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Gold investment vs Stock market | Robert kiyosaki #vpmotion #shorts #investing #warrenbuffet

Gold investment vs Stock market | Robert kiyosaki #vpmotion #shorts #investing #warrenbuffet

And Warren Buffett he said that it’s very difficult for something like gold to invest to compete with something like a stock he compared it to a farm let’s say like a farm it keeps generating money gold on the other hand doesn’t generate money so why do you prefer an

Investment in Gold versus stocks I don’t touch stocks that’s why another thing that’s happening just FYI is the Fed is printing all this money so at that point watch what happened look at the stock market is crashing Like a Rock today just look at the facts don’t listen to

Me stock market is going down real estate’s going down and cash is going down so this little silver coin today is worth $10 I can go to any coin dealer and change it for $10 so F you Buffett you know what I mean he’s good at stocks

No I mean he’s a very smart guy he’s a multi-billionaire but he didn’t invest his money he invests your money


  1. I get him. He prefers to invest in tangible assets. The stock market is all digital. Crypto is digital. That gold could outlast all of that when it crashes. He's keeping it old school.

  2. Equities go up and they go down, after all that printing the go up sharply, they drop sharply, and they go up again. We’ve seen this cycle many times. Gold however, is not a bad investment, if maintaining consistent value throughout time is your want, then this is a safe bet against anything bad. Both are fine choices, it’s all a matter of picking your poison wisely.

  3. Precious metals are gonna be needed for technology they have conducive abilities amongst others, as well as any other precious metal or element . Its energy and tech !or if we go back to the stone age it will be used in trade like in our past .

  4. Dow jones is almost hitting all time high in end of 2023. Some people need to rest in peace as there time is up…its a time for millenials to rule…stocks are always the king and will be the king

  5. Yes, look at stock markets long term, does it go down? Not sure how Buffett and Munger would have made their fortune. Just does not make sense. Agree real estate can be great investment especially if you want to diversify but it does not necessarily imply stocks are something from devil

  6. Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior, but “growing money is wisdom”. I found this out a week ago after getting a $10,000 return on my $3,000 investment in 7 days.

  7. There are situations if we invest in gold there also up and down exists so in world nothing is too secure so if market crash even stock money is used to buy gold so its vice-versa

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