Marc Faber told me that he’s not bullish on the future of China, and that is making him worried about the future of different commodities.

    Although Marc likes #gold, he’s not sure now is the right time to start going heavy on it. He also told me that #miningstocks offer better value than physical gold and #silver.

    We also discussed the different conflicts around the world, and their effects on the commodities market, as well as the topic of #dedollarization. Marc thinks that all of those conflicts now challenge #UShegemony.

    00:00 intro
    01:20 is the US empire done?
    08:27 how important is the Niger conflict?
    10:50 are the conflicts a buying or a selling opportunity?
    12:45 Is the Myanmar conflict getting resolved?
    16:55 Can we go back to the roaring 20s?
    19:50 why is China investing billions in commodities if they’re not bullish?
    28:30 mining stocks vs physical gold & silver
    31:26 what part of the world is Marc bullish on?
    34:15 are mining stocks in Canda really safe?
    37:05 could the Canadian government take away mining assets?
    40:06 what are the main problems for commodities?
    42:50 why has Marc been bearish all these years?
    46:00 what’s the difference between bearish early & being wrong?
    48:00 Marc Faber closing thoughts


    1. I cracked up laughing when I saw him light a cigarette 😆 He’s the John Wayne of finance… although his past predictions haven’t been so accurate…

    2. How does an economist still not understand the means and the ends? Nobody wants a war just as nobody wants to work. These are the means. All people accept the means of war and work for some ends.

    3. As soon as the government of Niger can print their own money and have their sovereignty back, yes it might be a good investment. But as long as you do not know that they have their sovereignty back it looks very tricky to me.

    4. Love Dr. Faber with his down to earth common sense, this young man tries to figure it out through old champions how it works but has no idea what real money is. He asks good questions but I can hear from it that he has no real inside of it all. Besides this guy has no sense of humor at all what is a very disturbing sign.

    5. It is an extraordinary claim that there are Neo-Cons in the US that want China to invade Taiwan. He really needed to be challenged on this (but I understand that you may have had other priorities in terms of the questions you wanted to ask him and so let it go).

    6. Work is force times distance, involving weight. Positions and opinions involve talking, seeking free credits and IOUs buying and sell. Few are interested in work. The internet has created a new global boom in free money, free IOUs. Money is gold and is never free requiring work. IOUs are what people want, free power. Humanity is now deep into the IOU hoax pretending IOUs are money. In gold, the Dow is the same in 2022 as 1929, no increase in gold money. In IOUs up from $360 to $36,000, a fake hoax. Protect yourself.

    7. I worry the Baby Boomers in the West have a death wish, a hate campaign against their fathers and the government. They may get their wish. The governments run by baby boomers are poor quality and poor performers.

    8. I've heard more than once by people claiming South America will be insulated during a world War.
      It's just when that kind of thinking gets popular that something will pop off. Argentina gor instance taking the Falklands again.
      Border disputes between Chili amd its neighbors Who knows????
      But don't count South America out of any potw till future conflicts.

    9. Well, 2024 is in 1 months and things are not improving. I am beginning to look at high-yield dividend stocks. The bond market is not the most lucrative, and buying bonds as the only alternative after selling 200k worth of equities is stupid. I might turn to cash soon. Yes, the annuity payouts are nice, but obviously can just get you by. Any ideas?

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