Europe’s energy situation looked pretty dire last year as concerns began to mount over the impending winter season. Thankfully they dodged a bullet this year, but how many more bullets can the Europeans dodge?

    Today’s video comes to you from the Isthmus Peak Trail in New Zealand.

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    1. Peter, Germany needs to do what she does best- manufacture something. You are correct- a boat with equipment to compress, chill and store LNG is tremendously complicated- the very sort of engineering problem German fabrication companies have always been world leaders at. Build a ship, not just floating, but sailing to where those nat gas heads are and doing their own shipping/liquefying, as they have got too with the re gasifying terminal they just built in world record time. I can think of three, maybe or more places where local fields have been producing gas for years, couldn't flare it off due to laws and rules, so pumped it into non producing wells; at least two are full up with no local market to drain them into- look there. Peter, you need to get a better Oil & Gas connection- at least subscribe to a couple of trade journals, much as you do for financial info. But your numbers on the process are pretty close- it would take energy equivalent to 300K CY to process a million into LNG, and just a bit less to do the reverse- don't forget to add the costs and mortgages on your gasifier/degasifier equipment, so you costs to the user are pretty close, just not enough of the why.

    2. Thermodynamically, there is no such thing called Capitalism.

      This is owing to the fact that fossil fuels have been traded under the doctrine of what's called 'supply and demand', not on the basis the stuff is finite.

      What humans have lived, under our outgoing Western Civilisation, is actually the best of a Communism-disguised-Capitalism system.

      What remains in the system, now fossil fuels are mostly gone to the ground – is more deception, gulags and wars.

      Huxley and Orwell should be forgiven for thinking their systems can last forever – finite fossil fuels are dangerously hypnotic to humans and their mental capacity.

      Humans were not ready morally, ethically and intellectually to start the mass extraction of fossil fuels with the advent of the steam engine 300 years ago.

      The Magna Carta indeed requires now overhauling – adding to it the right for humans to understand what Energy really is;

      "In any system of energy, Control is what consumes energy the most.

      No energy store holds enough energy to extract an amount of energy equal to the total energy it stores.

      No system of energy can deliver sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it.

      This universal truth applies to all systems.

      Energy, like time, flows from past to future".

    3. Peter, you are my hero, but, PLEASE don't call folks that passed on the experimental mRNA vaccine "Anti-vaxxers" (5:33) . Most of "us" are current on our non-experimental vaccines. Thank you.

    4. Scotland with Wind, Hydro, Subsea energy we are energy rich and will never have to depend on other countries .Unfortunate Scotlands green energy is held back by the U.K. grid charges. Scotland now subsidises the U.KS energy. Two thirds of all renewable energy produced in Scotland is directly sent south to England. Yet for an energy company to connect to the grid from Scotland it cost £7.36 per megawatt-hour yet the same MWh in the south the energy companies are only charged £4.70. Scotland which is Energy rich in natural resources is charged the highest rates in Europe to connect to the grid.

    5. Hey just wondering do you have any internships I saw your website. I'm a accounting/finance major and air force veteran. Just interested in the global economy and geopolitics.

    6. Zeihan has learned well that if you talk with great confidence people believe that you know everything you’re talking about – even if you really don’t. He also talks fast to reduce the likelihood that you’ll question his bold conclusions because he’s already moved on to another one.

      I’m not saying that he doesn’t have some very useful insights. I’m just saying don’t be bullied by his used car salesman delivery methods into thinking he’s always right in his conclusions. Or that he doesn’t have his own financial, or political, biases that may heavily slant them.

    7. Europe allowed climate Nazi politics to dictate their energy policies and they will deeply regret it because "environmentalism" is another word for globalist energy crackdown and a bridge to nowhere

    8. Germany still gets 80% of it's gas from Russia despite the US blowing up Nordstream 1&2 . So the only difference now is the profits go to Ukraine instead of Russia & Germany because it now has to be pumped through Ukraine. Way to protect that lucrative advisor gig in the pentagon Zeihan!!

    9. From a national security prospective it makes no sense for Europe to be reliant on Russian natural gas because it directly undermines their ability to actually hold Russia accountable. This is another reason why all European countries need to oversee & address their own energy needs.

    10. I live in the UK and I just had an astronomical gas bill through my door of over £1100 for three months usage despite using much less gas than normal, consequently I have instructed them to disconnect my supply because it’s cheaper for me to use coal, which is what I’m going to do.
      The market price for gas is back down too pre war levels, so who’s make the money here?

    11. Why don’t they go nuclear? And why doesn’t anyone point fingers at the Us and the Brit’s who blew up the pipeline? Cmon people.

    12. I don't think any LNG came directly into Germany because Germany does not have any facilities to process it. Norway delivered a lot of natural gas via existing pipelines through the North Sea to Germany. LNG terminals are only now being built at the northern sea coast of Germany.

    13. Pete is never gonna get over being wrong on Covid, lmao. I love him for Geopolitics, not medicine or sports… seems like a Broncos fan to me😂

    14. Its not an "energy Problem" its the fact none of them were as smart as Trump (a GAME SHOW HOST)….Their educations made them dumb to obvious things. Things a Game Show host could see.

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