Today let’s talk about whales like Michael Saylor buying tons of Bitcoin before halving event.

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    0:00 Intro
    0:55 Market Overview
    1:30 Bitcoin Charts
    4:50 USDT Prepares
    5:50 Bitcoin Whales
    7:00 Saylor Buys
    11:20 BTC Christmas
    14:50 ETH
    18:45 OP
    19:30 Polygon
    21:00 Solana
    24:15 Q&A

    🔴Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.

    Welcome back to kryptos are us I am George we’re all George so welcome to another Market open stream today let’s talk about Bitcoin whales on a frenzy buying frenzy ahead of the next major Catalyst and I think you guys know what major Catalyst actually there’s a few of

    Them that’s coming up so let’s talk about what’s going on with Bitcoin how one whale continues to keep on buying all of our Bitcoin and let’s talk about what’s going on with several l2s that are pumping today all right let’s do this welcome welcome welcome guys I

    Still don’t have my market Bell I forgot I got to I got to bring it over so no ring just pretend like ding ding ding pretend like I’m ringing it uh Bitcoin is off to a better start than last night around 43,000 right last night was a little bit lower but overall Bitcoin

    Didn’t really move we had a little little slight dip a bump in a road and today we’re we’re recovering and the entire Market is recovering as well there’s several several l2s that are pumping today in a big way right but uh what’s going on with Bitcoin let’s look at it first well

    There are three metrics that say a fresh move is imminent you know even we didn’t have any metrics to say that a fresh move is imminent we know a move is imminent because we’re what less than two weeks away from from spot Bitcoin ETF approval I mean you

    Don’t need metrics you don’t need charts to tell you that that that’s a major major Catalyst for imminent movement right and we know that’s coming already but outside of that you know what did the chart say well there a couple of them this is the boulder band you know

    Showing Bitcoin being squeezed last time Bitcoin was being squeezed it shot up okay and now we’re being squeezed again does that mean we’re going to shoot one way or another it’s kind of like squeezing something until it explodes right that’s what the bull band is showing with Bitcoin and we

    Are getting ready we’ve been consolidating going sideways around this 43 44 mark for a long time now it’s just a matter of time before we get squeezed up to $48,000 which is what most people think we are heading to Next and by the end of the year we still have a few more

    Days one two 2 three four we still have four days left four days left can Bitcoin squeeze to 48,000 in short order anything’s possible ending at the year 48 50,000 would be absolutely fantastic now on a longer SC on a longer term scale so basically Peter Brandt he is a

    Trader and he’s looking at the daily or no I’m sorry the monthly RSI because a lot of people may be thinking that well maybe Bitcoin is overbought maybe it’s been too hot this year right well according to Peter according to the monthly chart no we are

    Not hot we’re nowhere near hot in fact this is the point when Bitcoin starts getting hot if we look at previous Cycles okay so for people that think ah you know we’re we’re going top out by the having event or whatever uh think again I don’t know if anyone’s thinking that

    Anymore I don’t know if there are any bears left at this point maybe there maybe there still is but uh we are just getting started just wait until spy ETF approvals wait until the having event happens and then wait until we get Some Cuts interest rate cuts that happen

    In 2024 and that’s all within the first six months of the year guys that’s the six that’s the first half not the second half we really don’t have much time to wait we really don’t and in the meantime tether is preparing mince another billion worth of usdt the reason to replenish inventory

    You know why because these whales are on a frenzy a buying frenzy right now what they do is they go to tether and say hey I need a billion dollars usdt because I’m getting ready to buy right that’s exactly what’s happening 1 billion is not a whole lot

    Anymore we’re so used to multi-billions in in crypto but if you think about it a billion dollars is quite a lot quite a lot right and these whales keep on doing it seems like almost every single week now I covered these headlines these are new headlines like

    Every single day they’re not a repeat from you know 6 months ago you got all these all these whales that continue to buy and buy and buy and buy right look at this headline Bitcoin holders at alltime high yes and if you look at how much Bitcoin is being held for a certain

    Amount of time like 6 months a year 2 years 3 years all alltime high right but then you got you just got a lot of Bitcoin whales that’s accumulating you got two whales that accumulate 19,000 Bitcoins within a very short amount of time right all these guys are buying up

    All of our Bitcoin short term that’s great we want to see we want to see Bitcoin go up to the moon but long term if you’re trying to DC longterm you’re a long-term investor it’s not so good to let these guys take away all your Bitcoin you don’t want that you want

