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    Customer Notice –Past performance – Future performance is Important when trading Silver and gold, GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ, and mining stocks. Sp500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq and general trading any stocks in the stock market. The past of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing past performance. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect future performance. The future performance of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of current or past performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing future claims of performance, as these are based on assumptions. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect future performance. The information contained in on this page is education only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation nor needs have been taken into consideration. Accordingly you should consider how appropriate the advice (if any) is to those objectives, financial situation and needs, before acting on the advice



    1. For the 1 millionth, 487th thousandth, 923rd time this year- the prediction is a gdx, sil, gold and silver bull run. First of all, GDX and SIL never even moved up during the gold and silver V bounce. Mining companies are run by complete BOZOS. Why the f-ck do they need to go down further again to establish a bull market run-up? They never even went up with the recent 10% move up in gold and silver. Total SCAM. SCAMerica is the most corrupt country in history.

    2. Hurry pump BTC to take away from real gold being sucked up from the market! Shits getting real! Wait for a 7 percent 10 year! And 14 percent mortgages.

    3. Didn't gold gap up somewhere around the $1850 mark in the last 3 weeks? I heard somewhere along the way that gaps are always filled. Could be in the next 3 months or 30 years but they always get filled. Is there any truth to this?

    4. Hi, John, my biggest long holdings in miners are BTG and AEM. Unfortunately, I got in them at high prices in 2021. Hopefully, I can recover my loses. Minor positions GOLD, EXK, AG, SVM, EQX

    5. I like BGL for gold and PDN and DYL for uranium, recently sold out of CXO and LTR for lithium but may buy LTR back much cheaper once acquisition issues are resolved.

    6. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. All the fundamentals and technicals suggest that Precious Metals will explode anytime soon. I've been hearing that "it's just around the corner" for the last fifteen years and that silver is gold on steroids. PM's are a threat to Fiat currencies and the reserves thereof. People have to realize that they're fighting the central banks and the whole western financial system. The gold price jumped recently on a war news. Nothing more. In addition to the head wind such as higher energy costs and real interest rates, the price is still held under the thumb of the gold suppression cartel. I can make a case for ludicrous prices using M1, M2 and the de-listed M3 by Alan Greenspan in March 2006.
      I think, and I could be wrong, but gold will only shoot up in spades when China puts its foot down. When that happen, the west will of course kick and scream like a 16 year old girl seeking attention. Only when gold is above $3000 will PM shares catch a bid with the trend following masses. Having some physical is fine but don't bet the farm. Then there's storage and security issues thereof. PM shares (especially silver) are more speculative than Bitcoin. Try to get some undervalued quality productive assets for most of your investable cash and enjoy life.

    7. The first lesson to learn in technical analysis is that charts are painted.
      You're trading against algorithmic machines who see and produce the same charts you're seeing.
      That means you're at the casino table with the odds against you.
      You're only defense is combining your learning with security analysis, fundamental analysis and a boatload of patience and temperance. When all the stars align, you may win.

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