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    What’s up guys back in the woods it is nice out today day after Christmas I worked again today and today’s video I want to go over ethereum versus salana more specifically three ethereum versus 50 salana If I Only Had $55,000 to invest and I was back at square one you

    Know brand new portfolio which one would I pick now great question I’m actually contemplating this myself personally right now I’m holding just ethereum and no salana let’s go over the pros and cons of both so we’ll start with ethereum ethereum has by tan almost any token right now is an ethereum token

    It’s second to only Bitcoin it’s the one of the few cryptos that crossed over a 100 billion market cap and has maintained it especially in a bare Market it’s going to be deflationary it’s decentralized even though it’s Pro St it’s as decentralized as you want to

    Be for a pro to State crypto has the most developers out of any blockchain or Ledger and is widely adopted a lot of Institutions and big money and well-known people like ethereum even have ethereum axis and ethereum Killers so it’s very well known it’s established

    Has a track record it fits the need for institutions it you know fits the narrative for all these climate activists the ones that want to see a proof of stake uh retail and institution based crypto make it it’s the first blockchain when you think of crypto blockchain ethereum was the one that

    Started at all so it has that first M’s Advantage you can kind of put it in the S&P 500 the cons of it right now it’s expensive has high fees it’s not scalable at least not yet and it takes a while to make upgrades ethereum takes a

    Long time it took him a while just to merge from uh proof of work to proof of stake that was a long awaited patient move so you know it’s a slow mov in crypto but in terms of volatility it’s minimized and it will outa Bitcoin so

    It’s a safe bet ethereum but those are some of the cons that I see with it it’s slow and it has high fees so when we see uh ethereum scale right now it’s very hard for retail to even utilize ethereum really at all for nfts or anything

    Because the fees are so high to where only whales and institutions will transact on ethereum now let’s go over some sa’s Pros uh aside from being a newer crypto than ethereum it’s super fast the fastest in the entire space right now unless say which is also ripping it uh

    Truly is faster than salana but right now salana has that title fast as blockchain they have a very good marketing team a lot of VCS behind salana this is very good because they’re going to push this as far as they can go which is why so’s recovered so well and

    Why it made it Way to the Top 10 and now top five um they’re very proactive this comes from anat yakovenko and his team they came out with the saana phone recently they came out with more tokens they came out with meme coins they’re very proactive their ecosystem is

    Booming and that’s in large part why sana’s been rocket shipping by the way you know their ecosystem is just growing every day they have less developers in ethereum but relative to their market cap size they have more Developers for the market cap size then ethereum they use a programming

    Language called rust ethereum uses solidity a solidity is fine but developers do prefer rust rust is a more popular programming language it’s very cheap to transact on salana so for those who want to utilize their Ledger or create nfts or trade nfts it’s very easy

    Fast and convenient to use S so from a retail perspective you can see Mass adoption and for Institution s that want to have cheap fees and high scale ability can you saana but now let’s go over to cons it’s centralized a lot more centralized than ethereum uh they’re not as secure you

    Know if you have high scalability they did get a lot of bots that overloaded their system which does make you question their security at scale the VCS behind it or the double-edged sword they’ll help pump the project but they’ll also dump the project which you can see reflected in the oldtime chart

    It went to uh the low pennies like0 50 c to $260 and then dumped all the way to $8 and now rebounding significantly to like 110 last I saw it so salana is very volatile to pumps and dumps which is not in the cards for ethereum ethereum did

    Have a small allocation but it’s nowhere near as large as salana so salana does have that as a con it’s centralized maybe not as secure you know I don’t really see any confirmation on on that but it’s hard to be a centralized and secure crypto usually if you’re heavily

    Centralized your security could be questionable when you do see a lot of volume which they have had issues in the past when they get overloaded they have to shut down essentially press a restart button and then start from scratch so but luckily so far they haven’t had any

    Shutdowns as of late but we’re also in the early signs of a bull market so time will tell what happens but I do know anat to yeno said they’re going to work to improve their security and also add more nodes and you know the main thing is this they’re proactive right ethereum

    By T butterine for large part is usually silent um you see a lot of people though in crypto talking about ethereum you know so a lot of people really love it they want to see it succeed some are even saying it’s going to flip Bitcoin just being in that conversation puts

    Ethereum at the Forefront when it comes to potential adoption The Edge over salana but salana tech-wise I feel is better it’s scalable and cheap which I know a lot of people think oh you know it doesn’t mean a lot it means a lot it means a lot in the

    Crypto world and especially with institutions remember Guys these institutions they want scale yes but they also want predictable low fees and how do you do that you find a blockchain that has a lot of activity can scale and is cheap and that’s what saana has ethereum though wants to have Sharden

    Which is part of their road map and their white paper but it could be years away no one really knows how long it’s going to be so during this time salana has the potential to flip ethereum and right now you’re seeing the two you know sides you know one they’re saying

    Ethereum is going to be king and then some saying so’s going to flip it only a matter of time I’m kind of in the middle but now when it comes to deciding which one uh would I pick so let’s go over the market caps and prices first so ethereum

    Is a little over 2200 and saana is 110 eum’s market cap is 267 billion which is a quarter of a trillion a little more than a quarter of a trillion in market cap and salana is 47 billion market cap so even though salana is top five in market cap it’s

    Still ways behind ethereum when it comes to market cap I’m not sure what the math is so 50 * 5 is 225 so 50 plus that’s 275 so it’s about six times less than ethereum in market cap that’s a pretty big game so now when it comes to you as the investor I’m

