Miles Deutscher from Crypto Banter reveals his full strategy to find the next 100x crypto meme coin, following the recent Solana and BONK meme coin season.

    Trade the latest meme coins and claim up to $5,000 in bonuses + a 10% deposit cashback ๐Ÿ‘‰

    0:00 – Intro
    4:35 – What Is Meme Coin Trading?
    7:34 – 5-Step Plan
    9:50 – Step 1
    14:50 – Step 2
    17:11 – Step 3
    21:54 – Step 4
    24:31 – Step 5
    27:07 – How To Execute A Meme Coin Trade
    32:33 – Take Profit Strategy
    36:20 – Outro

    Do you want to find 100x meme coins in the crypto Market if so you’ve come to the perfect video because today I’m going to be running you through my full guide for finding crypto memecoins and successfully executing memec coin trades over the past few weeks we’ve seen meme

    Coins especially on the salana network go absolutely crazy you have Bonk which has hit a valuation of $1.5 billion there’s also a token called anal Los which is made people hundreds of thousands of dollars one of the creators that I follow on Twitter wck fencer made over

    350X on his initial investment in just 3 days time and of course earlier in the year Pepe made people millionaires after it pulled off a 1,000x gain this was one that I was lucky enough to catch and give to my followers and this was one of

    My best trades of the year so we know how explosive mem coins can be when mem coin season pops off but how can you actually capitalize on this because you probably scroll through Twitter or YouTube and hear about all these success stories hear about people making millions of dollars through meme coins

    But how can you actually put yourself in a position to do it yourself well in today’s video I’m going to cover the basics of meme coin investing how to find strong meme coins in the crypto Market how to research meme coins before buying to make sure that you’re actually

    Buying a decent project with potential the best memec coin buying strategy as well as giving you my full guide to taking profits on mem coins so you can actually change your life this is going to be I hope the most comprehensive meme coin guide on YouTube so if your friends

    Or anyone else you know are interested in trading memec coins make sure to share this video with them because I’m going to cover all the basics that you need to get started in a market which can be overwhelming but the concepts are actually surprisingly simple and I’m

    Going to show you the exact strategies for finding meme coins including my favorite dashboards tools and crypto accounts that post some amazing memec coin setups before we get into that make sure if you aren’t already to click the Subscribe button down below over 64% of my audience actually isn’t subscribed

    That watches my videos and every single week I post crypto Alpha altcoin guides tips tricks airdrops and more to help you succeed in the crypto market and also while you’re at it click that notification Bell only 26% of people have the Bell turned on for my channel

    But of course it does pay to be early when it comes to crypto there was a video that I did a week ago that if you were early and watched that video when it came out there was a window of around 2 days for you to actually receive an

    Airdrop that ended up being sizable and resulted in some of my followers making $1 155,000 plus do so in crypto because of information asymmetry it’s always worth being early that’s why I suggest if you do enjoy these videos to click the notification Bell below as well so

    Let’s start when it comes to memec coin investing let’s talk about firstly what you need to know before you invest in mem coins about the world of mcoin investing now there’s this Theory called the castle in the air theory that I want to run you through and it’s basically a

    Theory that was made popular in 1936 by John Maynard ke a famous economist and also investor who stated that investors try to build sort of castles in the air and think of the probable price rise in the future rather than estimating the intrinsic values of stocks or in this

    Case crypto so what does this mean well it means that in certain verticals the psychology of the market becomes more important than the underlying fair value of a stock or a crypto in the market so the traditional theory is the Firm Foundation theory in economics and this essentially states that you can value

    The intrinsic underlying value of a stock or any other asset but the castle in the air Theory more speaks to the psychology of investors to try and not predict the intrinsic value of an asset but speculate on the fact that future people are going to speculate on the

    Asset and this is the best theory that I can use to describe meme coin investing because your goal it’s not to invest in an asset that you think is intrinsically valuable unlike some other infrastructure crypto plays the whole goal here is to try and build positions in coins before other investors start

