Israeli and Palestinian territories are not major oil producers, but if their conflict spreads to other parts of the region it could have major consequences for oil production and prices. Al Root, a senior writer for Barron’s, joined CBS News to discuss what could happen.

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    1. Of course they will – the oil companies will use ANYTHING to raise their prices. It's disgusting they price gouge everyone while a terrible conflict ensues.

    2. Prices “could” rise. The media is essentially green-lighting fossil fuel price hikes. The same crap happens whenever they report about inflation. Price gouging.

    3. This price gouging needs to stop! We bombed all the wrong middle eastern countries. The connection to the price of gas is Republicans in Texas sold our means of producing it to the Saudi's. Our critical infrastructure should not be owned by foreign entities.

    4. What does higher oil prices have to do with the conflict in Israel/Gaza? No oil disruption, business as usual. This isn't the first time there have been major problems in this area, in fact the Syria conflict is still a major problem, so why raise oil prices? Speculators will try to cash in.

    5. The only way to true energy independence is to stop our addiction to oil. The oil companies and OPEC have been pulling our chain for 50 years now. The faster we transition to EV's, clean, safe dependable local public transportation and higher speed rail between cities 250 to 500 miles apart the healthier and richer we will all be.

    6. We're paying nearly $7/gallon here in California. At this point CAN IT GO ANY HIGHER? If so, how tf will this be sustainable by Americans??????

    7. We are going to see 8 dollars 💵 or higher watch and see it’s going to get crazy .then when Americans can’t pay for it anymore will see civil unrest in the likes we have never seen

    8. So Biden gives $6B in tax dollars in hostage trade, one month later war. But there is NO CONNECTION. NOPE. NADA. They promised us they'd only spend it on food and clothing for the poor. So in no way was one US dollar spent of this war. You believe this, right?!? Pleeeeease!!!

    9. If we only had oil in our national emergency oil reserves. But incompetent, 48 years of failure Biden sold that to the Chinese.

    10. If you are looking to ease the burden of a higher price of gasoline at the pump, then buy some oil stocks. That's how I like to protect myself from geopolitical risks in the middle east.

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