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Scott Ritter: Israel must be prosecuted, they are the terrorist

Scott Ritter: Israel must be prosecuted, they are the terrorist

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📘 Scott Ritter is best known for his innovative views on military strategy and transformation. Whether you’re a student of military history, a professional in the field, or just someone interested in strategic thinking, this video will provide valuable insights into Ritter contributions to modern warfare.

Well I’ll just echo echo what Charlotte said um you know I have limited experience um in this Scott can you speak up I can um I don’t know can everybody hear me yes all right um I you know look my my experience is limited to

Um war war and uh things related to war but what I found is that almost every conflict that I’ve been involved in irly or peripherally has an energy component to it that serves as the foundation of that conflict uh we can go back to the Gulf War um I don’t know if people

Realized that it was uh one of the main reasons we fought Iraq in 1991 was because we um the ku’s been slant drilling uh stealing oil from the Iraqi uh waffer oil fields uh to the tune of 30 to4 billion um at the same time they were uh issuing exorbitant loans against the

Iraqis to fund their war against Iran um when Iraq was seeking to rebuild its economy after the Iran Iraq war um they needed two things to happen one they needed the kuwes to uh renegotiate the loans they thought it was ridiculous that Kuwait was holding the loans as

Leverage over their heads after they saved Kuwait from Iran but two they wanted the kuwaitis to stop stealing their oil and dumping it on the open market because um Kuwait with the encouragement of the United States was seeking to drive oil prices down below $14 a barrel that was the magic number

That Iraq had to sustain in order to be able to pay off the interest on the loans they had taken from the London Consortium Banks um but Kuwait continued to dump oil on the markets driving down the price of oil to $11 a barrel uh putting Iraq on the verge of strategic

Bankruptcy um Iraq went to the Arab League in July of 1990 and begged them they said stop this this is economic Warfare It’s destroying Iraq if you don’t stop it we’re going to have to do something about it well they didn’t stop it Iraq invaded Kuwait now Iraq’s

Invasion of Kuwait wasn’t meant to be a general attack against the region in fact Iraq had signed um you know treaties um with with Saudi Arabia and all the other neighbors saying that we we won’t you know we’re not going to attack uh but the United

States went in and we cooked the books there’s a a famous analyst for the defense intell agency that talks about how he was flown to Saudi Arabia to show them photographs of the Iraqi buildup on the Saudi Arabian border to convince the king that the Iraqis were going to move

Down on the Eastern Iran Saudi Arabian oil fields and take over the oil fields um but as he was showing those photographs the Iraqis were actually withdrawing from the from that line because they didn’t want to threaten Saudi Arabia so we showed the Saudis old photographs to convince them to allow us

To create the conditions for the war because we needed to control all the oil it was all about oil when George Herbert Walker Bush first started to articulate why America was going to war against Iraq he actually said it’s because of the oil and the response in America was

So vifly against this notion that he had to turn around and and and recalculate the equation and that’s when he turned it into a personal match he said that Saddam Hussein is the Middle East equivalent of Adolf Hitler who deserves nberg like retribution so um it was always about oil everything was

About oil I um I do advisory uh I’m an advisor uh to a group that discusses oil and energy and uh I can tell you that um the the oil companies are so accustomed to being able to make fleets move and make armies move and make air forces move to secure uh

That you know to secure the oil supply for the world that um and War means nothing to these people it’s only the issue of continuing their ability to generate billions and billions and billions of dollars uh and the oil isn’t just for the war machine it’s for industry but industry is increasingly

Military in nature um but every war you can point out it’s it’s very difficult to find a war that you can’t find an oil equation let’s take the chin conflict of the early 1990s it was about control of the oil pipelines leading out of Chet and the money generated from that let’s

Take the current Uh Russian Ukrainian conflict it’s not just about the Russian oil pipelines going through Ukraine into Europe uh but the nordstream pipelines which we blew up the bottom line was about Russian energy and how we can starve Russia out what led to the collapse of the Soviet Union America

Working with Saudi Arabia to collapse the price of oil so that Russia couldn’t generate the income necessary to sustain uh the economic changes that they needed to survive on and on and on oil component gas component energy component um War you know the the the fact of the matter is

Wars today are fought about energy and water but resources very few times is the real purpose of a war ideology or religion these are justifications for war to disguise the reality that this is about energy energy is about money and money is is about power it’s about the

People who hold the reins of power who benefit from financially from the energy uh controlling of the world and this is where it’s frustrating as for me as an American because I’d like to believe that my country would only go to war to defend me my interest American interest

But we go to war to defend not national interests but the interests of Big Oil big oil is transnational in nature if I could just jump in What mother would want to send her husband or her son or daughter off to war if if she knew that

It was to benefit the oil companies so that’s why pretexts are needed with every war the lies have to proceed uh because otherwise they they wouldn’t want to no I agree and and then the pretex is get out of control just to give you an example when we called Saddam Hussein

