The Economic Forum in Karpacz in the Polish Sudety mountains brought experts from around the world to Poland to discuss topics such as energy. Europe has had to rethink its energy mix cancelling out Russian supplies. Our next guest, prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld from the Yale School of Management, said that’s no longer so hard to achieve.

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    1. Correction to Professor Jefferey Sonnenfeld in that there is huge pipeline between China and Russia well before Russia vs Ukraine war. Also, not off now, but there are gas line or LNG people line(s) between China and Russia!! Professor is very much incorrect on that pipeline. Of course, there cannot be pipeline between India and Russia. Google search shows, "From there, the pipeline branches south to Blagoveshchensk on the Russia–China border. By the two 1,139 m (3,737 ft) tunnels under the Amur River, it is connected to the 3,371 km (2,095 mi) Heihe–Shanghai pipeline in China. Together they form the eastern route for gas supplies from Siberia to China." There is still one oil pipeline, again, google search *Currently, Russia supplies China via the only one route – Power of Siberia pipeline, which is expected to reach full annual capacity of 38 bcm by 2025.May 16, 2023

    2. Germany is one of the problems, they've done nothing good. Europe is still reliant on Russian energy, that's why this war is Clown town.
      The United States should have flooded the market with oil and dropped the price. Putin broke, no war.
      Sick old Europes green communist agenda will destroy them. We will not let it destroy us.

    3. I don't want to be gullible, but I think that we rely on old ways of energy for many reasons. There is a an old film called 'The Man in The White Suit.' A man invents a material that repels dirt etc and the textile workers fear that their industry will collapse. I know our reliance on fossil fuels isn't that easy to drop, but it does echo the sort of what is Saudi without Oil? Sand! argument. We have used fossil fuels as we know them and we also have security and trading arrangements that suit many people in states and companies. To abandon this, could be seen as instability and a threat to interests. I don't hold with the idea, that we don't have alternatives though.

    4. When Sonnenfeld said that Russia has no LNG or can't sell to India or China, is he saying they can't sell at scale to offset the price caps?
      IIRC I remember that India was still buying Russian gas/oil and refining it then selling it to European clients. Also, the rates at which they buy this gas/oil has increased dramatically.
      I don't understand this Professor.

    5. The US poses as the masters of the world. In their competition with Russia, they force other countries to obey their policies. They have forced Ukraine to unleash a war against Russians on the border with Russia in 2014. As a result, Ukraine received an answer in 2022 and is dying. The United States forced Europe to introduce sanctions against Russia. As a result, the European economy is dying, having lost cheap Russian resources. European politicians are so stupid that they force their countries to commit economic suicide.

    6. 🇸🇬 Poland is on a good way – and with our help Poland can be an ultra-danger for all military minds!
      Polish people are super-nice – we hope they come back from right just a little bit to the left.
      Just a little bit. To us.
      Let us work together – no lust for war.
      So TVP – as I ment ….

      STOP bashing 🇩🇪 – we gave you help for a long time in Europe – don't bite the feedinh hand.
      I love your channel – but the media in Poland are by far not as free as in Germany!

      You must decide: Slow Scholz OR lovely Orban!

      And You know that!

    7. Poland on front – get omre power by
      TOP: SLAVA 🇺🇦 & also a little bit maybe slava to
      🇱🇷 & 🇩🇪 : Ukrainian soldiers are heroic defenders.
      Our promise is guilty: "As long as it takes."

      Slava Poland!

    8. Poland is on a good way -and with our help Poland can be an ultra-danger for all military minds!
      Polish people r nice – we hope they come back from right just a little bit to the left.
      Just a little bit.
      Let us work together – no time for war.

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