Oil, gas and mining

Should You Invest In Sovereign Gold Bond 2023-24 | NDTV Profit

The latest tranche of #SovereignGoldBond opened for subscription today at Rs 6,199 per gram.

With a sharp rally in gold prices over the last year, does it make for a smart investment? #SGB

Read more: https://bit.ly/3Nvvxse

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The much anticipated sgb 2023 24 series 3 opens for subscription today and closes on 22nd of December the issue price of 6,199 per gram of gold has been set by the RBI the launch of this sgb comes on the heels of a very sharp rally we’ve seen in gold prices over the last

One year to put this in perspective the December 2022 issue was launched at 5,49 rupees versus 6,199 rupees which is the current launch price now what are the key attributes of sgbs uh sgbs pay a fixed interest rate of 22% per anom along with the capital appreciation that

You see in gold prices over a tenure of 8 years the minimum investment for investors is 1 G while the maximum investment per person per fiscal stands at 4 kgs well how do you buy or subscribe to this you can do this through your dmat account and once this

Is done online you also can Avail a 50 rupes discount on the sgb price more importantly risk to keep in mind gold prices like any other asset classes are open to movements one way or the other any decline in gold prices would affect the market to market of gold but the RBI

Provides the assurance that investors initial investment in terms of gold remains protected even if gold prices move lower

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