When when we George Herbert Walker Bush called him the Middle East equivalent of Adolf Hitler uh he made it impossible to negotiate um with Saddam to bring in a termination regime change was the inevitable consequence because once you label somebody Hitler you can’t go back on that in

1993 Saddam Hussein I I mean I can tell you this because I sat in the meeting with the Iraqi oil Minister as he mocked me he said you weapons inspectors are history you’re the thing of the past bush is gone Clinton’s coming in we are actively negotiating with Clinton’s

People now in Jordan so that when he comes into office uh we are going to lift the sanctions we’re going to invite us oil companies in and you know we’re going to begin that business and the old companies were all in favor of this this is where ideology came in because having

Labed Saddam Adolf Hitler the Republicans couldn’t back away the Israelis were in they that it the Paradigm of the of the Middle East that the neoconservatives had envisioned was being threatened by normaly you know and reinviting Iraq back in Iraq’s oil had been eliminated from the market the oil companies had

Adjusted they had their price and their revenue generation dependent upon keeping Iraqi oil out of the market and now Iraqi oil was threatening to come back into the market so they they disrupted it by faking an assassination attempt against George Herbert Walker Bush when he went to Kuwait never

Happened manufactured out of the blue totally fake but by faking the assassination attempt Clinton had to terminate his discussions about uh bringing back Iraq back in lifting sanction instead attack attack Iraq and continue the conflict until its inevitable consequences charlot um when we when we talked last week you you talked about

You know the Middle East and you then you kind of you talked about Ukraine a little bit and you kind of like said there’s a link between what’s going on in Ukraine and what’s going on in the Middle East people know that there’s two hot Wars going on but what’s the linking

Factor well one of the linking factors is that um because of the sanctions against the Russians and also the sabotage of the nordstream 2 pipeline uh Europe is suddenly desperate for uh oil and natural gas uh Russia supplied 40% of its natural gas and and

I just want to add one thing the whole donet region where all the fighting is uh Ukraine just this isn’t the side but Ukraine has the largest reserves of oil and natural gas in Europe next to Russia if you want to consider Russia part of Europe okay it’s loaded and most of

Those reserves are in the Eastern region where all the fighting is going on now uh to get back to the connection because uh the United States has been playing this game of um it’s called the bypass game it means um we got to supply more more oil and natural

Gas to Europe we don’t want Europe as so dependent on the Russians now the Ukraine war is happened uh Europe is winter is coming they’re they’re looking all over the place and Biden’s been looking all over the place for Alternatives since he was very much part

Of this uh War so where are they looking how about Israel um in 2000 um the first um amount of oil and natural gas was discovered off the coast of Gaza and um this was British gas that came in and uh did a survey and yes there was oil and natural gas there

Substantial amount they thought at the time uh it would provide uh uh the Palestinian Authority with about uh a billion dollars worth of Revenue and and um Arafat who was then in charge was very happy about that okay so uh then in 2010 a much larger field the Leviathan

Was found off the coast of Israel uh meanwhile the um the attacks by uh the lud party um against gazin they they happened in two different periods what the first period uh was in 2009 and the second major attack was in 2014 both of these attacks were to

Prevent the Palestinians from getting uh royalties from the oil and natural gas or even control over it so what what is happening now in my opinion is that uh this massive assault on Gaza is to is to wipe it out and to create an Energy Corridor this has been on the books for

Some time this is what Netanyahu has wanted Netanyahu has wanted since the war in Iraq since 2003 he he he sees Israel as the new Roder Dam and uh so you’re going to have um pipelines running up the coast of the Eastern Mediterranean providing that badly

Needed natural gas to uh Europe and now of course because of the war in Ukraine the um the effort to to have this happened has only been intensified and I was just looking and what oil companies are are interested in helping uh develop well I know for one thing that um

Halton’s in there already to help develop and you know halberton um does the uh supplies um and the drilling and and provides that logistical support so that is the link I think that explains why uh the basa administra Baza the Biden Administration has been uh you know keep

Stretching out uh the the war the genocidal war against Gaza like saying oh you you really have to confine your attacks better but meanwhile the attacks continue I mean uh Netanyahu is acting with complete impunity and uh his defense minister has has already called the Palestinians animals that have to be

Rid of uh and and that’s the whole point just just finish the job finish the job flatten it create your new reality uh bring in the Abraham Accords forget about the Palestinians uh run a beneran canal um which would be an alternative to the Suez Canal and run it from the

Tip of Gaza down down through southern um Israel and then connect it to the of akaba which will ultimately connect to the Red Sea and create a whole new um uh trade route uh in competition with the sus Canal that’s that’s been on the agenda for some time I think that’s the

End game and I think that uh Netanyahu fascist that he is uh doesn’t care about how many people he kills whether it’s Israelis and I’m sure Scott would like to talk about that I’ve been reading uh Scott’s material whether it’s Israelis or Palestinians you know his end game is

