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    1. Great summary. You bring up some good points. Personally, I think Ethereum will lose market share when people realize all L2s, 3s etc share the same backdoor that Ethereum L1 has. Privacy and ownership will be highly sought after in the coming years. Hack vulnerabilities are also a concern, especially when scaling on a buggy foundation.

    2. "BASE is a perfect example of the end state of "L2 scaling": no longer bankless: but banked, censored & controlled. Financial institutions continue to take over the role once occupied by L1. Coinbase is a great firm: they are not the enemy, as we are our own greatest villain"

    3. ETH is a fragmented mess & a single state machine is more decentralized & secure. ETH sacrificed its decentralization & security for speed with these L2s & they could impact composability as well.

    4. Only tech noobs are saying bs like this… reality is that eth relies on bridges which are freakin vulnerable… and eth and l2 are to slow and to expensive to run a proper network… yall can hype eth and l2s but tech is just wack. It is what it is. Right now solana is the only way.. dont wanna ruin peoples wet eth dreams but this is the reality we live in..

    5. I have to say thank you for the effort you make to educate. Just off your youtube videos alone, I was up 30%% last week and will be closing this week up 70%……………I appreciate you 🙏

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