These top crypto coin picks are CRUSHING it!

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    What up guys fugle BC and got a little bit different of a video for you today a while back I named eight coins that I was going to hold for the bull run I’ve expanded that a little bit but I wanted to kind of show you how that bull run

    Coins are going how that selection is going I should say some people had some criticisms when I made this list and so far most of them have been paying off and we’re only in the beginning so uh without a lot of further Ado we’re going

    To we’re just going to dive in and look at these coins and by the way if you haven’t hit the like button or subscribe button yet I’d really appreciate you doing so uh like I always say you don’t have to smash it you can just press it

    Gently works just fine that way too and uh you can see all our crypto experiments this is one of them it’s a experiment in buying a group of coins that I think would go up in the bull run honestly in a lot of ways it’s kind of

    Hard to miss because kind of everything goes up a little bit at least to some degree not even a little bit I mean even even your worst prick will probably do well at some point did I say pick your worst pick will probably do well but some will do better than others let’s

    Let’s let’s just dive in and take a look here okay so I made a little list and I’m going to kind of explain this here ignore the aloran news part um so so far I made a total profit of about 750 that is what I mean is I’ve simply taken

    $750 off okay so so that is uh that’s how much I’ve taken off and I’ve put some back in too so that is after some of the money that I put back in like I put another 100 in on link and we’ll get to that in a second uh so let’s start

    With the the king here Bitcoin average entry of 3,083 well we can see uh that one’s right at the top $ 42,000 $150 is where it’s at so I didn’t do the math exactly but uh what is that about 25% up on my on my buyin at that point so we’ve taken

    A little profit on bitcoin but most of it I’m leaving it alone I think it’s going to get a lot higher uh let’s go back down to metastyle now this one is crazy okay so let’s look at this one see what did we say metast Stow we were at

    20 2329 was my average Buy in and it is out to 7126 we are looking at more than a 3X so far more than a 3X from where I bought in earlier on it’s actually down a bit now I actually sold some around this morning I sold some around 76 and uh

    It’s Fallen a bit since then so and that’s going to happen they going to go up and down a lot but they’ll probably be more up than down so so that turned out to be a pretty good buy that’s probably one of my better ones um um

    Near now near is interesting one cuz near was really really slow and what what market cap does it say here number 54 15 154 so meny is still a little ways off from hitting the uh the top 100 but if it keeps uh going like that it should

    Shouldn’t be too long maybe hard to say cuz everything’s kind of pumping okay near protocol yeah right now 420 my Buy in my Buy in is a $156 average Buy in and we are at 420 waiting for this to load up cuz actually we were at yeah we

    Even today we’re at like 460 and I did we hit over five no no about 460 is about the the max so yeah it’s it’s up 78.4 five% in the last 7 Days that’s crazy and uh if you go by a month it’s about 131% up so when I tell you that

    Bull run pumps are crazy they are crazy that’s that’s just the way it is when it when it takes off they start taking off fast now I really like the new protocol ecosystem so like this is one I actually had some wallets and then they they got

    Rid of the official wallet so you have to go to a new one and I haven’t really haven’t really researched like what wallet to go in it’s kind of weird because they had this they had this setup where it was kind of like an all-in-one like your wallet was there

    And then there was this page with all the different games all the different nft projects kind of a One-Stop shop and I thought that was really cool and then that seems to be gone now I I I know like de centralized centralized but I I thought that was a unique

    Approach and I really liked it and sorry I’m kind of getting over a still kind of getting over a cold I’m a little stuffed up like I feel good otherwise but anyway our next one is pyr vcon forged now this is a gaming token which I think I think

    Gaming tokens tend to do pretty well R Falcon forged and our average buy end was what was it three 332 and it’s at 778 actually down a little on the day but that’s about a that’s over 2x um a little over 2x maybe 2.2 or something if

    You look at 7day yeah we were up as high as 878 and I’ve taken a lot of these that have really pumped I’ve taken a little bit of profit my goal is always to get my initial investment out so that it’s all to the good it’s all just

    Profit so it’s a way of drisking your investment and you know some people just want to buy and hold and if that’s your choice you can do what you want you know I’m just telling you what I’m doing uh but yeah Falcon Forge was one of the