To create this this new Israel Scott I don’t want to get you kicked off of YouTube Cynthia so um well I’ll behave but the because you have to be careful what you say nowadays everybody’s being attacked as anti-semitic and can you speak up a little bit I’m doing my best okay but uh

No look the there there there’s nothing you can say to justify what Israel is doing against um against Hamas and uh what they the crimes that have been committed against the Palestinian people for the past uh 75 years um I I think at this juncture the uh the

The the Israeli Palestinian conflict is is for the moment going to be bigger ger than oil um because it’s become so political uh but at some point in time um the world is going to seek stability stability is defined by energy security and energy security is derived from

Access to energy sources in the income uh derived so if you don’t if you’re if you’re trying to negotiate a u a a solution to you know the Palestinian Israeli issue and you don’t factor in um the the reality of energy then you’re you’re you’re not solving the problem

Because at the end of the day whether or not there’s going to be a Palestinian State uh whether or not uh it’s going to be a two-state solution or a one-state solution it’s that that outcome is going to be influenced by uh who’s going to

Get the money um off of you know who’s going to get the income from the gas Fields off of the coasts of uh of um of Palestine or Israel or whatever you want to call it um and and where that gas is going to go right now Israel has been

Working with turkey I mean people ask the question you know Eragon supports Hamas calls him a Liberation Organization uh speaks Vi valiantly about the gazin people and he’s not doing a darn thing to stop the flow of aeri AER bani oil through turkey into Israel because he can’t disrupt the

Business the business is energy security Israel needs to develop the gas Fields they need to develop the gas Fields uh with a market in mind the market they have in mind is Europe to get to Europe you go through turkey turkey is going to be the energy Hub of the region uh

Turkey can’t afford to alienate Israel from that so um this will control energy controls aspect and this is a sad thing because Pippa you probably know this better than I do the world will never line up behind the Palestinian people they never have they never will and once

Again the Palestinian people I believe are going to be abandoned at the side of the road some bones be thrown their in their Direction but until we break the death grip that energy companies have on um the the world’s Paradigm of energy security this is why you know alternative energy is such a

Threat because the security Paradigm of alternative energy of green energy is fundamentally different than the security Paradigm of fossil fuels and nobody wants to give up their hold on power uh this is and we’re getting ahead of ourselves here but I’ll just say this the Chinese are probably the only nation

In the world that has a viable path to zero carbon or low carbon emissions why because China can do whatever the hell that China wants to do and what they’re doing right now is they’re making massive investments in um coal and uh gas uh energy not because that’s

The direction they’re going but because they’re building their economy and a parallel green energy on a mass scale parallel to it so that at the point time in the future they can turn off the carbon and turn on the green and it’s working it’s there look what they’re

Doing with electric vehicles it’s a paradigm shift I mean it is fundamentally different than anything we’re doing here in the West in the west we talk about oh my God the expense of replacing batteries in China they’re saying what are you talking about we CH

We swap them out like like a gas station all we do is we we drive into a battery changing facility they drop out the the uncharged battery they bring in the charge battery and you drive away the convenience of it everything is convenient CH they’re making this Alternative Energy convenient and

They’re doing it on a massive scale they’re coming up with hydrogen fuels Technologies on a massive scale nobody else is doing it why because of the power and the control of the fossil fuel energies on everything we do they control I probably get fired from my

Other job for saying this but this whole cop Thing Conference they had in Dubai okay it it’s is a joke the conference was made so that the energy companies can guarantee there will never be a viable clean energy policy that fossil fuels will be relevant forever because

That’s how you control the world you can’t the existing power Elites cannot control the world with green energy they can only control the world with fossil fuels and so they will make fossil fuels as relevant as possible but in order to do that they’ve hijacked the green uh

You know clean energy um forum and then they destroyed it it was a joke it was a horrible joke what was going on in Dubai it wasn’t serious John krey is not a serious man if you think John krey cares about green energy then I have a bridge

In Brooklyn I’d like to sell you John krey is bought paid for by the oil industry every official from Europe was bought and paid for by the oil industry the entire cop conference is about sustaining fossil fuels that’s its agenda everything else is just window dressing and Tra that’s the grip that

They have on it the only nation in the world that has positioned itself to beat that is China and yet we want to go to war against China I wonder why Charlotte


  1. There is more oil under the Golan Heights now part of Isral than Saudi Arabia has. Israel has off shore oil as well. This is not about energy. Hamas just fired thousands of rockets at the Israeli city of Ashkelon. What about Arab war crimes against Israeli civilians. There isnt going to be any trials. There isn't going to be a Gaza. There isn't going to be a Palestinian state. There arent going to be any more cease fires. If Hezbollah and Iran play their cards right there wont be a Lebanon or Iran either. Israel might take out Damsscus and other parts of Syria as well. Russia and China will do nothing. After the dust settles it will be back to business as usual.

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