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    Be advised that I own a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrencies and wish to remain transparent and impartial to the cryptocurrency community at all times. My content is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY and by NO MEANS financial advice. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video and all videos are solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss, and are HIGH RISK and should be used with caution. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results. This video and all videos on this channel are for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. Opinions are my own. Information is what is found publicly on the internet. All information is for public awareness, and is public domain. Please make sure you do you own research and use caution at all times.
    Some of the links above are directed to my own products or are affiliate links where I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. None of these videos are financial advice and are created for entertainment purposes only. Opinions are my own.


    1. I should of never listened to Gareth when he said it would go to 10k.. i should of took your advice when you said.. well peed off with myself .. i cant blame gareth for that … its on me ..smh

    2. In my humble opinion. Most folk shouldnt try and trade in crypto… Just buy and hold. Look longterm, delay gratification and gains. Remember the ABCs… Always BUY Crytpo. 😂I sell very little of any of my bag, only if I fancy treating the Mrs and Kids. Fact is, if you sell, you WILL regret it over the longterm. Even now when I'm selling some Crytpos, I just know I'll be referring to these days in 10 years time…

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