Lynette Zhang Changed My ENTIRE Prediction On Silver Price Here’s Why! Last Warning

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    This is a very big deal and what this really tells me is that Traders see some of the writing on the wall and they are buying gold and overwhelming the fed’s ability to keep that price suppressed join Lynette Zang as she demystifies the art of wealth preservation in today’s Financial

    Landscape this video isn’t just informative it’s a blueprint for using physical gold and silver as anchors in securing your prosper it amid Market volatility discover why these Timeless assets are indispensable for fortifying your financial stronghold against the uncertainties of the modern economy you would have loaded up on that in no time

    If you understood what was happening today so it’s critically important for you to have a plan and a strategy because I’m going to show you their plan and their strategy right now so let’s get let’s get just get started the rising financialization of the US economy what

    Does that mean that means that it that financialization is where Wall Street becomes more important than Main Street and it is critically important and the financial crisis in 20087 89 should have shown you who the government and the central banks think is the most important because you and I

    Did not get B bailed out it was Wall Street and the banking system that got bailed out and what happened in the most recent crisis right who really got bailed out it was not you or me we’ve been having to deal with the aftermath of the inflation that they utilize to make

    Things to paper over things and make things look okay while in reality what they’re really doing and what these Financial products really do is transfer that risk from the few from the 1% from the powers that be to the many to the public and we are the ones that always

    Pay let me show you what I mean and I’ve talked about this in previous videos as well this is the financial services sector controls a widening SWAT of the US economy and here it is this is going back to 19440 where it was a little bit more

    Than 10% well now it’s closer to 25% or at least in 2020 it would be higher than that today three years later and that 25% actually controls much more of the GDP in the global economy us Bureau of economic analysis data show that financial sector profits and their share of GDP have skyrocketed

    Skyrocketed since the 1970s what happened in the 1970s our government handed over full control of inflation to a private bank the Federal Reserve well who benefits because since then everything everything everything has been turned into a financial product because it is so critically important that the banks make their profit not how

    You and I are in the prices that you and I pay but the banks make their profit and so they created derivatives now look derivatives speculative derivatives derivatives have been around for a long time if I were a farmer and I’m planting my crops in the spring and I’m not going

    To be able to harvest them until the fall I have no idea what the weather conditions are going to be what the water conditions are going to be if I’m going to recoup my costs from planting this crop and all the costs associated with it if I’m going to make a profit am

    I going to be able to stay around so a derivative for a farmer ensures it’s an insurance contract right he can buy or she can buy a derivative contract that ensures that their corn or their soy or whatever they’re growing that they at least break even so they can live for

    Another day if they don’t need it okay it goes away it’s just the cost of insurance but if they do need it it can save their lives and we can see that this is this is 50% right there that red line that’s 50% so Banks actually this past quarter generated over

    51.7% of their profits from Trading these speculative derivatives and it’s taken more and more speculation to generate these Prof products I mean these profits and so what is that really telling you that there is a lot more risk in the banking SE system and since 2013 they created these different

    Products to consolidate the trades and so every single entity whether it’s the FDIC the Federal Reserve the bank for international settlements any of them admit openly that no one no one no one really knows the true value at risk when you’re looking at these charts and graphs all

    You’re really seeing is the market the current market valuation of these contracts which are all counterparty risk what financial asset does not run counterparty risk according to the bank for international settlements gold is the only financial asset not one of two or three or four or five the only financial asset

    That does not run counterparty risk deeper Pockets deeper wells that’s what’s basically going on here whoever is doing this doesn’t give a damn about the small people well it’s Traders they don’t give a damn about that they only care about profits last year almost 50 00 domestic Wells went

    Dry Statewide and the state auditor reported almost a million Californians had no safe drinking water in their homes today the people of Woodville drink bottled water H so whatever you have pumped to your home is going to cost you more and now you have to go out and buy water now

    I know a lot of people do buy water that creates some other things as well but my point here is everything has been turned into a financial product and it’s all controlled by Traders so that creates a problem for the central banks that are raising or low lowering rates in an

    Attempt to control inflation because what they’re really depending upon is a true supply and demand Market but what they’re really playing with is Wall Street and that derivatives Market this is a very big deal and what this really tells me is that Traders see some of the

    Writing on the wall and they are buying gold and overwhelming the feds ability to keep that price suppressed which Camp do you want to be in you have to decide for yourself do you want the traders to control your wealth and and they’re all overvalued because of that because it really doesn’t matter

    And this era of cheap money is over at least for now or do you want to control it this puts you at the driver’s seat why do you think they had to take gold out of the money system to begin with because when we were on a gold standard

    If you did not like what the governments were doing you simply walked into the bank with well a $20 bill I’ve one but you walked in for a $220 Bill and you walked out with an ounce of gold well that created restrictions around what the government could do they

    Did not like it plus corporations wanted to pay you less and less well on a gold standard that really didn’t happen I’m not saying there wasn’t an EB and flow but it was simply an EB and flow so they had to convert US to the Fiat money

    System which is just you know their ability to print all that garbage right and control the value of what they were Printing and take gold out of the system so governments had no limitations on the level of debt that they could grow which certainly were at a peak it’s a big

    Concern but also the ability of Corporations to pay you less and less because nominally it looks like you’re making more but in reality because inflation has robed robbed you of your purchasing power there is actually less and less value in these things in fact officially three cents as we conclude this

    Insightful journey into the realm of financial resilience Lynette zang’s Revelations highlight the indispensable role of physical gold and silver in securing wealth amidst Market fluctuations remember in today’s everchanging Financial landscape these Timeless assets serve as steadfast guardians of prosperity arm Med with this knowledge fortify your financial

    Future and stay tuned by liking sharing and subscribing to our channel for more empowering insights to navigate the complexities of our economic world thank You h


    1. What's happened since the 70's is that the U.S. went from being the world's biggest creditor nation to the most indebted. The horror stories of becoming slaves to debt are coming true on a national scale. None of us can control the entire system, but we can control our own personal finances. I'd suggest reducing personal and household debt as much as you can, preferably eliminating it altogether. GLTA.

    2. Ok. zzzz. Zzzzzz. With the invasion of America currently going on, where can an average American safely store gold. It's better to buy lead; because your going to need that to protect any gold you may have.

    3. why are people listening to this woman… she's just a shill… ive been watching the silver market since 2009… suddenly this woman pops up like.. a year ago spouting off like she knows something but all she does is make over the top claims for views. so unbearable. just like 99% of the gold/silver shills that LEGIT have said the same crap for 15 years in different ways and none of it happens.

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