Bitcoin BEARISH month ahead? Historical levels you should know

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    Today’s topics and timestamps:
    00:00 Intro
    04:09 Crypto market recap
    04:46 Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum charts
    16:12 SEC delays Bitcoin ETF decisions
    17:30 Jay Clayton says Bitcoin ETF approval is inevitable
    26:47 Ethereum ETF next?
    28:55 Ripple says SEC can’t carry on case
    31:25 London Stock Exchange draws up plan for blockchain business
    36:25 China digital yuan required for all purposes
    41:34 Gala Games co- founders SUE each other
    47:11 Colorado DMV accepts Crypto

    #bitcoin #bitcoinlive #crypto #ethereum #cryptocurrency #missteencrypto #litecoin #world #crypto #live #america #bitcoinetf #xrp

    All analysis and discussions are the opinion of Randi, Miss Teen Crypto. The content of my media are intended for general information purposes only. Nothing that I write or discuss should be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice. Nothing should be interpreted as a solicitation to invest in any cryptocurrency, and nothing herein should be construed as a recommendation to engage in any investment strategy or transaction. Please be advised that is in your own best interests to consult with investment, legal, tax or similar professionals regarding any specific situations and any prospective transaction decisions and any prospective transaction decisions.


    1. I gotta have a class and a good coach to keep me going, otherwise I flake out! A good CrossFit coach will not push you too hard, push you the right amount, proper stretching, etc.

      CrossFit is the way to go! A good CrossFit coach actually makes it enjoyable where you don’t dread going, but makes it FUN and addictive! That’s what we need!

      If you’re gonna do it, might as well do it right! It’s hard to self motivate and do planet fitness unless you’re already in that mode!

    2. Loved the video ..thank you ..the gym i think will help balance your life and release stress which is killing a lot of people ….enjoy the rest of Labour Day cheers ☕☕

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