    Some to yourselves right that’s why when the the ultra whale Michael sailor buys another $615 million dollar worth of bitcoin that’s around $15,000 close to it right short term everyone’s cheering yes yes Bitcoin Jesus the new Bitcoin Jesus sailor bought more Bitcoin yes now he holds 189,190 and everyone else right that’s

    The thing everyone thinks that Bitcoin has an in infinite Supply it doesn’t over 95% have been mined there’s only 5% left to be shared to the world forever and what exists what exists and guys like sailor keep buying more and more and more and more and more and more it’s

    Kind of crazy if you think about it right so shortterm yes everyone wants to see sailor and everyone else and news Wheels buy as many Bitcoin as they can right but long-term realize that there aren’t that much to go around here’s uh world’s top 10 Bitcoin holders you still have Shoshi holding

    1.1 million Bitcoin that has not moved at all since the beginning right um binance hold 643,000 Bitcoin that’s a lot now the thing is binance and grayscale they’re pretty close 643 630 but most of that belongs to the people it’s not that they hold that many they’re holding it for the people now

    They both themselves hold substantial amounts but we don’t know how much right that’s why they’re up there then you got the US government They confiscated from Silk Road will they dump that at some point or will they keep that maybe China also has close to 200 00,000 same thing

    They confiscated it okay so whether both governments keep it maybe it’s a game of chess right you know how all countries are holding on gold and hoarding gold maybe that’s the reason why they haven’t sold off the Bitcoin because they’re not stupid they’re like yeah you know us has

    200,000 maybe we should keep our 990,000 just in case we got Mount GX is 200,000 that’s a little high that’s like it’s like 130,000 again they have to redistribute that so it’s not just them then you got another exchange B phix at 196 then this has a outdated micro

    Strategy 152 but it’s at 189,000 right then you got block one and Robin Hood again Robin Hood does not belong to them it belongs to the people block one I think it does belong to them but that’s that’s the treasury of EOS um so if you think about it as a entity micro

    Strategy is number one on the list right because even though there are some that’s more to micro strategy but they’re they belong to people they it’s just like they’re the custodians holding it but outside of Shoshi who is an individual obviously no one knows who he

    Or she or they are um it’s micro strategy you know they’re the biggest Bitcoin holder they’re the biggest entity out there that’s kind of amazing and the way sailor is going you know you know micr strategy stock is going up so much so he’s probably selling stock to buy more bit

    The way he’s going one day he may even surpass Satoshi Nakamoto he may have more than 1.1 million Bitcoin yeah just take a second and think about that that’s a lot that’s a lot anyways what else is going on uh since we uh we just had Christmas okay

    Christmas is 2023 if you look at the previous cycle actually two cycles ago so we’re really mimicking the 2016 cycle a lot of people have said that before it makes a lot of sense but if you look at hey Christmas of 2022 that’s when Bitcoin bottomed out around

    $160 then the next Christmas it went higher next Christmas went higher and then last Christmas in 2017 is where we ended up at Peak right 20,000 a little bit less than 20,000 so we’re M the same way Christmas week of 2022 that was our bottom this Christmas 2023 hey we were at like

    44,000 right where is Christmas going to be next year this time around are we going to be at 100,000 already maybe even higher maybe we end the year at 150,000 next year and then we still have one more Christmas to look forward to in 2025 and that’s when Bitcoin could be at 250

    300,000 500,000 wherever it may be right but we’re we’re we’re mimicking we’re mimicking the past so looks pretty darn good and then lastly according to Willy woo right looking at realized cap basically um the realized value of Bitcoin okay based on how much like the new money versus old money and the

    Network flows and there’s a lot of little things that you can look at but basically right now what it shows is money is flowing in and staying in and that’s why Bitcoin is so strong that’s why Bitcoin is so strong WR we may dip but we don’t have

    Those catastrophic drops that we have seen before even in bull runs I showed it last night it’s pretty natural for Bitcoin to fall 20% 25% 30% 35% even 40% in bull runs yes in bull runs imagine if we had a 40% dip right now all the Bears

    Will come out and say well yeah look at it I told you so bitcoin’s going go down and form a new low right a 40% drop from where we are if you think about it it’s pretty catastrophic but the thing is it happens all the times multiple times

    During bull runs so in 2024 and 2025 can we see a 30% 40% drop it’s a possibility it’s going scare to B Jesus out of people but it’s a possibility right now we’re not seeing anything like that we see like a 5% drop and you know people become uneasy but