    Buying so your goal is to speculate on the fact that other people are going to speculate so today’s video is going to be geared around the tools that can give you the ability to do exactly that of course this makes mem coin investing a gamble so I must say that before I get

    Into this video it is highly risky and this is because meme coins have less fundamental drivers than your typical investment therefore you have to treat it kind of like a casino you can think of mem coins as the games at a casino this is the blackjack table the roulette

    Table the slot machines and you can think of the l1s like ethereum and salana as well as the exchanges as the house these are the beneficiaries that aren’t ring on success uccessful investing or the game but they are simply taking a clip of the fees from this trading so you have to remember

    That the house in crypto always wins and in this case the house being the layer ones are some of the greatest beneficiaries when you do see an uptick in network activity which is triggered often times by speculation through mcoin investing so ethereum is a good example it’s sort a massive spike in its

    Deflationary aspect when network activity increased during the Pepe run during May and the current salana example is probably the best one because transactions and network activity have spiked amidst what has been a crazy meme coin season and of course this means salana generates more fees but it also

    Means more people are buying into Soul because salana is one of the tokens that denominates a lot of these memec coin trades this is increased demand for salana and the overall metrics in the ecosystem have also given Soul attributed to it a higher valuation as a

    Result so as you can see salana has been a major benefit beneficiary from this so these are your kind of indirect ways to gain exposure to the mem coin world it’s simply I guess by having exposure to the top exchangers and the top layer ones because they are beneficiaries but the

    Difference between meme coin investing and something like roulette at a traditional casino is the fact that in roulette you can see the number zero here right this zero is what gives the casino The Edge so whenever you bet at a rouet table the casino roughly has

    Around a 5% house Edge on you thanks to this zero if it was just red and black and it had an even amount of numbers then theoretically betting on red or black if they paid out 2 to one would be exactly 50/50 but it’s not 50/50 because there’s the extra number that allows

    Them to take an edge memec coin investing is slightly different and investing in general is slightly different in the sense that yes it is a gamble but it’s an educated gamble which allows you to tip the odds slightly in your favor if you execute good practices that I’m going to discuss in today’s

    Video so there are things that you can do to actually get the edge over the house unlike a traditional casino and this is what makes crypto such a tantalizing Prospect in general and I guess why so many people love it um because there’s that instant feedback loop of once you start implementing the

    Right strategies you can actually see results and over a long period of time you can develop an edge for yourself at the end of the day the most important thing as a crypto investor is to develop an edge over the rest of the market that is how you become a sustainable Trader

    Long term and that is exactly what today’s video is intended to do so now let’s go into the five-step plan in order for you to gain that edge I’ve broken it down in terms of mem coin trading to five steps that can help you find these 100x 1,000x 10,000x meme

    Coins um and actually gain an edge over the rest of the market and these theories can also be applied to traditional in uh crypto investing or Stock Investing but I do think that for meme coins it’s even more applicable because as we said we’re utilizing this Castle in theair Psychology theory of

    Markets to substantiate our trading strategy here the first unofficial step uh that I want to present to you is of course the fact that you’re going to need an exchange and you will need an exchange that has a lot of these meme coins listed personally I like to use an

    Exchange like bitg it has a lot of the major meme coins um like the the leading meme coins like I guess Bonk it’s got Pepe uh it’s got even some of the subsets of Pepe it’s got bone it’s got a bunch of these meme coins um it’s got

    The other dog coins it’s got shib um it’s got shib AI so you’re better off picking an exchange that has uh the propensity to list memes super quick this is obviously going to give you access uh to mem coins quicker so an exchange like bit can help you do

    Exactly that I’ve left a link in the description below that will give you up to $5,000 worth of bonuses as well as a 10% deposit cash back for your deposits they also have a direct Fiat onramp which doesn’t charge you fees for you to onramp currency into the crypto

    Ecosystem also if you sign up exclusively using my link you’ll get access to their current winter trading promotion where if you trade you can win up to one Bitcoin and a $500 Amazon Christmas gift card but this is only until the 24th of December so if you do

