and are not replacements for professional investment advice. Trading or investing in new and volatile assets like Bitcoin can be risky.


    1. WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and
      channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other
      platforms to scam them. Just so you know, I will never refer you to
      "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you
      something. I am trying to ban these scammers as quickly as they pop up. You can
      always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how
      many videos he has. All of these guys have zero videos, while I have
      hundreds. I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Bitcoin University from the imposters. Follow me on Twitter @mattkratter

    2. Worldcoin is really dangerous. There are actually lots of ppl actively giving their eyeballs away for pocket money. The problem is lots of governments like this idea. Especially where ppl's recognition of individualism such as Asia and Africa are being targeted.

    3. Just as unbiased and open-minded as I could expect from a channel called "Bitcoin University".

      Whenever people complain about how AI is a terrible idea, I'm always reminded of almost identical quotes from people that lived during the industrial revolution. If you agree that AI will and has to happen, then you should also agree that we need to be able to tell the difference between human and AI activity online, otherwise the internet as we know it will be overrun with 100x more bots than there already are, and these new bots will be as convincing as a real person, with goals like political destabilisation through propaganda.

      I think you would benefit from keeping the discussion to the facts of the matter and the cryptocurrency, rather than going on tangential critiques of technology and the moral character of people who own some of the currency, which what does that even mean? Is Bitcoin also a scam if SBF owns some?

      Don't get me wrong, I'm a btc maximalist. I don't trade any other coins either. But I think that you could be less blatantly dismissive, with the "Bitcoin good, everything else satan" schtick. It makes your integrity look flimsy imo.

    4. Der worldcoin ist nur da um die Menschen richtig zu kontrollieren und zu versklaven, erst kommen die mit dem RFID Chip Implantat jetzt versuchen die es mit dem iris Scanner ihr könnt von meiner 💩 ein Foto haben ! Der Wert lose Müll cion!

    5. They are targeting the poor countries because they are desperate and will definitely fall for this😪There are no jobs in Kenya and we are tempted to sell our eyeballs in exchange of a few dollars😭 I'm broke and jobless but I'm not going for this money 🥺 I'm educated 🙂

    6. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

      00:00 🤖 Sam Altman, the founder of Worldcoin, has a controversial reputation, being both a successful investor and a doomsday prepper, and is now involved in a new crypto venture.
      01:25 🛡️ Worldcoin is a questionable venture backed by prominent investors and employs controversial methods to collect biometric data, specifically iris scans, from people in developing countries.
      03:03 💼 Worldcoin's method of amassing human biometric data raises significant privacy and security concerns, as it becomes difficult to change such data once collected.
      03:44 🛢️ Worldcoin is an ERC-20 token built on Ethereum and has a large pre-mine, attracting criticism for potential manipulation.
      04:54 💔 Critics argue that Worldcoin's incentivizing of exchanging personal biometric data for worthless tokens exploits vulnerable individuals, and this process may pose serious risks to personal freedoms.
      06:03 🕵️‍♂️ Worldcoin's ambition of creating a global database of human IDs, tied to financial transaction data, raises concerns about centralized control and privacy invasion.
      06:17 ⛓️ The video warns against the potential dangers of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and urges people to embrace Bitcoin to protect their self-sovereignty and financial independence.

      Made with HARPA AI

    7. This stuff is terrifying. There is a war that needs to be fought but most people are too asleep at that wheel to rise up in opposition.

    8. This is a continuation of a plan by bad actors to control humanity and implement the mark of the beast, as written in the Holy Bible. Certainly, it will fall apart if it’s outside God’s timing for the return of the Lord Jesus.
      May sound crazy, but the Bible is true. There’s a devil who steals, kills and destroys; there’s Jesus the Savior who gives life abundantly.

