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    1. seems so be a pretty old clip ? when he checks btc price its at 11.8k. so this needs to be from 2017 or 2019/2020

    2. “It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” THE MAN IN THE ARENA – Apropos from President Teddy Roosevelt

    3. 2 weeks ago I sold a stack of XRP (~15% of bag) into USD as a casual swing trade, anticipating a coming crash to buy the dip. I put in a limit buy order at 0.529. It popped sooner than I expected & now I have a nice, new, free stack of XRP. A nice XRP pump is coming soon & an immediate crash to the 0.30-20 range. Sell some on the climb & buy more after the bigger crash coming & get a little love out of all the oscillations. In this sense, volatility is our friend. Best way to HODL to ATH & beyond for us average holders.

    4. And thats why Ethereum hasnt been dragged through the ringer, because all the powers that be stuck their money into them….and now need their exit!

    5. Taking money from people is the same as shorting that you do Zach, where do you think your short profits come from …ZERO SUM …you are part of the greedy problem …take the money and run.

    6. This whistle blower and John Deaton need to have a chat A.S.A.P!!! đŸ€”đŸ’­ Thank you Zach for you bringing this to light keep up the good work 👍

    7. Swamp runs wide and deep, smelly and dirty so still need more time to clean up. Lots of burning, flooding and God knows what going on right now. God bless those are affected. Stay strong stay vigilant. God bless. ❀

    8. If ETH collapses what do you think will happen to all the coins that work on ETH chain? Collapse. You’re talking about QNT etc 
 I don’t think so.

    9. My theory of who the Eth Whales are, Joseph Luben, William Hinmann, Jay Clayton, Mike Novogratz, some the CCP, maybe Gary Gensler, Elizabeth 'Karen' Warren, they're all connected, think about it. Why put so much effort to push Eth & erc20 up n keep others down!?
      And that whistler came out last year or the year before but noone was paying attention, his video was shown on Digperspective or Dai channel, I'm not making that up.

    10. I gave up on ETH as soon as I learned of Lubin and his elbow rubs. F eth. I want their money to roll into HONEST XRP!! ITS THE ONE!!
      ETH is only where it is because of the Hinneman speechand the crooked SEC "free pass". #ETHGATE

    11. I've said this for years, Lubin is the biggest crook of all time! There is more then enough evidence to put them all away yet the SEC goes after Ripple? Just to knock them out of the #2 spot so eth could get a free ride. No faith in the system. Sue the scammers and clean up the regulators!

    12. All the rats tyring to save themselves beforethe ship sinks. Vitalik just put 1 mil eth on coinbase…im sat here with my popcorn…XRP is the only crypto with legal clarity. Not even bitcoin has that

    13. This is years old
the “whistleblower” has been talking for YEARS. You are blantanty lying to people. Your activities are discussed and coordinated with your coconspirators. You’re all going to be hit with RICO charges because that’s what you’re all doing.

      Prepare to pay the piper. It’s coming and there’s nothing you can do about it.

    14. I agree with 99% . But let's not forget xrpl was reset early in its inception. Stealing millions of xrp, at fractions of a cent.
      Regrettably, a mishap early in the XRPL’s history resulted in the loss of ledgers #1 through #32,569, creating a void in the recorded data.

    15. Just because a stock/crypto is going up doesn’t mean it’s a good investment. just because a stock is going down doesn’t mean it’s a bad investment. theres more to a stock than just its stock price. An entire company more. focus on the company, not just the stock price or the bitcoin price, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also Jacob Kucia has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 17 BTC lately.

    16. 😂 the irony ! Ripple just used XRP holders for exit liquidity to pay their legal costs and future fines for selling unregistered securities to institutional investors! Ooops! 😂

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