    Man it just shows you the difference between this run and previous runs how strong it’s been so far uh versus prior runs it’s it’s actually really amazing you guys have no clue if you haven’t lived through previous runs how easy it is this recovery versus previous recoveries it’s it’s really really tame

    Uh much easier than before all right now outside of Bitcoin what else is going on well eth in case you’re a eth lover no one is asking about eth by the way not one person in live chat in 4 thou with 4,000 people not one person ask about e but

    I’m going to talk about anyways because it relates to what what else I want to talk about well eth right now ethereum we know is very stagnant okay and they have a problem with scaling they’ve had this problem for years okay but maybe maybe we will get

    A we will get a I don’t know a resolution but I don’t think it’s coming anytime soon but in q1 of next year ethereum will finalize his Cancun upgrade okay which will introduce Proto dank sharding that’s a unique name but anyways vitalic has been talking about sharding since

    2018 okay he’s been talking about sharding for a while and it’s a way to break up data and a way to to process data in silos rather than have the entire network verify a transaction right that’s why it’s so so darn slow um he’s been talking about for years and if

    This Cancun upgrade is successful it could scale ethereum up to 100,000 TPS transactions per second which would be amazing okay because all the other ones the fancy L ones that and l2s you know some of them claim 100,000 some are not even there like a few thousand here there but that’s still

    Lightyear is better than the 30 that that eth could process right now per second which is just very old and ancient okay it is really like dialup at this point versus Broadband you know with everything else right um so we’ll see I I don’t think I don’t

    Think it’s going to be done in q1 in 2024 so I think what they mean is finalize is basically uh write up all the things that they need to do and then they’re going to take the next two years or three years or four years to

    Implement it but by then it may be too late it can’t be implemented that long right but if they can Implement a short order in 2024 somehow and make ethereum scale then they will become the dominant Powerhouse once again and the chain that everyone wants to be on and the chain

    That everyone wants to to you know to thrive with right but that’s simply not happening and it’s not happening right now just take a look at this you know this is the gas fees and you you could see the the the huge difference between ethereum right now

    Right and then you got a lot of the l2s uh you got Stark now which isn’t very popular right now but you got optimism who is skyrocketing today you got arbitr who’s skyrocketing you got polygon who’s skyrocketing and ZK Sync who’s not skyrocketing because they don’t have a coin yet right but you

    Could see how they’re just so much cheaper now okay but there is a new EIP Improvement that’s part of Canon that’s supposed to drop the cost of all these chain except ethereum which I I’m not even programing I don’t even get how that how that works that ethereum Improvement protocol

    Doesn’t actually improve gas fees um but it helps all the l2s get even cheaper so yeah so what does that mean it’s going to make the l2s even more appealing and more strong against ethereum right so I don’t know I just found that to be funny I don’t quite get

    It but you know it’s part of the Cancun upgrade and they have to do it to scale but in the meantime enjoy your gains if you’re a optimism holder optimism is really really really strong today up 21% to 3.6 billion they are just they’re they’re winning the L2 War right now

    They’re way ahead of arbitrum but still you look at arbitrum they’re still up 11% today right arbitr and optimism their tvl is blowing up right now blowing up just keeps on going higher and higher and higher and last night I covered about polygon let’s not forget

    Polygon is a L2 it’s a L1 L2 they’re in a really weird situation but regardless they’re above a dollar they’re up 19% so yesterday’s climbed they continued it right polygon is above $10 billion told you guys about polygon sometimes it’s slow don’t give up on polygon it’s still one of my favorites

    Right and I’m glad to see you get some love today and yesterday but all these l2s are exploding right so if you haven’t picked it up yet l2s and l1’s are all very very strong right now okay and that’s because you got a lot of DB makers you got a lot

    Of defi game Games Social memes all these all these new daps are coming a board and they’re not choosing eth they’re choosing a L1 like salana or Avalanche or immutable or they’re choosing a L2 like polygon optimism arbitrum no one is launching on eth right now I hate to say it but that’s

    The harsh reality because there are so many options and a lot of these ecosystem are thriving now you know so that’s why they’re so strong so again until etherum can scale completely and get that out of the way and no users no longer have to worry about congestion or

    High gas fees these these l2s and l1s will continue to thrive for sure and then lastly I saw this Kathy Wood doing an interview on CNBC talking about none other than salana so let let’s let’s listen to this real quick smart contracts are going to grow in importance as uh decentralized

    Finance um continues to develop momentum and both of those are smart contract networks each of them uh has uh benefits and some tradeoffs uh but we both but we think both are winners and to have watched salana after last year’s controversy with FTX being such a big

