
Coinbase Lists $ETC | $20 Trillion Crypto Market | $LOOM $VEN $POT

Cryptocurrency News Today Live: Ethereum Classic price jumps 25% following news of Coinbase listing. Binance adds ETC/BNB and ETC/USDT trading pairs. Loom price sees $25M Boom following Upbit listing and SDK release. Ran Neuner says more dips may come but crypto market will one day hit $20 trillion. Wells Fargo Bank bans purchases with its credit cards. Korea will regulate crypto exchanges like commercial banks legitimizing industry. Apple warns iPhone users not to mine cryptos. VeChain and DB Schenker pioneer the use of blockchain for logistics industry. Dennis Rodman wears PotCoin shirt on CNN. Number of women eyeing crypto investing doubled since start of the year.

I do apologize for any missing links or show notes. After the YouTube Crypto Purge of Christmas 2019, I had to remove all links from my videos. Thanks for understanding!

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TELEGRAM @thecryptolovedude
TWITTER @thecryptolove
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To appease money-hungry lawyers and irresponsible people, it should be known that I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR and THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. I am merely educating and entertaining. What you do with your own money is your own responsibility. Seek the counsel of an intelligent financial advisor (good luck finding one) before investing yours or anyone else’s money.

#bitcoin #crypto #cryptocurrency

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