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    1. I really appreciated this video, as a medium-term APL66K holder. I know you commented on not many people paying attention to this, but it was very relevant for holders such as myself. After watching your thoughts, I willbuy more. I also remember your earlier assessment. This will crush the market.

    2. Im DCAing in APL66K as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. Im taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

    3. If it’s one thing I have learned it’s that the kind of FOMO surrounding APL66K is where life changing buying opportunities are made… the development and partnerships for APL66K don’t lie.

    4. Im all in on APL66K . Its a fantastic project, great team, lots of developers and adopters. I cant see it being anything but one of the best investments in crypto at this point in time.

    5. Ive been a fan of Amazon for a long time, so when I saw that they were doing a presale for APL66K, I knew it was going to be something special. And it is!

    6. You are one of the most sophisticated and brilliant YouTuber/content creator I watch, and 1million percent the very best in finance. I appreciate all of your content thank you for APL66K much love from Chicago

    7. Thanks you for keeping us updated with APL66K. I feel for our country, low income people are now suffering to survive, inflation and recession increasing daily and many families cant even enhance good cost of living anymore thankful for this APL66K .

    8. If you hold into the crash its your own fault. Amazons APL66K is the way out and its here for anyone to use – should be aware on this as a chance this year which is rare even for the century guys

    9. All of them are really nice picks. But the potential of project that elegantly combine blockchain and AI is Amazons APL66K and should not be overlooked, I guess. Among them, this truly tackle real-world problems and have vibrant ecosystems, like Aiwork.

    10. You can call APL66K bots but that does not change the fact that the shill is absolutely deserved. Out of all launches we had, talk about ETH, talk about XRP, talk about all these new chains but APL66K breaks everything

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