    Want to sign up now would be a good time to use my link in the description and of course this is important when it comes to memec coin trading to actually have an exchange which has a lot of these listings now there are of course dexas

    Which are going to give you access to some of the smaller projects that’s also something we’re going to discuss in today’s video but memec coin investing is split up into two categories you have your leading um memecoins which often get the big exchange listings and then you have your rotation are plays which

    Are the smaller more D gen plays that you will speculate on onchain and both have equally valid strategies that you can play into with different risk reward profiles so the first step to creating an edge when it comes to meme coin trading is the monitoring phase this is

    The step where you monitor which coins in the market are performing when it comes to mcoin investing and crypto trading in general because memecoins are generally more of a trade than a long-term investment you want to only invest in the coins that are gaining or showing strength and momentum there’s no

    Point longing a mcoin chart which looks absolutely dead it’s better off to capitalize on the hype and one way that you can visually represent or find hype is simply through monitoring price for meme coins the absolute best website for doing this is a website like Dex tools

    If you go on the Dex board which is their homepage you can look at some of the daily gainers which can help you spot these meme coin pumps something I like doing is going into the hot peirs section or scrolling down to their dashboard and scanning some of the top

    Coins that are pumping for me to research further if there’s a coin that I’m seeing repeated days in a row so let’s see 2 3 four five days in a row that’s in the top 10 that’s a good indication to me that that trend is super hot

    Now once I have those coins I usually note them down over a period of a few days once I have like a sample size of coins that are performing well over a few day period I’ll conduct further research on them and what I’ll do is I’ll also filter by a few things firstly

    Liquidity coins with less than 10K liquidity I mean it’s not good enough it’s hard to trade I prefer 20K plus also I’m looking for coins with over 10K swaps primarily see this o coin has it um this shoes coin has it this is just today I’m sure tomorrow and the day

    After you’re watching this video the meme coins will be completely different and I also like coins with uh volume in the millions a lot of these don’t have volume in the millions so what I like to do is I like to click on custom filters

    And start to set minimums so I’ll set a minimum in 24-hour volume I’ll set a minimum of $10,000 in swaps and I’ll put a minimum of let’s say $20,000 in liquidity and I’ll try and use these filters to find altcoins which hit my minimum requirements otherwise you’re

    Going to be running into a bunch of meme coins which can simply be rugs so obviously they can still be rugs at this stage we’re going to get into how to work out if they’re not a rug slightly later in the video but at least by doing

    This filtering you get a slightly better idea of how much momentum and legitimacy a mcoin trade has in the market because you’re kind of filtering out some of the falsified metrics but Dex tools 100% as the best meme coin Alpha and if you click on live new pairs you can also

    Especially if you’re active or full-time in the crypto space um see the new listings as soon as they happen so the whole monitoring phase the whole idea of this phase is to find the coins once you find the coins that tick your boxes then you go into the next steps that I’m

    About to show you to work out whether it’s not investing in because you may develop over a period of a few days a list of 20 meme coins which look strong and fit your criteria but there are a few steps which are going to filter these down even further to find coins

    That are actually worth getting into and have a higher probability of succeeding if you don’t want to use Dex tools um or you simply want another way to visualize things I a website like banter bubbles can also be a good way to do this you can set a filtration by certain market

    Cap echelons and you can use this to visually scan tokens over predetermined time periods that are performing well so you can see over the past week in the 900 to 1,000 range omami WiFi shft and vcx have been some of the strongest performers so this can also be a good

    Visual way for you to find what alts are pumping alongside Dex tools and you can try and find over happing between the two as well I’ve got another tip for step one here and this is creating Twitter lists so a lot of creators are going to be finding these memec coins

    And making good calls and you’re probably seeing your Twitter feet in undated with uh people Shilling their profits from meme coins at the moment whenever you find a creator that has done something good right it doesn’t mean that every call in the future is

    Going to be a banger by the way but if you’ve seen one that has a decent track record simply add them to a Twitter list call it the memes list add creators that you see performing well over time and then you can create your own customized Twitter feed curated feed over time