    Supporter of salana and to watch the developers stick with uh with with salana is uh speaks volumes to us I always say follow the developers and they certainly stuck with salana and they’re also scaling uh in in terms of ethereum as well so we think those are two powerful networks in the

    Decentralized finance space and we also think that this notion of defi decentralized finance that you know if people just start looking at it and thinking about it as simply the the internet Financial system uh the internet in the early days was never conceived of um as uh hosting Commerce

    Or financial services and so devel Vel opers back then didn’t build in that capability all that’s happening now with Bitcoin and uh ethereum and salana is developers are building in Native currencies and um and much more streamlined fewer intermediaries streamlined uh ways of uh dealing in the financial system much more efficient

    Much more productive just like the internet itself there you go Kathy Wood is bullish on bitcoin and salana and her argument is the developers and it’s true there’s a lot of developers on salana right now so that’s good that’s good all right bitcoin’s above 30 I mean

    43,000 the entire market cap you know I don’t know if you guys noticed but even with Bitcoin being down $11,000 from 44,000 the entire market cap is up did you guys noticed that so we are actually rallying right now even though Bitcoin is taking a breather Bitcoin

    Dominance has come down we were as high as 53% at one point we dropped at 52% 51% now it’s at 50.2% right so Market’s hot right now Market is hot all right let’s do some uh Q&A that’s a awesome name odm ER Heating and Cooling LLC Tim

    Oldum did you really have to make your YouTube name that long holding Litecoin a long time and never moves should I dump it I can’t answer that for you but I can say I don’t know why you’re holding Litecoin over Bitcoin there’s no good reason for

    That all right let me see I scroll up here um let’s see I will not fade metallic good good for you um let’s see s wrecked by my I’m not going to say it I’m not going to say it um smart thing she’s ever said follow the developers well I don’t disagree

    Scott um let’s see here what else is there do you recommend crypto mining stocks uh you know what they’re not bad but if you want if you want a winner you just go with coinbase like look at coinbase 183 up 6.7% 52 week high I’ve been saying this

    For months now months if you believe in Bitcoin you believe in crypto why would you not be buying coinbase if you’re a stock investor just put two and two together who benefits the most as Bitcoin and crypto gets hotter in 2024 as the users come in as the fees

    Start going up who makes the most money coinbase at least in the US they are going to Skyrocket in in in 2024 okay so if you’re a stock investor if you want to buy some Bitcoin related stocks you look at you you have to look at Co

    Coinbase man my my my my camera is so faded out let me see if I can adjust it that make a difference no anyways I’ll have to adjust that later but yeah so rather than buy stocks on uh I mean mining stocks I I would just go straight for

    Coinbase or I’m sure micro strategy is up too um let’s see are you going to UFC 300 in Vegas I don’t know I might be in uh UFC 297 in Mexico City because crowed combat is thinking about going there too so I don’t know but UFC I think people that haven’t

    Attended a UFC yent should really do it it’s just amazing atmosphere it really is and that T-Mobile stadium their seats are so comfortable unlike like like a lot of um Stadium seats are very uncomfortable the ones in the T-Mobile stadium actually really comfortable uh abik I bought optimism should I have

    Arbitrum in my portfolio I don’t have any money left to buy well that answers your question if you have no more money to buy then then don’t buy um but our OPP optimism I think you’re holding the good one between the two um Lazaro says good morning I always DCA

    Very hard every dip I feel bad I didn’t do it in this one because all I have was 2K and I want to stay that’s fine man you don’t have to you don’t have to DCA hard after every dip okay it’s it’s fine uh turbo not not a fan of

    Turbo some AI generated meme coin it’s the past uh zero zero cool happy holidays man got almost 5,000 people tuned in today welcome guys too bad this camera quality sucks I got to get a better side camera my main camera looks awesome especially with the lighting in here but

    This one it’s just I got to I got to fix it or replace it uh check out Legends of uluma the game is live early States a fun game no one knows about zero I’m okay uh to be H I told you this before

    I’m not a big gamer so I don’t know if I’m will to check that out to be honest but thanks for bringing it up NHL and UFC’s are the best events ever I have never attended an NHL event I have been to a few basketball events

    And uh I don’t know not playoff stuff so I don’t know the excitement on a normal game just not quite there Al sent a huge Super Chat first one Alim HOV thank you my man uh what do you think about Harmony trash skip shown thanks for video basketball

