Climate change protesters have protested outside Woodside Chief Executive Meg O’Neill’s home and the maritime union and Australia’s workers’ union threatened to strike on the North West Shelf.

    Ms O’Neill said the higher gas prices seen in the past week show the market is “still quite fragile” and Europe is “very worried”.

    “I think what we’ve seen in how the prices have reacted, particularly in Europe, to the rumour of potential industrial action, for me is a signal that the global energy markets are very fragile,” she told Sky News Australia.

    “We saw that last year following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where global energy trade flows were completely disrupted … financially very positive year for us but the market was highly disrupted.”


    1. Australian oil & gas workers are all union lackeys. Probably striking for one of the following reasons:

      1) They want filet steak and oysters 3 times a week instead of once per week like they get now.
      2) They want to move their rota from 2/2 or 3/3 to 2/3 for the same pay.

      I hate working with fellow Aussies in Australian waters. The less time spent there the better, I'm much happier working with the Brits and Yanks in the Middle East.

    2. How convenient. Some might say this is all planned. Chris Bowen and Dan Andrews would be in pig heaven if gas prices increased 5,000%. I actually think those two people get some sort of perverse thrill out of other people's suffering. It is said, after all, that sociopaths make good politicians.

    3. Global energy markets aren't delicate fgs, they are holding billions of customers money all over the collective west it's a financial rip off.
      This is all part of the WEF globalist great reset agenda, the global warming nonsense, the green energy and net 0 insanity, etc. Europe has destroyed itself by being lapdogs to the US NATO UK cabal war in Ukraine, and allowing the US NATO to blow up the Nord Stream gas pipeline, Europe’s energy supply.

    4. Renewable energy isn’t renewable only handy for a small scale off grid camping setup. That is the extent of this technology. Forced upon you in the model T stage of development

    5. Fragile because Brandon blew up Nord Stream & this act of industrial, evironmental terrorism forced the crisis on the globe. Self inficted through provocation of the worlds energy provider. Neocon failure as the global south & Eurasia shake their heads. They see the 'collective west' as insane. Sanctioning Russia was a circular firing squad for all nations involved. Zelensky Curse is now endemic.

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