    Which you can remove people and add people to refine it over time that’s going to be your ultimate meme coin Twitter feed this can help you filter through the Dex tools process easier because you might start to see overlap with certain tokens that big creators that you like their content and that you

    Trust are posting about uh that also overlap with certain rises in price and it can also be a good way to jump on new trends cuz a lot of the time like it or not creators on crypto Twitter are going to set the trends and if you see

    Creators setting the trends for a certain token or a subset of tokens I mean just based on the fact that a lot of creators are talking about it that can be enough of a substantiates are um and how important that is so after you have this list of

    Tokens this list of meme coins based on the previous steps that I’ve given you through Dex tools banter Bubbles and Twitter now the next step is to verify the culture of the token remember meme coins like all coins but specifically memecoins only succeed if they have a strong Community sometimes in crypto

    Technology can overarch the lack of community if the tech is so fundamentally strong that big players become interested in buying the token or if the deflationary or the tokenomics Lend themselves to price appreciation without a big Community but in meme coins memes are culture this is by

    Nature what meme coins are so in this sector Community trumps any other variable meme coins are hype trades the stronger the community the more hype the more buzz and the more likelihood that you get that Network effect of people pouring into the token once a lot of

    People pour into the token that’s when they start getting big exchange listings and once one big exchange listed often times more exchanges will list cuz they don’t want to miss out on a slice of the pie when it comes to trading volume so this is why the number one thing is the

    Meme itself so the meme must be funny it must be entertaining it must be easy to understand for the general public so beyond these points a couple of things that you can do is see whether the tokens are being talked about on Twitter on telegram on Discord is the token

    Trending across these platforms is it seeing a significant uptick in Google Trends Google Trends can be a great retail indicator cuz often times that’s where they’re going to search for these tokens another thing you can do and this is super important check the community in the engagement rate on their posts

    Now sometimes these are botted and faked be aware of that but it’s still a good Gauger for how strong a community is Bon for example look at the crazy engagement you’re seeing on Bon’s posts you can see the community is very loyal and if you

    Look at a lot of the comments you can also get a feel for how strong the community is another thing you can do is simply search up a Ticker on Twitter you can search Bonk then you can go to latest posts yes there are a lot of bots

    On Twitter but you can still see who’s talking about it a big Creator is talking about it if you go to the top posts it has got a lot of Buzz people speaking favorably about it these are all things that you can do when it comes

    To due diligence to verify that a token does in fact have a strong culture so now you verified tokens that look good from a price perspective a trend point of view and a height point of view now you verified the meme is strong now it’s time to research the fundamentals so

    Admittedly in mcoin trading fundamentals are less important than typical investing however having a strong idea of the underlying fundamentals can help you spot outliers and can also make sure you avoid rugs because the major problem with memec coin investing is it’s very easy to get rugged and it’s very easy to

    Sync money before you hit your winner so it’s it’s all about staying in the game because if you invest $100 in 10 meme coins and they all go to zero then even if the 11th meme coin that you were going to invest in was that 100x you you’ve ruined your opportunity to hit

    That 100 100x so it’s very important to do this filtration to make sure that you’re limiting the amount of times you get wrecked rugged or your investment goes to zero so there are a few things to make sure you not only avoid that but also maximize your mecoin Investments

    The first thing is ask yourself who are the team I mean at the end of the day the team are the project these are the people responsible for coordinating the marketing making sure there’s proper hype of course the community takes it into their own hands but a lot of it is

    Manufactured by the team and the initiatives of the team are they a dox team if not don’t worry most aren’t doxed but have they at least shown competence in building hype the next thing you can look at is the tokenomics go on their white paper on their website

    And work out what are the tokenomics like is there dilution to come so are tokens going to be dumping onto the market as per their vesting schedule or is their burning mechanisms which are positive for the project many mem coins are now actually implementing Burns uh based on trading so when trading

    Increases they clip fees and then burn ear tokens that can be a great thing for the price of the token now as I said these questions are less important than when researching a legit project but it still really matters when it comes to creating an edge and this is where you

