The EU’s top trade official says Chinese policies are fueling uncertainty among European companies in the country. Valdis Dombrovskis made the comments during a visit to Beijing where he’s been holding talks with the country’s Vice Premier He Lifeng.
    The visit comes at a time of heightened tension. Earlier this month, the EU launched a probe into Chinese subsidies on electric cars – a move that prompted counter accusations of protectionism from Beijing.
    Another thorny issue concerns the possible implications of Beijing’s re-vamped anti-espionage law, which some European companies fear could lead to regular business activities being labeled as espionage.


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    1. Good, china is constantly cheating in every way from ignoring copyrights too straight up using unfair subsidies to push out western firms

    2. Sekitar 2,5 tahun yang lalu, praktik genosida terhadap Rakyat Uighur telah disampaikan!!…melalui tulisan yang tersampaikan didalam konten media VOA biadap itu!!

    3. sayangnya hal itu dimanipulasi kepala para babi untuk dijadikan alat negoiisasi bagi habitat iblis lintah parasit itu untuk meminta bagian fari hasil kebiadapan itu!!

    4. negotiations be like
      EU: I want new trade deal
      CHINA: okay come to me in 2 years
      EU: Okay 2 years passed how about that new trade deal
      CHINA : What trade deal ?
      EU: Okay than I will put tariffs.
      CHINA: So You want trade war?

    5. sebagai hadiah dari negoisasi biadap itu, maka wilayah Asia umumnya dan ASEAN khususnya. menjadi korban…….. dengan memberikan habitat iblis lintah parasit biadap itu keleluasaan mempergunakan seluruh asset demokrasi untuk di tindas!!

    6. EU is US little puppet, they do what daddy US says,when businesses outside the west are more competitive than those from the west they are referred to as ''national security threat''

    7. Setelah 1997 , wilyah benua biru tidak sadar jika kaum monster para babi biadap dari utara telah memperalatnya untuk memberi makan habitat iblis-iblis biadap itu!!

    8. Some of the pro-China comments in these threads are astounding.

      China intentionally manipulated its own currency to essentially create a slave labor system that violated WTO membership conditions to steal manufacturing from the West. It also props up its own businesses with subsidy to undercut our own products in our own domestic markets.

      This costs us on economic and security fronts.

      If China lost access to our markets they would be in deep trouble. If we lost access to Chinese goods we’d be buying locally again, reducing our welfare budgets, increasing our meaningful employment rates, trapping money in our own economy and applying pressure to restore our labor protections for workers whose rights have been decimated by foreign slave labor.

      Consumers don’t need choice – they don’t need the lowest price – they need to be spending money on goods in the national interest on social, political, security and economic levels.

      The most ethical thing any western government could do for its people is to decouple from China and start tariffing its goods. Its about time they start doing it.

    9. jika menulis pernyataan setengah benar, artinya kebenaran itu tidak berdiri diatas landasan!…namun kebenaran itu hanya unruk diseret kedalam keuntungan jalan kebiadapan terbaru!!

    10. Karena sedari awal, habitat iblis lintah parasit biadap itu hanya menjual produk itu keluar!…artinya racun sengaja diberikan kepada seluruh kemanusiaan!!…Tanya kepada kaum monster babi biadap dari utara itu!!…apakah hal itu benar??

    11. Nah babi biadap!…pertanggungjawabkanlah itu!!….kirim semua alat rongsokan itu ke habitat iblis lintah parasit biadap itu!!…banjirilah wilayah biadap itu dengan semua isi kata- kata indah dari kemanusiaan!!…
      dan lakukanlah sendiri!!…seperti menikmati keuntungan, dengan memanipulasi demokrasi itu secara tunggal!!

    12. sanksi diberikan oleh pecundang kepada pengecut!!…kemanusiaan didalam perjalanan untuk memusnahkan seluruh kebiadapan!!
      Mungkin budak kepala para babi biadap itu, dapat menulis pernyataan yang benar jika ingin diberikan tempat oleh kemanusiaan!!

    13. pergilah, cuci tangan dan kaki!…lalu pergilah tidur disudut sana, dan jangan lupa pakailah atau rampaslah selimut bayi yang tebal itu!!….
      Mungkin dengan lari untuk berlindung serta bermeditasi dipegunungan Tibet, dapat mengurangi siksaan sebelum musnah!!

    14. Buat apa mengutip perkataan dari habitat iblis lintah parasit biadap itu??…bukankah habìtat biadap itu mengutip perkataan dari Kemanusiaan sebelumnya??…Dan setiap kemanusiaan itu bertumbuh sampai dengan sekarang dan selanjutnya!!…oleh sebab itu berhentilah menjadi budak!!

    15. When china is loosing, it's protectionist and ignores international copyright and patent laws. When it's not, does everything the same but complains if others even dare protectionism

    16. Germany are not satisfied by simply chop one of their pillar of industrial prowess that is cheap energy from russia. But they also want to chop the other pillar that is chinese market. It results in exodus of industry either to usa or to china. This is brexit level kind of idiocy. I need more popcorn for this

    17. If the EU blocks Chinese cars coming into the market the of course all EU cars will be banned 🚫 from China market. All those billions invested in China will go up in smoke. 🚬💸
      Not to mention, massive layoffs in the EU auto industry 🏃🏃‍♀️

    18. EU and Germany can be hypocrite whatever they want, but your market and your economy tell you the reality on the ground ie the end of Western domination is nigh.

    19. well, the chinese gonna dump all their excess ev to europe. if the european dont protect their own market, vw, stellantis or those crappy french auto company will simply get destroy in their own home turf. there just no way european manufacturer can compete with chinese state subsidized ev with almost non existence worker protection at 1/6 the cost. rather they like it or not, tariff and barrier r the only way to protect european company and workers.

    20. I wanna see Europe actually decoupling from china and Russia 😂😂😂. Chinese market is huge, imagine if chinese stop buying german cars and branded accessories.

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