Ripple XRP $17.7 TRILLION EARTHQUAKE!!! The NSA Leaked Who’s Behind Bitcoin! (BREAKING CRYPTO NEWS) Get Started Here 📲

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    #Crypto #XRP #Ripple


    The opinions expressed in this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended as investment advice. All investments and trading carry risks. Before making any financial decisions, you should conduct your own research and consult with professionals.

    The Bullrunners are not licensed financial or investment advisors. Their content, whether it be videos, articles, or any other form of media, is intended solely for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. Relying on this content for financial decisions is done at your own risk.

    While we emphasize the potential of hard work and dedication, this is not a program promoting overnight success. We stand by the values of hard work, integrity, and continuous skill development for achieving online income. By law, we cannot guarantee any results or financial outcomes from using our products, services, or any products we mention. The average individual typically sees little to no results, largely due to inaction. Any references or examples provided are real and documented but are used strictly for illustrative purposes.

    Your individual success will be influenced by a variety of factors, some of which include your background, experience, and work ethic. Cryptocurrencies, like all investments, come with risks, including potential financial losses. If you’re unwilling to accept these risks, DO NOT engage in any purchases or investments based on the recommendations or mentions in this video. Particularly, refrain from buying any cryptocurrencies or NFTs mentioned herein. Viewers in the United States are advised to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations associated with cryptocurrencies and should review official websites for guidance. Remember: results are not typical, so don’t be typical. Always be proactive, informed, and, as we like to say, stay bullish!


    1. 🔥 Like & Subscribe If You’re Bullish. Click Here To Get Started 📲

      Watch out for impersonators and scammers in the comments. We will never ask you to message us, txt a number, or reach out on WhatsApp or telegram asking for money or crypto.

      As always, past results don’t guarantee future profits. Common sense would suggest that It takes solid risk management, patience, and persistence to make money with crypto. We do not guarantee any results nor are we financial advisors so don’t buy anything we talk about. This is all public information and Results aren’t typical….. so don’t be typical 😉

    2. Now that Amazons AEF23X is around its all about the question when and how much. I prefer this over ATOM, ALGO, L2 based ones and whatsoever

    3. I feel that the last bull run was bolstered by all the money being printed. Major returns next bull run but I think they will be tamer in my humble opinion. A 10x on AEF23X is and a 15x on polygon are fair considering how much those two coins are interwov

    4. I will forever appreciate🎉 this channel, you've helped me a lot, your videos, advice and lessons are inspirational helpful to us, I was able to make $74,000 in one month with a capital of $16,000 trading with an experience expert who guided me through out my trading.. you're such a blessing to this generation, we all love you

    5. Not all bears operates in the same way. So many are led to believe that BTC has to operate perfectly on a four year cycle that any mention of the words "bear" seem to automatically mean falling prices and an accumulation phase that lasts 2-3 years. As we have showed, it is more complicated than a simple four year cycle that can be repeated every four years from now until all the supply has been released. There are much more complications than some would have you believe. In this video we just stick to the data, not appealing to the emotions of those who choose to ignore it. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 19' btc with 7 btc from day trading with Diana Kimmel in a few weeks ..

    6. Please I need someone to help me trade or invest in the market because I'm tired of trading in losses myself. I've blown my account twice and it's frustrating.

    7. Guys, I don't know why you're wasting your time here when you can already be earning in Cannafarm ltd. I'm even making money with just 500 bucks, no risks or delays

    8. I'm waiting for Bitcoin halving to increase my capital, but for now, I'm keeping my capital in Cannafarm ltd. They provide stable growth for my investments

    9. I heard that few years ago, calling Bitcoin as the Beta Version…….and Schwartz as the developer been XRP the end product…..

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