    Get that extra Edge over the rest of the market who isn’t doing this additional due diligence so what you can do is take a checklist using the points of today’s video and tick them all off and work through them and refer back to this video next time you’re researching a

    Meme coin so you can save bookmark share this video so you have it for next time and next time you’re investing in a meme coin or trading a meme coin or just a hyped narrative or coin in general come back to this video and use this checklist because uh I think it can

    Really help you when you’re going through the process of buying and trading these tokens the next thing that you have to do is as I said avoid rugs and exploits so although you can’t avoid this entirely and you have to be aware that it is a Gamble and you will take

    Losses sometimes there are two methods I use to avoid this the first method is d.y so d.y is a website where you can take the contract dress from coin gecko or coin market cap so I’ll use Pepe for an example cuz it is one of the biggest

    Meme coins you you can enter in the smart contract and what it will do is it’ll scan the smart contract for you so it analyzes a variety of factors as you can see in front of you to work out if there’s suspicious activity is there enough liquidity what’s the rug pool

    Risk like could it be a Honeypot are there locks and it highlights some of the major risks for Pepe it gave it a 100 out of 100 score but for other meme coins it may not be so favorable so of course this isn’t the be all and end all

    There are meme coins that are inevitably going to pump with low scores but it does help you size a risk uh this can be one of the variables that helps you determine whether you’re going with $100 position or whether you’re going with a $1,000 position I also use this in

    Tandem with bubble Maps so on Bubble maps you can do the exact same thing you can enter in a token once you search the token it can give you a map of the token distribution this helps you see how much much of the tokens are being held by one

    Entity and how much of the liquidity is in certain exchanges you can see binance holds a majority of liquidity then okx then buybit then then there’s a dead non-active address which holds the rest and then the first wallet which isn’t owned by an exchange um are these

    Wallets here number nine and number 10 these are likely wallets of either extremely large whales but probably initial team members and advisers you can see whether these wallets are connected as well because if you see token distribution is 50% skewed in the hands of one or two wallets or one set

    Of wallets that are connected to each other then it may not be uh the lowest risk coin um it might be higher risk and it could indicate either a higher chance of a rug pull or dumping so this is a very cool tool that you can use alongside d.f to actually work out

    Whether uh a token from a tokenomics perspective is safe to invest in so now you’ve done some due diligence on the fundamentals and the tokenomics let’s discuss step number four and step number four is more of a theoretical decision that you have to make as an investor

    Whether to Long the leader or whether to rotate so the leader of a narrative is the coin which is leading an overarching trend for Doge doge is the leader of the enu coins Pepe is the leader of the frog coins Bonk has recently been the leader

    Of the Salan coins the best play in the initial stages of a meme coin run is typically to Long the leader because the leader tends to outperform in the early stages however if you acknowledge that we’re starting to get towards the end of a hype cycle then the risk reward starts

    To skew in the favors of the rotating coins these rotary plays might be other salana coins other frog coins other dog coins that come underneath the narrative and people try to play catchup because they say oh because because they say oh doge is already a billion dollar market

    Cap now I I don’t want to invest in that uh I want to invest in another dogcoin that looks good that only has A5 million market cap so you start to see these rotations kick in but be careful of rotating too early because you will leave gains on the table and assume

    Unnecessary risk whereas in the beginning it can be better to Long the leader and the leaders aren’t just these big coins they’re Subs sector leaders so on salana I’m noticing a lot of AI coins there’s leaders of that category that are smaller market cap but still leading

    Those runs and there’s also leaders of other sectors so it’s not just mcoin leaders in general there’s also sub sectors which there leaders there’s an AI coin leader there’s a dog leader there’s a frog leader there’s all these sorts of leaders um across crypto in general so this is something that I try

    And determine where are we at in the in the hype cycle phase because that can help me make a decision as to whether I want long the leader or get the rotation play because remember new liquidity tends to gravitate towards the leader first and then we’ll filter down into

    Smaller coins in that Niche and that’s how the overall crypto Market Works in general so when liquidity rotates within a specific sector profits from the smaller coins in the early stages often flow back into the leader and this makes the leader in the early stages the better risk reward play the second

