Andrew Tate on turning $600,000 to $12,000,000 in the last cryptocurrency bullrun.


    1. How you gonna trade your bitcoin if there’s a fucking war or something where cash is useless and you think your bitcoin is gonna save the day meanwhile there’s no internet

    2. yea, that was really cool when Bitcoin hit $100k I remember that. For this math to work he bought at $5k and sold at $100k. perfect trade.

    3. Even a gambler will ge luck sometimes. Usually at the cost of others. BTC is not functional as a currency and has no real enterprise uses. BTC is too slow, too costly and will not scale. BTCs only value comes from mining and it is on a loosing track. Right now the energy cost eats up 55.27% of the returns. What happens in Apr. when it halves again? If the price is the same the energy cost would be 110.54% of your profits. Energy cost are increasing. Also way better crypto out. “Hedera Hbar”. It is adopted by some of the worlds largest companies and has done over 27.6 billion transactions. Over 223 million a day. Now doing over 2,580 per sec. Hedera is 200 million times less energy dependent than BTC. It’s way faster, Proven ABFT secure, less costly and scalable. BTC has yet to do 1 billion tx in its life time and it is 9 years older than Hedera. Search (Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index) updated daily by Cambridge.

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