A Ukrainian special forces commander played a key role in sabotaging the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September last year, reports said Saturday.

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    1. Absolute garbage. They are currying favour with certain people. I don’t need to mention. Macron is on his way out and are they going the way of Russia or Hamas or both. Well it’s both whatever you think. Such a disappointment is Macron. Zero courage 😊

    2. This guy is on trial for revealing a Ukraine airfield to the FSB – could he be working for Putin? Is this man, who looks like a drunkard, really a Special Forces agent of Ukraine? Not in my book!

    3. It’s not Ukraine but US Navy and CIA, who destroyed Nordstream with help of Norway. It will need lot of expertise to dive deep underwater, plant charges and sabotage pipeline. Looks like Uncle Sam is tired of Zelensky and throwing them under the bus 😂

    4. Ukraine doesn't even have a boat that could get to the Nordstream Pipeline, I call BS, there are bolt 2 countries that could pull this off, the US or Britain

    5. It looks like the Washington Post may have been duped by a disinformation operation. It seems a bit far fetched that sophisticated sabotage against multiple targets at a depth between 75 and 90 meters with hundreds of kilograms of explosives was all carried out from a sailboat. It is also important to note that Russian naval vessels, including one with a submersible suitable for this sort of thing, were photographed in the vicinity in the week prior. Russia remains the prime suspect in my opinion.

    6. This is just Scapegoat used by US to convict Innocent Ukrainian. Nord stream 2 pipeline I'm 100% sure is dirty work of Americans. They wanted full control of EU by having them to buy LNG gas from US. Biden himself warned there will be no Nord stream 2 if Russian invaded Ukraine. Europeans politicians are Stupid and following US blindly will ruin their economies for century. Already Germany economy is in turmoil

    7. Ukraine never did, do or will do anything bad or even what could be just perceived as bad PR, everything is always Russias fault by default, and when in doubt or when evidence dares to suggest anything different, its still Russias fault and also fake news and you're Russian bot for doubting our holy Ukraine and her saint president.

    8. Just as not all Russians are loyal to Russia, not all Ukraineans are loyal to Ukraine. Could Ukraineans in a boat be involved in the explosion near Bornholm – yes. Thats the one explosion where there is "no pipe missing", meaning a small directional charge of a few kilograms, could sever the pipe. The other 3 explosions near Sweden have 40 meters missing, so that is a charge much to big for divers in a yacht to handle. Therefore it is reasonable to assume, 2 teams were involved in the endeveur – the team doing the Swedish explosions coming from Kronstadt naval base just outside Sct. Petersburg. And that is also where you find the ultimate planner and financer of this project.

    9. Wow so this is how the west revises history and then an author is found to cement the revised version into text book for the next generation to read and be misinformed.
      This man doesn't have the capability to do what was done… Ukraine doesn't have the skills to do this, we all know who stormed and destroyed Nordstrom they already told us that they did it.

    10. I wonder what the West is trying to achieve with this. Well, well, they will produce a hell of a lot of versions, for the Western idiots one will suit them and they will recognize it as true. Suppose that one of the Ukrainians is imprisoned, they will say, they found everything, everything is great. And then the Western pipelines and cables along the ocean floor will simply collapse all at once. P.ch. It is not enough to convince the Western dullard viewer of some version; this will not save him from a retaliatory strike. And he will. If the United States does not take the blame.

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