New crypto mining app.Surf token mining.Very good project 2023.

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    Hello everyone welcome to my channel in today’s video I will discuss about another brand new very strong mining platform where you can earn the surf token at first you will earn the surf point and that point will be converted to Surf token and it is an blockchain

    Project so highly recommend you to join here as soon as possible how can you join here Link in my pin comment please check the comment box at the first comment you will get the link so once you click the link you have to install the application at first and then open

    The application so after you open the application you will get this kind of interface so simply just swipe hit to right and here you see dive into Marina surface so how can you register here simply just click here continue with Google account after that it will be

    Loading here you see dive into Marina servers and choose any of your verified Gmail account after that you have to enter your username here any name plus digit you can choose so they are saying please use between 4 to 15 characters English and numbers only and then just you have to click

    Here the next after that you have to click again next and then would you like to enter your friend’s nickname for extra Everlasting reward just click next so you have to enter the invitation code here enter your friend’s nickname enter invitation code and get get extra 25% boost invertion code may not be

    Changed so be aware so you can use my invitation code and then click next after that it will be show dive into Marina serfer now you are ready to dive into Marina just click here next so this is the main interface so once you join

    Here you will get 1.25 serf point so in the down section you will get the home find then and the serf option and the dashboard simply have to click here the surf so I already start the mining so after you click the serf you have to

    Click here the claim you can try first the extra reward you can earn some extra reward from them if it available it will work and if it not available you can only choose the claim after you click the claim mining will be start and it will be running for exactly 24 hour so

    In this way you can start the mining so how can you get your referral code so your username will be used as the referral code so this is my username and this is my referral code also in the down section you have to just click the profile you will get lots of information

    From the profile so friends here you see the website then Twitter telegram Etc and some other information also available here so if I click here the website here you see this is the official website of Marina protocol we can earn the surf token from this platform so scroll down you will get the

    White paper Etc and this app is only available Android only and it will be coming very soon to iOS so friends here you see this is the official uh white paper of Marina protocol Marina protocol is a global web3 tutorial platform providing us on New to blockchain and web 3 with easy to

    Use content and advanc interface for activities like mining staking Launchpad and transfer user can experience web3 and ultimately receive reward for their engagement so friends offer a left corner three do option you will get the white paper then Marina token information if I click here the marina

    Surf token so surf token can be obtained by converting surf Point surf Point can be obtain by clicking the surf icon once every 24 hour when the surf is complete to accelerate the Acquisitions of surf points you can watch ads for additional 100% when clicking the surf icon or

    Invite friends here is some affiliate information the more in friends you invite using your referral code the more s coin or S point you can earn when you directly invite friend you will receive an additional boost of 0.2 P surf that is surf Point per hour from each friend

    And when that friend invites someone you will get extra boost of 0.05 P per hour you can try refer and the another token is called B token B token can be obtained by converting the bay points which are earned through the surfboard nft staking so friends here

    You see there is some information about this surf utility token every 24 hour that is mining users can convert from surf point to Surf token during tokenization as I said you can convert this point to Surf token so tricker surf contract address TVA total issued unlimited and the chain BNB smart chain

    That is B 20 and use cases users can buy surfboard to get B point which can be converted to B token users can participate in other web3 projects giveway event and the distribution and allocation category private sale in percentage 5.80 percent distributions 5% at TG 12 month lock up 24 month

    Visting and the another one is Ido in percentage 0.50% and it will be unlocked ecoystem 8.50% liquidity 1.20 operation and advisor 5% Partners 10% staking reward 46% marketing 8% team 15% and total will be 100% token conversion point to token tokenization occur every Monday at 12 UTC announcement of Marina

    Protocol launch website publish white paper and the global strategic partnership is ongoing it’s not launched yet then product and service launches Marina protocol app launched and the app and app launch will be coming soon then app update with priority on surf functionality it will be coming very

    Soon others will coming very soon like token generation event sell Global listing coming soon list on centralized exchange list on decentralized Exchange then platform ecosystem expansion new platform features onboarding and incubating Global Wave 3 project so all are coming very soon we are in very very early stage at this moment overall the

    Project looks very good to me and very strong so I highly recommend you to join this project as soon as possible if you join at this moment you will get good enough mining stre if you join later mining speed will be down so friends here you see the upper right corner the

    Wallet option just click there and you will get your assets we are mining the PF at this moment and this PF will be converted to Surf token so you are currently mining the point Surf and your total invitation will be show here the more you invite the more you can earn

    From this platform so friends this is all about today’s video so thanks for watching and see you again in next video please like share and subscribe to my channel thank you everyone


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