    First ones to take off like near on the other hand was like really really slow and another one that was really slow is Mina my average entry was a dollar was I’m sorry 56 and Mina which is now a market cap of number 60 this was not in

    The top 100 when I bought it uh it’s at a114 I think it got a little higher let me just go right to the 7-Day chart yeah I mean we got up to almost a little over 130 at one point so uh but even as it

    Stands now it’s almost a 2X again this is the early stage we’re not even in the true bull market but I love I love being able to drisk and just have everything just grow and and I like taking profits along the way I I just think that’s a

    Good strategy and uh it keeps you from it helps you de risk and like make sure everything is to the good and then I never like take full profits I’ll will never I’ll never take everything off the board I’ll just take a lot of it when we

    Get to toward the top cuz you don’t know where the top is so I just keep taking profits uh so that’s Mina salana now this one requires a little bit of discussion here because you might see you’ll see that I have two figures there’s salana we’re down to

    $108 uh market cap number four which is crazy yeah this computer is so slow we got up yeah we got up to 124 abouts and we falling down to 105 a lot of people are going to start taking profits and it’s you know this is going to happen

    And there will be some consolidation a bunch of people buy in the dip and then it will go back up again most likely I definitely took some profits over 00 I don’t remember where exactly but okay so as some explanation uh my official on coinbase my official average entry is

    Just under 60 which is still a 2X profit but that was from some uh some choices I made some some buying I did back in the day with salana I think I actually took a slight loss on it before but my my actual Buy in is probably closer to 1718

    For this run because I bought it I should I probably should have bought it much earlier honestly I think I bought at 14 I think I think I bought at 18 around there everything was under 20 under $20 I bought and so yeah watching

    It go to 100 I mean that’s for so for this run this cycle you know I’m about I’m up about almost four probably about yeah probably about 5x I’m about 5x on this one and my salana is almost exclusively a moon bag right now I think

    I pretty much sold out my entire initial investment so now it’s all just moonbag everything everything that goes up from here is just all to the good and that’s I like being in that position cuz I don’t have to worry when people go uh oh

    Yeah myy good way to lose money is in investing in crypto it’s like I don’t lose money in crypto I make money in crypto I’ve made a lot a pretty I want to say a lot but a pretty decent amount okay uh now I put link purposely next

    Because link actually is the opposite of that so my average Buy in is 1144 so you might say oh you’re up but actually I bought in probably around what it is right now um cuz that’s that’s also from the past from pass bu that makes makes it look lower than it

    Is my Cosmos is off too but we’ll get to that in a minute uh so chain link yeah actually down to 1465 so now I might actually be underwater a little on my chain link um but I think I think chain link is really going to fly I would not

    We I’m not worried about this this little dip here I think chain link is really going to f if you look if you go if we zoom out a month yeah we’re about even you see we you can see we pumped over to 17 uh I think chain link is so

    Interesting because it’s sort of like provides a background for a lot of other crypto projects like like was it folks Finance yeah folks Finance in the aloran space um is using chain link for part of its infrastructure um for cross cross chain uh action I believe boy it’s been

    A while since I reported on that but I thought that was really that was a signal to me it’s like oh like this is a this is an algorand company and they’re using chain link for some of their background infrastructure I think that’s important yeah we just went up on on the

    7 day instead ofstead of or one month instead of down that’s cool that’s a lot of movement that’s a lot of movement for chain link interesting to see while that while we’re live on the channel here uh yeah Adam so again like there’s some it’s kind of hard to explain because I I

    Did some buying and selling at the last Bull Run when it was much higher so I sold off and then bought back in when it came down a bit and so I bought some since but that’s why it’s at 14 the stuff I’ve bought more recently has been

    Around 10 and then let’s go to blur cuz blur is one of my big misses you can see that it’s 65 cents actually more than one blur but um yeah so 6 what did I say 655 cents is my average Buy in and we are we are underwater on that and for

    Whatever reason blur just hasn’t pumped with the other coins yet I’m hoping it will it’s actually Fallen quite a little crash there uh today but okay so why did I why did I pick this one why did I like blur well it seemed like they were

