A historic US debt downgrade threatens to plunge the dollar into big trouble. The ratings agency Fitch has officially downgraded America’s credit rating. This shows how much investors are losing faith in the US credit markets and the US dollar as well. But this debt crisis is much worse than it seems as US deficit spending is about to get worse!

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    ✅ Timestamps & Chapters:
    0:00 Historic US Debt Downgrade
    2:35 Investors Losing Faith In America
    5:14 Why Is The Dollar Still Alive?
    7:29 De-dollarization Accelerates
    10:04 Debt Default Inevitable

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    1. Just like any other country when their fiat money gets devalued and inflation shoot to the roof, the victims are the citizens of that country who have to pay for the excesses of their politicians and bureaucrats spending in the past until they can't pay and default on their debts. instruments, bonds and Treasuries.
      In the case of the USD and their Treasuries/Bonds, since it is used extensively all over the world and being an international reserve currency, the victims will not only be the Americans but practically everybody else who uses the USD whether to trade, Central Bank reserves or kept in all sorts of financial instruments and papers.
      What a sordid state of affairs where everyone have to pay for the excesses of Americans spending, lifestyle, debts and bad governance thru no fault of their own or their country.
      The only way out not to be caught in this American Dream (Nightmare), whether one is an American or not, is to convert slowly whatever wealth in holdings of denominated USD or instruments/papers/IOUs into hard assets like PMs, Land, properties etc. and keep some liquidity just enough to continue day to day operations and expenses.
      PMs as a store not only of value but in time of crisis as a form of wealth preservation is still the best option. At least, do it for your love ones before Uncle Sam causes and takes whatever wealth you have accumulated for generations down the road with him.

    2. Sounds to me like those ratings agencies need a double dose of democracy and freedom. I wonder how the Fitch board of directors would feel if an aircraft carrier was parked outside their office? lol

    3. One economist asked why now? This situation has been going on for a long time he said, so the timing is significant. We will see what happens.

    4. With the US planning the next war in Asia, they will keep feeding the war machine with more deficits. They are hooked on wars.. That's all they know… They won't spend the money on rebuilding their country, healthcare, education or welfare for the homeless but just warfare and creating misery around the world. Good for nothing.

    5. Are you suggesting that if the USA stopped trying to take over the World and stopped forcing its very strange rainbow agenda onto us all and removed its likely 1000+ bases of terror from all of our countries then they might be able to stop retarding their own population and let them know what the word Free actually means…

      I can't see the USA ever being anything other than the threat they project onto everyone else from Adolf to Vlad through Sadam, Gadhafi, Assad, Gen Sulemani etc…

      Balkanise the USA before its civil war (that is being fought globally for now) ends us all.

    6. SUBJECT: Uncle Sam/Mother Russia !
      Subtitle: $$$$$$/Rubles !!
      Since WW2, US/USSR Wanted WW3 !!!


    7. But its ok Sean, they'll just print more worthless Dollars. Sounds like the US money tree is wilting. Not quite in the IC room but it certainly needs TLC at best. Everybody knows that when your credit card is maxed out, you don't go on a spending spree. Seems the US thinks it lives in a parallel universe.

    8. I don't believe in ultimatums. We have already drastically cut social programs, which are a disaster right now. However, like I have said on your videos before and you never have a response to, is explaining why we borrow in the first place. Instead of taxing the capitalist class, the government borrows from them. It's a win-win for the rich because they collect a return on investment through interest rates. So, the solution here is not to cut social programs but to tax the rich for social programs and cut the military budget by 90% by essentially shutting down every US military base outside the US and its territories.

    9. America has no debt sealing till 2025 hmmmm, this shows America breaks the very rules it imposes on countries, the hypocrisy is breathtaking

    10. Америке нужно построить больше авианосцев и военных баз по всему миру. Чтобы уж наверняка встретится с маленьким пушным северным зверьком….

    11. 42,105,00 Niger 🏃. 0,98 Negirl 🧍NeGown (?🦆ko scor VVo, shKiDchenko ko bien Vvrite tone Frap QU'RANtee itSLAM 🔱>< itsLAM 🐠

    12. ❤❤❤❤what we worry… the druuug is goood… the party is free and wonderful.. why stop❓🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💰💰💰💰💰💰

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