    Option later in the phase is of course the rotation game which involves investing in the smaller cups underneath the niche leader and these can result in nice gains if you get the timing rate but it’s often the INF R play if you try and front run that narrative too early

    Now for step number five and this is one of the most important steps in my opinion follow the smart money so I told you about setting up Twitter lists before but there are ways that you can go even further utilizing the transparency that we have of the blockchain to actually find Smart money

    Leaders in the mcoin market so what you can do is you can go into ether scan for ethereum tokens or Soul scan for salana tokens and you can search for early buyers of successful meme coins so for Bonk you can go onto coin gecko for example you can go onto Soul scam you

    Can search in the Bonk token and what you can do is search for early holders of the token in order to find the people that were early to the coin this can be a bit tedious and take a lot of time so if you want to kind of skip this a

    Little bit you can look for popular Twitter accounts that actually post this stuff and they post the connected wallets to those holders one of these Twitter accounts is an account called look onchain what look on chain does is it posts a lot of the top wallets that

    Are trading uh a lot of the mem coins and have experienced huge gains across a lot of the meme coins as you can see every single day they post this content and there are other Twitter accounts that are also posting these wallets for example there’s a Trader here that made

    1 million with one eth a 43 3x gain in a single day he bought a coin called Omni and made about a million doar you can use an application like D5 to actually track these wallets or you can use an application like dbank where you can

    Search their address and if you have a profile you can actually follow them in order to track their trades in the future now sometimes some of this information is useless and you can’t trade off it but what you can see are their trades so if they have a good

    Track record of hitting massive memec coin trades and then you notice they’re getting into a new memec coin then that can be an indicator for you to enter that Meme coin as well or at least put it on your radar so it circles back to that initial monitoring phase you can

    Use these big Twitter accounts to monitor these trades look on chain will also post addresses for example in the salana ecosystem we can see what they’re trading so you can see this person is trading melon dog um and has been taking profits on it for salana and you can

    Also see when he got into those trades and at what price um and this can be a very cool thing to do in order to find profitable traders that are hitting successful meme coins over time so I recommend creating a follower list over on d. or over on Bank to actually track

    These accounts and you can create your own feed of these smart money accounts and when it comes to mcoin investing the onchain stuff uh is honestly so valuable so now we’ve completed all the steps you found a mem coin let’s say you found a meme coin that you really want to buy

    You think all right this checks out it makes sense for my checklist it makes sense for my risk profile it’s a gamble I’m willing to take how do you actually approach the trade itself well I have some points here that I’d like to make in terms of getting really good entries

    On Meme coins and actually succeeding the execution of those trades because the issue is you can find the best meme coin in the world but you won’t make money off it if you don’t execute the trade correctly so this is actually how to approach the trade firstly treat it

    Like a casino as we said before you may get lucky but it’s a casino so if you wouldn’t feel like going up to the roulette table and allocating that amount of money don’t oversize in crypto if $1,000 is a lot of money for you and you’re putting your entire ,000 bankroll

    On a mem coin trade that’s probably irresponsible so make sure you treat it like a casino the other thing you want to do in terms of executing trades is trade in a separate onchain wallet don’t do this on your main wallet um I mean it’s fine if you’re using Majors on a

    Centralized exchange but even there you can use sub accounts but especially when it comes to onchain trading use a separate wallet because this is going to make sure you don’t mix your principal capital and your mem coin Capital this helps you mentally separate your strategies notice a spelling mistake

    Here separate your strategies and reduce emotional toll right because if you’re trading in the same wallet that you’ve got your Bitcoin and ethereum you can make some dumb decisions trust me always best to scrape profits off that secondary onchain wallet and put it back into your primary wallet and you should

    Be willing to lose all of the funds on this wallet so any funds in this new wallet you should be willing to lose any funds in your new exchange sub account you should be willing to lose the next step is to use ta to help you get