    Assuming you’re not a whale having tons of money to invest which one should you invest into with a moderate risk to reward and this is why I’m contemplating uh spoiler alert selling my ethereum and putting it into salana I see salana now as a true blue chip hedge I did not

    Think this when it was $8 and it was FTX El and S bigman freed but now that the change came off there a giant reset button it’s recovered I now see it as a hedge with ethereum so now if I was a new investor this is not Financial

    Advice to you if it was me starting all over again i’ rather get the 50 salana over the three ethereum because even though ethereum is deflationary and saana is inflationary which that’s a con for saana by the way it’s an inflationary although not as large as like other cryptos but it is

    Inflationary ethereum is deflationary I think salana I think their team is better personally I like their their more forward moving mindset not trying to be a perfectionist but just getting their Parks out there growing their ecosystem and they’re showing it they’re flipping like big cryptos xrp BNB ethereum is

    More silent although they are forward moving they take a lot longer in time to really make moves both are going to be great cryptos but when it comes to having your money go the furthest while still being somewhat risk averse I think Salon is the better bet the two Sana

    Could easily hit 500 minimum this bull cycle and I know this is going to surprise many of you but it probably could hit $8,000 this cycle which is pretty much a 10x from here uh ethereum I see it at most a 5x from here which is 10,000 around 10,000 which is

    Just short of a 5x so you know when it comes to multiplier potential I think salana is definitely going to outpace ethereum this cycle which is why I would allocate my funds to salana if I was a new investor coming in there’s nothing wrong with holding both by the way in

    Case you’re on the fence or you say you know what I have time to do both I have more Capital you can definitely do both but I think at these current prices for me I would focus on getting salana first but being an early buyer into ethereum

    You know I can make this decision now to say you know what I have my ethereum do I want to establish a new position in saana or do I want to sell my ethereum and put it into saana while I’m still up in profit so I’ll decide on that by the

    Way if you want to know when I possibly decide to do this then feel free to join the patreon and Discord I have three tiers dolphin shark and whale make sure you read them depending on which tier you get you can reach out to me talk to

    Me you can see my buy alerts my sell alerts be a part of live streams I’ll be doing them real soon in like a week or two and also be a part of a support group where you can be in a position to take massive profits not try to you know

    Do this yourself be a l wol literally be in a community of like-minded people who are also trying to change their lives it is a great Community if you’re ever interested in joining you can check out those three tiers would love to see you there but anyways now I want to hear

    From you out of three ethereum or 50 salano which would you choose right now and what is your main reason for choosing in that crypto drop your comment down below and let me know if you enjoy this video please leave a like really helps so much that being said I

    Hope you have a great day and I’ll see you in the next video


    1. Why don’t people understand that you can have Etheriums security and Polygons cheep price and speed! By using Polygon. When talking about Eth you really should bring up L2s.

    2. I would choose Solana over ethereum as it is more of an Institutional investment with the upcoming possibility of ETF spot Bitcoin we can see institutions lining up for the investment ahead of the ETF approval therefore I believe Solana will go well above 1,000 in the near future

    3. Or you can put 2,500 in Solana and 2,500 in ethereum 😂 ethereum is a sleeping giant once eth does it next update it will go crazy because the fees are the only thing truly holding it back and godforbid sol gets hacked or shutdown yea sol will crash so yea better to own both

    4. Sol is like EOS, like many other "ethereum killers." At the end, it will be replace by the next "ethereum killer" 4 years from now.

      if you're a newb, stick with BTC or ETH. You don't know enough to make a call. Don't listen to influencers. Group think will get you in deep waters.

      Sol bag since 20s. Eth bag since 700s. I am planning to sell more Sol for Eth. The pump is coming for ETH. Sol already ran too hard.

      source: 3 seasons in crypto

    5. The wisest thought that is in everyone's minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest and trade in gold, stock and digital currencies. C. Kevin insights and charts are productive.

    6. Based on this review, best to have both, both seem great but that pos merge should have greatly multiplied ethereum because it's supposed to be triple as beneficial as the $hitcoin halving. Why do you guys always say "price" when referring to these currencies? I'll definitely be swapping some fiat and maybe some cryptos for solana, maybe I'll get rid of the rest of my $hitcoin bag for solana. I used to be a 2 whole coiner but I can no longer stand BTC

    7. Seriously? You are not satisfied with the best performing asset of all time which is right in front of you and about to be offered in an ETF? Instead you are debating the relative merits of two private sector CBDCs? Man some people must just want to be poor I guess.

    8. Everthing you said about Eth is why its garbage it trully the erc token factory its tied to some bad shit including ftx i own eth and plan on dumping it all. Waiting for pump then dump it all into either quant sol hbar kaspa or xrp long term. I tjink there will be a eth gate scandal reveled and bring many ptojects down and move them all to better networks sol is gonna pump i own it and plan on dumping it all as well because alot of it is due to sell off and hype . Eth is slow and moving forward it will always be slow ppl cant wait 30sec now imagine in future. Its just a big ponzi scheme for the bankers cause they no retail hates the fees. To them its a store of value. To us its money wasted. Moving forward i think im gonna only hold 6 10yr long term and use gaming ai hype tokens meme for pump and move back into long term holds.

    9. Why is your family hesitant on crypto have you not shown them your profits or do you not share that with them cuz that could help them into believing more and assets and crypto to them it's just a pump and dump

    10. BlackRock, Ark, VanEck filed for spot ETH ETF, liquid staking for ETFs providers, Cancun upgrade (sharding) coming in January, 3.8 millions ETH burned so far (in the bear market), biggest TVL of crypto. 🤦🏻‍♂️😮Having a bag of SOL but sleeping on ETH is irresponsible TMO. Hi from New Zealand bro

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