    Eating uh Open Seas lunch so blur is an nft platform and what they did is they waved the fees as I recall or changed them in a way that made them much much much cheaper so you can exchange made it a lot easier to trade nfts and maybe

    Because the nft market hasn’t really recovered it has it has actually it’s in it’s in it’s number 98 it’s been in the top 100 which is very very interesting even though the price hasn’t moved much I think the supply just keeps increasing that must be why it’s uh been able to

    Crack the top 100 it was not in the top 100 when I bought into it I am underwater on that one um I still think this one might pan out to be honest but if it doesn’t you know that’s the thing your upside is so much greater than your

    Downside risk that if you choose like 10 coins and two of them don’t do that well you’re still going to be way up you know this coin could go to zero and I will be way up because of the performance of the other coins so it won’t crush me that

    Much but that’s why I say don’t you know put everything into one basket generally speaking you generally want you know kind of a kind of a selection and and boy you know what all right well let’s talk about xrp cuz my xrp is up so I put

    In it was at 23 cents when I bought in that’s my average Buy in I don’t think I have a ton of xrp you know it’s currently at 61 um could probably Round Up to 62 61.6 cents but yeah 6 we’ll just say around 61 cents that’s about a

    Little under 3x especially if it keeps going down a little bit yeah we just we must have just had a crash right when I’m recording this Let’s do let’s see 7day it’s it’s it’s up on the 7 day um probably even more on the month actually

    Know I’m down a little on the month but mine goes back further let’s just now you can see how yeah so my xrp Buy in you know that one possibly might be from older buys too I’m not sure actually come to think of it cuz I don’t remember

    Seeing a lot of like surprising pumps on that xrp there is no smoke without fire or bullish well nice to see it uh climbing up on the year a little bit and uh yeah that that I’m going to put that Buy in with a caveat too because I I

    Think that might be from some previous priz now I forgot polygon for some reason I did not put that on my list and I did a Twitter thread on this and I forgot polygon on that one too at 90 cents I’m actually at 90 I think 94

    Cents so I’m still like a little bit down on polygon although it keeps CL now it’s climbing so I don’t know we’ll see let’s just look at the year polygon had a rough fall before it went back up yeah you can see even earlier in the year it was actually up to about

    A150 almost just under a150 so I would say polygon and blur have been my two weakest positions so far but more than made up for it by some of my really strong positions and so that’s the reality of the bull market you’re going to have some wins you’re going to have

    Some misses but the pro the thing is that the winds are so great usually that you outpace any downside risk from some of these coins like I said blur and polygon could both go to zero actually and I would still be fine I’d still be well into the positive you know my only

    Regret is that I didn’t uh buy have more dry powder to buy in more than I did during the the bare Market but psychologically it’s tough it’s tough to do when you just see it going down and down and down even though the right

    Thing to do is to buy in at that point it seems hopeless everybody’s you know everybody’s really bummed out and uh that’s the way it is now the one coin that’s not on there is algorand and the reason I don’t put that on there is because I don’t just buy and hold

    Algorand I do have I do have a little bit in my my coinbase account in case of a extreme pump I can take a little profits but most of it I put to work on the algorand blockchain um doing a lot of stables stable farming getting like

    30 some per on these stable Farms on tiny man so I’m getting for like two grand investment I’m getting like a couple bucks a day a couple bucks a day in profits and that will continue the the mounts might change but one thing I found from my defi experiment is that

    You do get steady you do get steady returns it’s just that with uh if you have like meme coin pairs well your your your underlying value can drop so much that you’re you come out at a loss you know what I’m saying lables like you really eliminate a lot of that downside

    Risk so it’s a pretty helpful thing to do but anyway that’s uh that’s a you you can you want to see my videos on that you can check that out I’ve done it on how to use tiny man Farms on algorand which I think are one of the best ones

    Out there and I tell you which ones I think are good that I like so you can watch that video otherwise uh thanks for watching guys uh hit the like button and subscribe if you haven’t already so you can see all our videos as well as our

    Update I I will update this maybe in a couple months uh to show you how it’s been going and uh with that stay safe out there I’m Frugal BC and I will see you in the Future


    1. Bro i dont understand, why you dont took crust network after they released a cooperation with algo. Crust is like filecoin but without Inflation and a mc of 50mio$. Dyor

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