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    1. I feel that the last bull run was bolstered by all the money being printed. Major returns next bull run but I think they will be tamer in my humble opinion. A 10x on ABT900P is and a 15x on polygon are fair considering how much those two coins are interwo

    2. Cant deny the fact that Amazons ABT900P is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail its done for good, but I dont see that the biggest tech company in the world would put e

    3. In my humble opinion, Charles either knows nothing or everything!
      Hard stop!
      Because if he just knew a little, he knew too much, and did nothing and now he’s wrapped with a bow on top.

    4. So New York is trying to strong arm by saying they won’t use it, but we all know what that is.
      Just have to do a little nifty turns to make it work there, though.

    5. Cardano Charles is "WOKE" if ever there was a person in denial he is one. The "poor me" shit doesn't fly at my house! Open your mouth expect the same in return…what a wimp

    6. If you ask any human what they need to comfortable in this world is Financial Freedom and Privacy. What a concept of a private US digital currency, every body would want n it😊

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