    Court looks nice thank you I’m still under the weather so I I haven’t really spent that much time in it but I will in the future for sure do I like cabba I think kav I don’t I’m Neutron cabba but seeing how all the cosmos chains are pumping let’s see if Cosmos

    Self is Cosmos self is not but like we have injective Celestia last night I covered about c c was also pumping they cooled off a little bit but last night they were up like 20% like all all the cosmos l1s we’re are doing well okay not we’re

    Are doing well Cava has already at a billion so they can continue to do well too what about this Ripple fake ad why this thing keep showing reported man some YouTube scam account is playing it so just just hit that report button radium crash is it really

    Crashing it’s down 9% that’s not a real crash okay so last seven days up 65% okay until the last week shows it’s down like 30% that’s a crash a one day down is not a crash so just chill just chill Gan is pumping number one on polyon I

    Showed that last night I said gone is moving oh man it almost doubled since last night last night when I was showing it it was still at under 5 million it’s like 4.7 now it’s 8.7 might have to F more on this one under 10 million still good

    Buy but you know it it could just dump down like look at look at anal that dumped down even though it seemed like it was going head to one billion of market cap you just don’t know sometimes neon evm um I don’t really have have any thoughts on

    Them I forgot there isn’t there some chain that came out with it it’s on um salana right uh 181 aren’t they a salana based project or no yeah the most scalable and cost efficient evm with direct asset salana liquidity so they combine both basically yeah I I I looked at this the

    Other day um got to do more research into it but could be could be a winner it’s already listed on several several Sexes out there up 33% about to swap 10K xrp should I go at avax or Soul uh if I was doing it I would split into half because they’re

    Both down about the same percent right down about 4% let go you can’t go wrong splitting at 50/50 meus is pumping do you know why no not a project I follow really to be honest um uh been a big fan friend on tap tools a also Co gecko uh not showing

    Up is a friend friend coin friend Nation I don’t know which one friend nation is it is this it no this one friend down 20 why do you want to show me something that’s down 21% if you’re if you’re looking for a cardano meme okay you just go with snck snck has been

    Holding very well they’re like still 10 something market cap 120 or 110 they’re not too big yet and they are very strong with a huge community so it’s not too late to get into snack but friend it just like dumped down you know and I don’t know anything about them

    So uh that that that’s a pretty big drop that’s a 50% drop they’re coming up a little bit but still I would just go with snck I’m not going to check PPN cardano what’s your opinion on ethereum classic garbage that’s no utility I mean there’s no use case for it it’s

    Just um they don’t know what their future is even Charles hoskinson gave up on them I don’t I don’t know what’s going on with them can optimism hit a 60 billion market cap in 2024 I don’t know it’s a very weird question to be asking why 60 million or billion uh less than

    20x can it happen yeah I think anything within 10 to 15x is real possible uh outside 15x to 20x for somebody these bigger midcaps is it possible yeah uh the percentage probably like less than 50% but still I’d say I if I I’m just guessing this purely guessing

    Like 25% chance that optimis to hit 60 billion in the coming bull at the end of The Bull Run DJ I obviously you have not been watching for a while I said I gave up on Kimble because supposedly they told people that they can’t stop the Bots from dumping them and just went

    Down because the market went down and you know you’ve been watching long enough don’t add me man uh can you check when when token doesn’t even show up how much do you think the pending ETF approvals are already baked in the price of BTC very little almost

    0% the reason being no one can predict how much money ETFs will bring in no one can predict it people could think ah okay let go bring in 5 billion the first week or 10 billion the first week but what about the second week the fifth week you know the the fifth

    Months could have brought in 10 trillion dollars by the fifth or six or you know it’s 12 months right no one could predict that too many people trying to pump friend right now you guys don’t need to pump friend friend just go pump snack at 34

    Million oh they got listed on gate they got list on gate I helped them with that by the way they’ve been working with them for a long time gate is actually pretty I never use them but they’re like considered a pretty solid tier 2 exchange W’s Bonk go come back

    Up uh you know all salana stuff came down yesterday salana Bonk radium um ANS they all went down think salana is due for a breather which is fine because it’s been so so so hot someone else pointed this out uh if you look at a daily chart

    Stochastic and RSI both topped out it’ll probably come back down like right around here about the 50s and then it’ll reset and go now as for whether or not salana is going drop down the 80s I don’t see that that’s a huge 20% drop before it comes that up I don’t see

    It I think it’s going to go like this maybe like to like 90s or hundreds or something if it needs to go down a lot of times when this resets it doesn’t move look at it like from here when it was in the 70s and it

