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    1. Gala will be back much more fast then you can believe! Check the graphic! and DYOR!!! The CEO just made his announcement and the project will continue!!!

    2. Got out of Gala today, I don't need to be in a project with internal legal feuds so big it could cause it's demise. Swapped my little 100k Gala for QNT while it's still worth something and stop the bleeding.

    3. When the psychology of the market kill all retail investors.
      red =buy
      green =sell
      I just bought 50.000 gala lets see in a month what will happen

    4. Have your head on your shoulders guys. Don't buy and sell coins because "someone" in youtube said so. Remember any pump always happens before a big drop and the fud is mainly manipulations so the big smart money can buy in at low prices, exactly same thing happened last bullrun with gala.

    5. I’m sticking with my bag, they are still developing, foundations are all still there. Poor people sell because they panic and don’t have any conviction

    6. Totally agree! Luckily I never trusted and invested into Gala. Projects I like are Big Time, Guild of Guardians, Ember Sword and Cornucopias.

    7. I sold all my GALA after hearing the issue. (GALA is my biggest bag and I lost a ton of money.) This news is a BIG RED FLAG. and I can almost assure everyone that the GALA team will be opening more cans of worms along the way.

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