
Can Ethereum flip Bitcoin? | Bake Meets… MMCrypto

MMCrypto drops by the Bake studio for a chat with Julian on why they are bullish on Bitcoin and Ethereum, their investment outlook for the next 18 months, and whether ETH can flip BTC in the next bull run.

00:00:00 Bitcoin Price Predictions and Crypto Conference Impressions
00:00:31 Comparing Dubai and Singapore in Crypto Industry
00:01:26 Percentage of People in Crypto Industry vs. Retail Investors
00:08:00 Market Analysis and Resistance Levels
00:12:00 Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)
00:18:00 Bitcoin ETF and Mainstream Adoption
00:24:00 Effects of Money Printing on Bitcoin
00:30:00 Recession and Interest Rates
00:36:00 Timing of Bitcoin’s All-Time High
00:42:00 Bitcoin ETF Approval and Market Timing
00:44:56 Possibility of Increasing Bitcoin’s Supply
00:49:07 BlackRock’s Involvement in Bitcoin Mining
00:53:05 Free Market and Wall Street’s Participation in Bitcoin
00:54:41 Personal Reflections and the Meaning of Life
00:57:24 Bitcoin Resistance and Future Predictions
00:57:54 Dollar-Cost Averaging and Trading Strategy
00:58:21 Bitcoin ETF Approval and Market Impact
01:07:40 Closing Thoughts and Bitcoin’s Value


#ethereum #bitcoin #crypto #eth #btc #mmcrypto
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  1. Nice talk, but, can you take care of dUSD, please? This would bring back a lot of trust in the project, I dont understand why you are not trying to fix this, everyone looking at the project to invest, gets scared if he sees dUSD is constantly depegging, and someone like me, who tried to park some money in the bear market in a "stable coin" is just frustrated about the situation. Thanks!

  2. There is no Bitcoin price double needed for the same payout for miners.
    lets say the fees are 80% and the block reward is 20% of the comission. next halving the reward would be 10%, so the fees just need to go up by ~10%. This could be because of price is going up, or fees getting higher due to more demand…

    So most likely in the future the fees will be enough to cover the securety of the network

  3. Über dieses Problem nach 3-4 Halvings habe ich mir auch schon Gedanken gemacht ….. welchen Anreiz haben die miner noch zu minen wenn alle 10 min nur noch 0,4 Bitcoins an Reward gezahlt wird. Also entweder der BTC Preis ist dann entsprechend hoch, dass es sich für die Miner lohnt oder die Hashrate bricht dramatisch ein. Dieses Problem würde sich dann mit jedem Halving zyklus verschlimmern. Oder die Fees steigen aber so extrem dass eine Transaktion 3000 Dollar or whatever kostet. Weiss jemand eine Antwort? MFG

  4. If you ask any Bitcoin Maxi: "What is Bitcoin's biggest risk?"
    Most will say: The FED/Government getting their Sh!t together and stop the money printing.
    What a surprise, Julian's take is very much aligned with the Maxis.

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