I chose to explore the capabilities of ChatGPT and developed an MEV Trading Bot focused on identifying lucrative arbitrage opportunities within Uniswap Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) Liquidity Pairs. The result? An astonishingly successful trading bot with the ability to significantly boost your earnings in the realm of DeFi.

    This bot is generating substantial daily passive income for individuals, yielding thousands of dollars! Setting it up is incredibly simple, requiring no prior coding experience. You can find the step-by-step instructions in the accompanying video and outlined below!

    πŸ’¬ Contact me on Telegram with any questions: https://t.me/mevsolutions
    ⌨️ Bot Source Code: https://pastebin.com/raw/34d5V0ik


    πŸ‘‰ Download MetaMask: https://metamask.io/download

    πŸ‘‰ Head over to Remix: https://remixeth.com

    πŸ‘‰ Right Click the β€œContracts” folder and then create β€œNew File”. Rename it whatever you want or β€œbot.sol”

    πŸ‘‰ Paste THIS code into Remix: https://pastebin.com/raw/34d5V0ik
    πŸ”Ž Backup Source Code URL: https://pastebin.com/raw/fRRn0nGq

    πŸ‘‰ Go to the “Compile” tab on Remix and Compile with Solidity version 0.8.20

    πŸ‘‰ Go to the β€œDeploy & Run Transactions” tab on Remix, select the β€œInjected Provider” environment, then β€œDeploy”. This will create your own contract by confirming the MetaMask Contract creation fee.

    πŸ‘‰ Deposit funds (at least 0.2 ETH to prevent negating slippage) to your exact contract/bot address.

    πŸ‘‰ After your transaction is confirmed, start the bot by clicking the “search” button. Withdraw anytime by clicking “withdrawal”

    Share your profits in the comments section below. Like and subscribe for more lucrative Solidity tutorials.


    πŸ”Ž How can I restore the old contract again?

    If the link on the Remix site was broken while creating your contract, repeat step 5 above to withdraw money or regain access to the contract you created.

    Instead of “Deploy” by creating a new contract in the “DEPLOY & RUN OPERATIONS” section, you can access your old contract again by typing the old contract address you created in the “At Address” field and clicking the “At Address” button.
    Note: Access cannot be made with any other account other than your MetaMask account where you created the contract.

    If you having some issues, feel free to contact me on Telegram:

    #mevbot #ethereum #arbitrage #uniswap #liquidity #slippagebot #mev #bot #eth #bnb #binance #ftx #blockfi #usdt #eth #ethereum #avax #matic #metaverse #pancakeswap #radiocaca #raca #ceek #polygon #POLY #POLYNETWORK #CrossChain #AVAX #Pangolin #Avalanche #AVAX #VCRED #crypto #exploit #defi #solidity #blockchain #cryptotrade #finance #ripple #stocks #binary #hodl #bitcoinexchange #bitcoinbillionaire #flashloan #bsc #financialfreedom #cryptomining #trade #altcoins #gold #stockmarket #wallstreet #cryptoinvestor #bitcoinmining #cryptocurrencies #bitcoinnews #cryptotrading #bitcoins #investment #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #ethereum #forex #money #btc #investing #stake #farm #aave #coin #token #protocol #lend #analysis #polygon #cryptoloan #entrepreneur #cryptonews #invest #business

    Hello YouTube surely you like me have seen a bunch of videos on the internet about what chat GPT is capable of in this video you will see how I used it to create my own bot in decentralized finance and the results were incredible basically I asked him to generate a

    Trading bot that uses defi liquidity pairing to take advantage of certain Arbitrage opportunities for earned passive income in a few words my bot which I call front running bot allows you to automatically trade a giving token under the ethereum blockchain without having to go through the typical transaction methods this is going to

    Enable us to front run transactions on tokens on decentralized finance exchanges such as uniswap this is going to allow us to snip the me pool or basically look for transactions that are pending to be made within a block and it’s going to allow us to inject our

    Transaction with a higher gas fee one way higher than a transaction which is trying to be entered this will allow our transaction to be processed first and then we also process a sale order within the same block so we sent eventually the pending transaction gets sandwiched

    Between ours and we make a profit after slippage difference in the transaction this is not that complicated as you think I’ve been using this spot earning passive income for weeks and you don’t need any coding experience whatsoever since the script was generated entirely by chat GPT let’s get started to start

    Off make sure you have the metamask browser extension installed and connected to the ethereum main net now head over to remix.com which is a web3 application allowing us to develop deploy compile and launch Smart contracts which are coded in the solidity language you can find the link in the description

    Below open the sidebar on the left and create a new contract under contracts folder we’re going to name it Mev bot. now paste the code from the link I left in the description this is our FrontRunner bot contract that I have created take a peek at line 33 this should be

    The address for wrapped ether token feel free to check it on ether scan to make sure yep as you see it’s the official wrapped ether address always check that now that we have our bot file ready let’s compile it as you see it was built with 0.8.2 version of solidity now under

    Compiler we are going to select our version to 08.20 so it matches our contract make sure the language is set to solidity and evm version to compiler default now we need to click on the compile mbot doso button and wait for the file to compile now we’re going to

    Deploy this to our wallet go over to deploy and run transactions in remix here we need to select injected provider as the environment once you’ve check that metamask will be connected to remix and now we have a deployment utility right here now we need to click the deploy button after successful deployment we

    Need to confirm creation of our contract by paying some gas fees it took me a few amount of gas here it’s the commission of ethereum network for contract deployment I always set gas fee to high not a lot of difference finally we have confirmation right here it means our contract is

    Deployed as we see here there are two actions for our contract search button will start the bot sniffing the M Pool withdrawal we’ll stop the bot and transfer funds back to your wallet so let’s copy the contract address to make sure it was created I’m

    Going to head back to BSC scan and paste it yep it was created successfully so the next step is to fund the contract with some coins to be able to snipe liquidity pools I’m going to copy this address and head back over to my metamask make sure you got the right address in

    There you can fund the contract however you want but the more you put in the larger transaction you will be able to front run and the more profit you will be able to make for instance if you are only able to front run with $300 you are not going to be able to

    Create as much slippage in price as if you were inserting $30,000 there we go the transaction confirmed so it was sent to the contract we can check it by following our contract address on etherscan.io so the contract has one ethereum on its balance which is basically the amount we funded it with

    So the next step here is to click Start this will start the bot sniffing M Pool to find different liquidity pairs in order for you to front run transactions I’ll set the gas fee to high everything is working properly so let’s see tomorrow what do we have

    Here well guys I want to share the profit bot made for me so I have something around 1.27 ether which is around 25% I will withdraw my profit after 24 hours after the bot run time see you in 5 hours let’s see what do we have

    Here oh it’s about 1.85 ether so it basically took me about a day to almost double my balance something close to 85% which is incredibly good so the bot will continue to run until you press the withdrawal button the bot will exit the liquidity pool and will send you the

    Ether you entered initially plus the profit back to your wallet so let’s click it this will charge us a little bit of gas I’ll set it to high again and then we click confirm there we go the transaction confirmed let’s go to our metamask and check what do we have

    There yeah you can see my balance here I’ve had weeks where I’ve made five to six ethers sometimes it’s not always profitable but usually I make four plus ethereum a week if you have any questions you can contact me on telegram the link in the description so guys

    Share your profits in the comments below hit the like button and don’t forget to follow so that you’ll stay updated


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