    Entries now when it comes to mem coins ta doesn’t mean much but what it is good for in general is a risk management tool so this is a strategy I love to use and it worked really really well for me on Pepe so one method I’ve found that works

    Well is wait for significant Corrections then long the next High Time breakout of a coin let me show you exactly what this means so pep exploded then it had this massive draw down right then it bounced around uh in this range and it had a big correction so what you’re looking for is

    You’re waiting for the big correction right which is this one which happened at the end of April and then you’re waiting for the next high time frame breakout and this is when the high time frame breakout came which took Pepe to even New Heights and if we scroll up we

    Can see that was the big level that broke that resulted in a huge rise in price you can see once it broke this level that strategy played out again it set in a new high then it corrected see this correction here so there’s the high then it corrected then it had another

    High time frame breakout now for memec coin’s high time frame might only be hourly or daily um because meme coins they don’t have as much history so high time frame on memes is less than your typical coin so broke out here then it played the exact same game it came up it

    Set a new level it corrected and then it had another high time frame breakout and these are the levels for you to be accumulating out on the run up you can see from this initial breakout it went up over 1,000% and this was simply just through spot trading no leverage involved simply

    Through spot so this is a strategy I like to implement Now it worked on B as well so you can see Bonk here when it launched uh it set in this level right when it launched it moved sideways for a lot of time and then it started to wake

    Up when it started to wake up you would have seen the signs on an application like Dex tools which was step one in today’s tutorial so you would have seen the signs with Bonk on Dex tools then you would have noticed it set in this local high it corrected and then it

    Broke out of this High time frame range so just like Pepe this was your first entry condition then it did it again it corrected and then it broke out of the price Discovery range again and you can simply draw these lines on your charts by mapping what is the local high it

    Broke out and then it did it again and then again because you see how these work they pump they correct then they pump then they correct then they pump it’s like bull flag bull flag bull flag this is typically how explosive meme coins look on a chart that is why I

    Believe the strategy of waiting for Corrections then longing the high time frame breakout is the best strategy for mem coins you can also buy dips but that’s catching a falling knife to me and I prefer to play the trend because then I can set stop losses underneath

    These levels um so I can continually make sure I’m managing my risk on the way up and although ta isn’t going to give you the only entry here a lot of it is fundamentally driven it’s going to give you risk management when it comes to entering and taking profits if you

    Really feel like foming though if you’re seeing a token pump and it doesn’t quite fit this criteria that I just explained to to you but you just want an entry sometimes there’s nothing wrong with getting an initial position in this can be 20 to 30% of your ideal position size

    So let’s say you want $1,000 in a meme coin there’s nothing wrong with getting that initial $200 or $300 in to ensure that you’re not going to fomo it’s it’s a great uh emotional um reduction tool to just get some size in then you’re happy if it pumps and if it drops then

    You start deploying or if you get those High time frame breakouts like I just discussed then you start deploying that additional uh $700 $800 that you still have ideally to go into that coin so now you’re starting to make money on this meme coin let’s say you’ve played it

    Perfectly you’ve found the right meme and you’ve gotten a good entry on that Meme what is the takeprofit strategy because trust me it’s not that hard to make life-changing money in meme coins it’s very hard to keep it making money and keeping money a different I can’t

    Tell you how many times I’ve hit massive trades and not really reaped the full rewards that I should have been reaping for those TR trades I mean there was some 30xs in the last Bull Run that I hit and and I just didn’t take profits properly and that’s cuz I wasn’t

    Implementing the right risk management but hopefully you don’t fall for those mistakes watching today’s video and you implement the takeprofit strategy uh that I’m about to show you so the important thing with with investing is not to roundtrip profits one easy rule that you can Implement is taking out

    Your initial entry after a 2X this way you’re kind of writing a trade with house money technically the remaining capital is still yours so it’s not risk-free but at least you’re guaranteeing profits on the trade itself every 2x additionally after that you can lad out a predetermined percentage so

    Let’s say token goes to $2 you take your initial entry out then it goes to $4 you can choose a percentage of that next doubling that you’ll take out so if it goes from $2 to $4 you can take another 30% out every single time then it goes