    Looks like it was go reset down what did it do it did nothing and went sideways so very possibly you just see salonus go sideways like this and then it starts going upwards but I think salana is going to have a huge 2024 huge which platform can you get the on

    In the US you just need to it’s not on any indexes man you need to go on Trader Joe you need to go on Trader Joe and then you need to trade a aaac for is what you need to do right there and you need to connect your wallet you need

    To learn how to use your wallet right like metamask you can you can um you can switch to to Avalanche and then transfer some a avac in there and that’s how you do it but yeah they’re not looking good right now they dumped a lot yesterday but I like

    they’re hey they bounce that was a low point now that they’re bouncing I like I think they go do well you know you just can’t you can’t as a meme you can’t beat that name you really can’t uh what did I miss here will boo spook what boo

    Sco p111 I have no idea what you’re saying you’re asking if a spooky swap will do well yes probably um gay won’t give mm cryp money that they owe him I have no clue about that chain link wants to join the fun chain link has not moved in a long time

    They were very very hot a few months ago and recently look at it oh they’ve been just going sideways since November 8th yeah yeah since November 8th till now basically been going sideways but before then this was a huge climb right here but this man that was since May of 2022 to October

    Basically sideways now it’s consolidating a little bit yeah link it needs to break out of here like what is that link could break out as 173 then it’s ready to rock Saga salana mobile crypto Saga I don’t know what this is is it a is it a it’s a game token on the

    Mobile phone I I don’t know I don’t know enough about it Randy Golden Cross in a weekly BDC yes coinbase continues to go up man don’t let sailor buy up all the Bitcoin out there make sure make sure you grab some for yourself this man is going to keep on

    Buying and buying and buying and buying and it’s not he not going to stop can you show us your bag how do I show you fud is painful without KY j h that’s funny what do you think about icy the meme of icy p i well I don’t like ICP so

    I can’t you know I’ve not been following it so I’m I don’t know anything about ICP I see what’s stab what’s stabel it does show up but I’ll look at it uh let’s see the first friction list exchange protocol powered by salana first protocol that eliminates Financial loss for all defi users by

    Reducing price impact and permanent loss to nearly zero that’s impossible orders the price impact above 0 2% will be split as fractional orders give our smart qu okay I mean that sounds good in theory and because but it’s still possible especially like with memes where there’s

    Not enough liquidity and you want to put like 10K in there’s just not enough you know the price impact will always be above 0 2% um but it’s a good idea in theory okay classic user interface smart liquidity margin okay I mean this is the game this is the

    Game changer if if they can implement this but again I don’t think it’s possible in all situations decent idea decent idea hey Tom I I don’t know what tweet you’re talking about but um 100% for in a few minutes oh that’s a good bounce right there that’s a

    Good that’s a good bounce right there uh optimism still doing very well poly on still doing very well arbitrum doing decent uh even eth is joining in on the fun today eth is up about 5% who else is doing well today uh Bitcoin SV garbage a star as

    Star I don’t know anything about them Mina looks promising they’ve been up since last night rocket pool liquid staking up Bitcoin cash and other trash coin dydx um yeah also within Cosmos now right they’re a D5 play littos liquid staking immutables another chain I mean today’s just today’s actually really

    Good look at look at all the greens look at all the greens today’s a good recovery day that’s why I keep telling you guys last night even though bitcoin’s down a little bit some are down like salana Avalanche you know some some of these are down but overall guys

    There should be nothing nothing that should be scaring you guys out of the market right now 2024 is just going to be absolutely Bonkers fantastic so nmct I kept my Momo tokens listen to your advice I sold this morning for 10x hey congrats congrats no one ever gets hurt taking profits

    Right that’s that’s how it goes all right guys I’ll let you go overall today is a pretty good day you got Bitcoin Wales on a buying frenzy that is not going to stop including Michael sailor make sure you grab some Bitcoin for yourself or it’s

    Going to be gone okay load up stock up DCA accumulate keep on going my friends Bitcoin is going to have a monstrous year in 2024 and nothing is going to stop that and in addition same thing with all the crypto projects out there including the

    L2s that are very very hot at this point all right smash it a like subscribe to the channel I’ll see you guys tonight 8:30 p.m. Central Standard Time have a good one take care bye-bye


    1. Soooo….. all I'm hearing from influencers is how BTC is going to moon, hmm, doesn't this usually precede a major draw down??? Be careful people, influencers get paid to spread FOMO

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