BREAKING: The World’s Biggest Bank Is Losing Money
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    What if the Federal Reserve books losses because of its quantitative easing?

    *None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it’s for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.


    1. If the government can ignore the debt, that means the money has no value. The only reason people thing it has value is because they believe it does.

    2. I don’t think a trustworthy government should be selling bonds or things as such in the first place. The idea is we give you more money later…..
      the money we get is from taxes.

      Maybe I’m wrong. Lemme know.¿

    3. It's a giant shell game! The Fed gives the US Treasury the left over money at the end of the fiscal year so we can give it right back to them owing more than we did before due to high interest rates.

    4. There's one thing that everyone forget about Japan, politicians, and it's citizens. They have discipline, honor, and love of their country. Versus our politicians only think about is themselves and discipline in America is gone, let alone honor. Not to mention Japan is smaller and has declining population.

    5. I'm gonna take a guess at Japan's economy and say this is due to WW2. The US built up Japan's economy after WW2 and they became a powerhouse in the field of electronics. Here is another question. Does Japan maintain much of its industry and not rely on Chinese supplied goods? If so, that's probably another big contributing factor.

    6. It's not complicated, Ron Paul had a solution "End the Fed"! Why is a private bank (the Fed) in charge of the US money supply anyway? Answer: It's a rigged game. Read The Creature from Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve By: G. Edward Griffin

    7. Japan produces much more than it imports . That balances out. Aging and immigration too

      But in the US ur not producing anymore. If everybody returned your dollars you'll have inflation

    8. All this are USA's methods to deceive the world and continue to print money it cannot afford to repay, and putting out propaganda through its media outlets that it can always honor its debt and at the same time, increasing interest rate on USD so the world will buy more USD debt.

    9. I feel like we are missing something in this conversation, and I don’t quite know what it is. If our credit rating can be downgraded, isn’t there a risk that we can’t pay the interest on our debt? Also, why do we need to be taxed at all if debt doesn’t need to be paid. I think it would be interesting to see a video of how other economies handle their debt, and whether it is ok as long as their debt outpaces ours.

    10. Sooo…..I'm thinking that if the gov can't give the public back the money owed….the public doesn't owe the gov anything.
      Why don't we just get rid if the Fed and call it a draw?

    11. So basically we need a new accountant, and we have corrupt government that likes raising everything to make corporations more money, which our gov owns shares in and make the country pay for it? 😂

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