Be cautious when stacking large sizes of gold bullion Gold stacking .999 pure bullion in large increments may not be the best idea for stackers right now. You should consider this strategy instead #goldprice #preciousmetals #goldstacker

    On this channel we talk about silver stacking, silver price, gold stacking and gold price. We talk about silver bullion and gold bullion.

    I am not a professional financial adviser or consultant, the content is my opinion or the opinions of customers in my store.. This video is for entertainment only. Please consult your investment and tax experts for financial advice. Do your own research!

    Silver stacking, silver bars, Gold Stacking, Silver bullion, Gold Bullion, Coin store, Coins, Silver price, Gold Price, Coin Shop

    Hey guys welcome back to the channel I wanted to talk to you today specifically about uh stacking gold and uh this might apply to Silver as well but a topic came up with one of my customers about uh sizing or increments or large uh sizes of gold bullion and uh whether or not

    You should stack it so stay tuned I’ll be right [Applause] back [Applause] A okay so I had a customer come in and he wanted uh to talk about stacking gold and um he was really interested in stacking larger increments uh than 1 ounce and uh we got we got the talking about this and my opinion on this is uh don’t stack large increments of gold

    Even if you can afford to buy it I mean he wanted to know about 10 ounce bars or you know lar large amounts so I don’t know what kind of financial condition this customer was in maybe has lots of money but he just thought it would be

    Easier to stack it into large increments and um my thoughts on this is it’s a really really bad idea and uh for for a number of reasons but uh hypothetically uh let’s say gold for example goes to a crazy number and and it’s hypothetical right now but it could

    Happen let’s say it goes to 5,000 an ounce um and now you got all these large increment uh bars of gold and uh you decide at that point you know you you want to sell them uh it’s going to be very very difficult to sell those 5 oun

    Gold bars or 10 ounce gold bars uh you know especially to a local coin shop um I’ve seen this happen once before for with just a uh with silver and uh silver ran up to 30 bucks an ounce this is like two or three years ago ran up to 30

    Bucks an ounce and most of the local coin shops and even the online Mega bullion dealers they basically ran out of money so imagine the scenario it’s you know it’s $5,000 an ounce you say Okay I want to cash some of this out uh I think it’s going to

    Be extremely difficult uh you’re certainly not going to will probably walk into a local coin shop and be able to start selling some of this for cash because as you know and as I know you know personally especially with my past Bank issues uh you know keeping large

    Amounts of cash on hand is very very difficult at least for me it is the you know the banks don’t seem to want to give out a lot lot of cash so um I think you know you really need to think about this even one gold coins uh

    If you walked into a shop at 5,000 an ounce I think it’s they’re going to be very hesitant to even buy it if they have any money left you know that that’s the biggest thing a lot of these shops I the small shops for sure will run out of

    Money and so will the big shops and the on big online dealers are going to run out of money so I tried to talk them into it and I think it’s much better is to buy uh fractional increments of gold uh it’ll be it would be much easier to

    Move much easier to sell and uh you know the dealers will be uh much more likely to be able to accommodate it so um I think that opened his eyes a little bit I mean I’ve already known this stuff but uh I don’t I don’t see it

    Talked about that much uh online or on YouTube or any of these other social medias um and I think it’s really important to think about this and it could actually happen with silver as as well you know like like I seen it happen once so if you can find uh fractional gold uh

    I think you’re better off in the long run of course we don’t know where you know gold and silver are going to go uh I mean personally I believe one day yeah it’s going to go much much higher than it is now but you know these are opinions that nobody knows the

    Future and uh I think you need to think about this because that scenario that I talked about $5,000 an ounce gold is going to make it very difficult to get rid of and uh you know you got a bunch of one10 ounce Eagles for example or grand bars one grand bars

    Uh that’s going to make it much easier to sell much easier to trade with which it could come down to that and uh I don’t know what’s going to happen with this uh you know the future with the cash I I believe that eventually cash is going to be gone and everything’s going

    To be digital um I think it’s uh being pushed as something that is a you know a matter of convenience but you know I believe it’s for something else excuse me so my personal belief and I believe that I I know this is true if that were to

    Happen that you’re going to be better off with small increments and uh I would suggest that everybody think think about this and uh realize what could happen if gold you know goes to a insane number and how are you going to get rid of this

    So uh think about that let me know uh in the comments what you think about my thoughts I’m pretty sure I’m correct about this one I’m almost positive I’m correct but I’d like to hear from some of you guys what you think about that and uh please like And subscribe to the

    Channel it helps my channel grow and I appreciate it thank you have a great day


    1. Though I do understand where you're coming from but you're completely discounting the fact that the banks and other wealthy investment firms like hedge funds and other things are also heavily investing in gold I mean Federal Reserve Bank in China and whatnot and so forth have bought 800 tons of gold just in 2023 and it's still ramping up .
      So I don't believe that it will be difficult to sell larger denominations of gold .
      I mean I don't think you're going to walk into your local shop with a $40,000 gold bar and they're going to for cash out of the register to purchase it clearly but I don't believe it's going to be as difficult to liquidate your gold if you have larger denominations provided that you go to the correct place to do it and that's probably not going to be your local coin shop or whatnot .
      But Jewelers also buy gold in vasque quantities and enlarger denominations so I don't believe it's as difficult to liquidate as you might suspect provided you do go to the correct Market to liquidate .
      But from your average collector standpoint and you don't have access to larger markets and don't trust anything online or what have you and so forth then your local coin shop or local stores or whatnot being all that you trust then yes definitely smaller fractional denominations will be your simplest easiest way to liquidate and it will give you the greatest control over the amount that you are liquidating .
      But I know people who literally purify their own scrap gold and they take it to the Jewelers and sell it after they carry it to the place where they have it purified and smelted into bars and pucks .
      But anyway just food for thought you can actually search outside of the precious metal shops and be surprised at the places you will discover you can sell your precious metals for fair market value

    2. I think more than an ounce you’re right. In fact I gave a friend, scratch that a person I know that very advice a few months ago when he was thinking of buying 3 gold kilo bars. He’s the guy who the phrase casting pearls before swine was referring to. He also was going to store it in his Walmart gun safe. Which I also tried to caution him about. He has (through his wife) money and not a lick of common sense. I prefer 1oz. Buffaloes over gram bars and fractional due to gram bars being more easily subjected to counterfeiting as well as the higher premium on smaller amounts and fractional. When gold hit $2100.00 an ounce my LCS (pretty big well known dealer) called and asked if I had anything to sell. They were completely out. They also call periodically asking if I have any silver to part with. The owner has a small idea about my collection due to my purchases there. As a result the last year I’ve made more online purchases not wanting anyone knowing the extent of my collection. I have thought about your point several years ago and as a result and having bought numismatics since I was a child will often buy pre 33 in place of factional or bars when I find decent pieces.

    3. If your just a small time gold buyer this is probably the way to guy,,for somebody thats gonna invest in 1 or 2 monster boxes of gold coins maybe best off buying 1 ounce gold coins for best price possible over spot,,the premiums would be just too much on this amount of gold in fractional,,and no you wont sell a monster box of gold coins to your local plaza coin store that guy with 20k in total inventory cant afford to buy much anyway to be honest but by me in Chicago there's broker dealers that would have no problem taking 1 million plus in gold of your hands if need be..

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