    9. World coin= collect biometric data then sell or get hacked either by hackers and scammers or by some govt entity to get that data.
      Then WorldCoin staff= We did everything we possibly could to prevent this from happening then a deeper investigation will
      lead to a disgruntled fired security guru copied all the data to sell it.
      There are so many way for this to go bad. Not worth it at all. I do not care if they used triple blockchain quantum security. Still a scam.

    10. Here is what I think Worldcoin will do with its token: For now, their token WLD is being used as an incentive for people to scan themselves. Think of it like a customer acquisition cost, but what people are getting is a made out of thin air token WLD!

      Once they have a good base of people, Worldcoin will start attracting the "buyers" on these other side, for these buyers to buy more of WLD token that these buyers may want to give to Worldcoin users (i.e., people whose iris are getting scanned) as rewards in exchange of some kind of value.

      This will create a new marketplace and economy through Worldcoin. Worldcoin may continue to have a stake or they may end up going DAO, with or without potential for future profit!

      Think about which tech company would not want to be put in touch with "real people", especially in the emerging markets where "account farming" is a key unsolved challenge at the moment.

      That is the end game IMO!

      But my concern is something else with Worldcoin. It is not their intention or the idea itself. It is the blockchain Ethereum on which Worldcoin is built! What happens if there is a "bank run" on ethereum or worst someone tries to take a controlling stake in this chain? At minimum, that poses the risk of wiping out common, unsuspecting, users wealth they may have saved in the WLD token. At worst, people's potential sensitive data maybe at risk.

      Read more on this here on our Twitter thread:

    11. To be fair, all important biometric data is already in private hands. From blood samples that hospital and clinics sell, to facial recognition and iris identification at airports, to finger print scans, it’s all out there and sold or hacked.

    12. Considering ChatGPT was infected with woke lies and a billion restrictions and wrong truth, I would not touch this coin with a 10 foot pole.

    13. Everything you say is spot on. We are both aligned in exposing scammers. Thanks for your hard work. You are doing good thing for humanity

    14. You’re absolutely right. The fact that people are lining up to scan their balls could only happen in Idiocracy II, and is clear evidence especially after everything that’s happened that many people just absolutely do no thinking at all and actually need protection against their extreme stupidity and gullibility. It’s so bad it’s like a caricature of stupidity — like a far side comic about lemmings running off a cliff wall.

    15. this might be the "it" crypto that could bump off bitcoin.
      we all think that bitcoin is not regulated by any government or governing body.
      But I do believe they already have control of bitcoin (the people that run the world).
      they are going to crash all other crypto-coins to accommodate the one coin to be used by the one world government.
      sorry mate but yeah this has to come to pass in order for that one world leader to emerge.

    16. All Cryptos are a Scam, Even one can create a Leger a Name for coin or token, Start making Money from a Name and Leger, Cryptos are a Crazy and a Quick Rich Seems, Most People Will Lose all there Money, Thank you.

    17. Great video bro….didn't even notice Altman was using the hegelian dialectic principle that they used for the C 19 plan….I just subbed to you. Keep em coming.

    18. I think Sam Altman's true motivation to scan so many irises is to make sure that when he develops a cyborg home for his AI its eyes will be as human looking as possible. The eyes are probabley the most important feature in the physical appearance of such a robot. And then once there are lots of them, it will become an issue to identify who is human and who is not.

    19. The dude basically makes you sign a non-compete agreement just to USE ChatGPT, I mean, are you kidding me? We should trust this centipede with ANYTHING? FLY YOU FOOLS!

    20. The best thing all you knuckleheads can do is learn how to code. The only real prison is the one that exists in your minds.

    21. This comes off as a bit of a hit piece. I'm not a fan of hit pieces because they're usually coming from an unbalanced point of view. Neutralize your point of view by watching both speakers. This one in particular is quite enlightening, especially for those wanting to understand the startup world

    22. They have created AI the problem ( 🤖 online )
      They are giving u a solution to distinguish between human and the robots 🤖
      This people are something else

      From west Africa

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