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    In this video we take a look at the price of Gala Games and talk about some key level of support.

    #crypto #gala #blockchain

    I am not a financial Advisor. This video is for entertainment and education purposes only! Should you want professional advice, please contact a financial advisor. I cannot and will not be held liable for any actions you take as a result of my opinions and the content in this channel, any of its social media platforms, or websites. The information provided on this channel is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as advice. DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on videos from this channel.


    1. Dude first of all look theyr inflation, 5% minted more tokens within a month. 2. wallet that shoud collect burnt Gala is instead minting and selling them on Uniswap. 3 games on Gala is a total joke that noone plays, only those who bougst NFT-s are stuck in there: SpiderTanks so few playing, wait time huge, you even get bots as opponents, Champion Arena is total joke, play 2 hours get stuck, try arena, lose every battle with no hope to get stronger unless pay, so that game goes down really fast, PokerGO only 9 people playing, like wdf. Gala true value shoud be about 4x lower than its right now and its because shady V2, noone uses that platform and endless dumping.

    2. Pay to earn on the "play to earn" platform….pokergo is pay hundreds to enter a lottery if you get enough tickets…50% dilution still…while I love the games…the team has zero ethics…the ceo and president openly manipulate and fomo everything they sell…they buy more than any consumer and promote how fast it sells even though it's just them…they've soft rugged node owners, forced more and more nfts to earn….and people still think its hitting over a dollar next bull…its only a matter of time before people start realizing how corrupt the team is

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