    From 4 to 8 you take another 30% out 8 to 16 another 30% out and then you keep increasing your stop loss over time uh to make sure that there’s a flaw to guarantee your profitability this is what I’ve found to be the best way to go

    Now the percentage per 100% that you take off the table is really just based on your risk tolerance and if you’re happy W with the gains if they materially change your life you can take 50 to 100% every every time it doubles you can take half your money off the

    Table if you’re less happy with the current gains then you can take 20 to 30% out that way you’re at least still getting some of your money back and that way you’re going to guarantee profits on a trade this strategy works until a top

    Is in once a top is in so once that blowoff top happens then you’re likely to experience severe draw downs and this is where the strategy uh starts to break down so how can you find if a top is in I have a checklist that you can

    Screenshot um or if you save this video obviously you’ll have forever this is a very good set of indicators in my opinion for for finding out when when a memein coin run is up like on Bon like on Pepe have they topped well you can use these first thing is looking at if

    The trading volume has flipped the market cap of the token if it has that indicates a sign of froth if lower Highs are being formed on a high time frame that is a super bad indicator I’ll show you what I mean by Pepe if we go into

    The daily you see this lower high and lower High I mean that’s a really bad indicator and that’s a downtrend even as uh recently as May um we saw that happen so that’s a very negative sign that the top is in number of holders decreasing

    Is a very bad sign you can look on ether scan or Soul scan for the amount of total holders as you can see on Soul scan for the Bonk token it has 531 th000 holders if this starts going to 520 and 510 and 500 and 480 that’s a terrible

    Sign equally if it’s growing at 10,000 holders a day but then now it’s only growing at 500 then 400 then 200 and eventually it’s just not growing anymore that’s also a bad sign you’re looking at deviation in either the aggregate amount of holders or the percentage growth of

    Those holders as well well another negative sign is whales starting to sell by now you should be set up on dbank um and d.f as well and be tracking these whale wallets if some of these big whales are selling then that is obviously a negative sign that the top

    Is in and also funding rates are Another Thing Once a token gets Perpetual listings on a big exchange then those rates shifting from negative to positive can indicate uh that momentum is Shifting for a token so this is my full strategy for finding and executing on

    100x Meme coin trades if you do want a place to TR a lot of these memes as they list you can use a link in the description to sign up to bitg below if you use this link you will get access to up to $5,000 in bonuses a 10% deposit

    Cash back as well as their winter trading Carnival to win up to one Bitcoin and a $500 Amazon Christmas gift card so now would be an amazing time to sign up to bitg because of those promotions um and although a lot of the meme coins are found on chain the good

    Exchangers get a lot of these listings super early um so it does pay to be signed up to these exchanges cuz they don’t launch on all exchanges at once sometimes bitg will launch a token way before buybit or binance catch on to that token so having these Exchange

    Accounts is also a super important thing that you need to be aware of if you want to catch these meme coin pumps early let me know what you thought of this video in the description below hope you hope you did enjoy the video thank you so much for supporting my content I really

    Really really appreciate the support on the recent content I’ve been absolutely blown away so thank you so much and I will see you in the next video next week Merry Christmas to everyone that is celebrating Christmas it’s probably going to be Christmas Eve by the time you’re watching this video so merry

    Christmas and I’ll see you on the other side have a lovely day peace out


    1. Merry Christmas to all celebrating…Miles excellent video. I watched till end. Question? I am interested to understand the full crypto world – L1's, L2's and the like – where do I start? Where can I get info

    2. WOOF is the next big meme on SOL!! Has a great team, solid website, good community in this short of time, and a hell of a catchy ticker symbol. I donโ€™t believe Iโ€™m shilling meme coinsโ€ฆhated em at one point and was stuck on fundamentals, but itโ€™s really where itโ€™s at if you want life changing gains in a short time with little money.

    3. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Great video… I tried to use your link to open a bitget account, it didnโ€™t let me… supposedly I'm out of region… I'm in USA, keep on printing money brother… Merry Christmas!!!

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