In this video, I reflect upon Bitcoin and Crypto in 2023 and talk about my goals for 2024. This includes my personal goals, my investing goals, and my goals for the Cryptosrus brand.

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    Hey everyone welcome to another Sunday walk video except I’m not walking today uh I’ve been battling with this cold for quite some time and for the most part I’ve I think I’m okay I’ve recovered but man I get so drained so this past week actually the past two

    Weeks I’ve moved into my new place this is where I am right now um but every day I’ve been moving stuff here and there and man they Tire me out so much so I’m not completely recovered from my sickness uh so I’m not walking today and

    Plus it’s dark and it’s cold and it’s rainy so um so that’s why I’m not walking but regardless I wanted to create this video for you guys because I want to reflect on 2023 today is New Year’s Eve so I want to reflect on 2023

    A little bit and also talk about some of my goals my personal goals uh for 2024 so uh reflecting upon 2023 let’s start out with that I mean 2023 in my opinion flew by really really quickly really quickly and it didn’t really get exciting about until about

    Maybe halfway through so I don’t know if you guys remember but man January February of 2023 was the most depressing that’s when we fell below 20,000 we headed to like 16 15,000 right and a lot of bears were calling for even lower right 12,000 10,000 8,000 whatever um it was a

    Scary time it wasn’t it wasn’t fun at all and even though from that period on all the way to about like maybe like June time frame we hardly moved right like we were like above 20,000 a little bit but it just seemed like even at that

    Point to think that we would end up over 40,000 by the year end uh was I don’t know wishful thinking right because it was just so Bleak so depressing right um but I told you guys you know my my mission was to hopefully get you guys through without without uh

    Basically giving up right because I’ve lived through a couple of these Cycles but I got to admit 2023 and 2022 were pretty harsh the longest extended downturn we ever had in bitcoin’s history um yes we’ve seen bigger percentage drops but the downturns ended much quicker than this last one so it

    Was tough it was it was definitely tough but what I did was tell you guys to focus on the future continue to hle continue to DCA that’s why I continue to do the DCA um portfolio with you guys even though it looked embarrassing there were many people that

    Asked me like why do you show this why do you show your portfolio down 55% yeah at some point at one point in 2023 when I was showing my DC portfolio on Wednesday nights they were down 55% I think at one point it might have hit like minus

    58% and uh it’s embarrassing to show it right but I wanted to show you guys something that was important um and that is patience yeah when it comes to investing especially crypto patience and also the power of DC dollar cost averaging right and throughout 2020 basically I’ve been doing that since

    2021 mid 2021 2022 2023 and uh and you know up until this week um yeah last time I show this week uh it was up like 30 32 33% right so again um I was trying to show you guys Pro a point and and it

    Worked and a lot of you guys have told me the same thing that you know you continue to DCA you didn’t Panic sell you contined to hold right and now you’re in the green so it’s awesome awesome so 2023 in many ways even though it started out really scary we didn’t

    Really see an upturn until maybe around June time frame and then we kind of cooled off a little bit and then October hit that’s when October really like moved the markets and got people excited again right um overall 2023 um wasn’t bad wasn’t bad right we got through the worst times together and

    Now we’re we’re you know we’re entering the bull market right uh obviously uh I I would argue that we already entered a bull market even even from like the the early days of this year uh but now I’m talking about the fun part the parabolic part because we’re approaching the

    Having event next year and and after that that’s usually when it gets really good but 2020 3 um obviously like I said it was it was tough it was long but we got through it and I don’t even remember all the up and downs right that that’s

    The beauty that’s the beauty once you DC long enough and you hold it long enough and you see the greens come back you just kind of forget about it 2020 I don’t even remember 2022 I mean I remember all the black swand and collapses but like like outside of that

    Like I didn’t even remember like what happened toward the end of 2022 leading in 2023 and then you know I remember bits and pieces of 2023 but all I remember now is um is the gains the gains right from the past three months um so 2023 flew by again I’ve said this

    Before and I’ll say it again those of you guys that have lived through 2022 and 2023 even if you got in at the beginning of 2021 right uh or I mean the peak of 2021 won um and it just seemed like it was a mistake um that that you know you should

    Have sold out you should have got out you know holding was a mistake right um those of you guys that had those thoughts hopefully now you don’t because now you are in the green and you’re under the profit and you realize that hey that was you know even though that was bad maybe

    At a time but you know now it turned out to be a really good thing right so that that’s what my hope is for any of you guys watching that uh you you you learn an important valuable lesson and that is when it comes to crypto and investing

    Overall uh the longer you holdal and the more you DCA the more you profit in the end it’s it’s really that simple right so 2023 um you know overall I think it was it was tough but rewarding right uh especially the the the latter half of

    2023 but as we enter 2024 I think um you know I think 2024 and 2025 are going to be spectacular in ways that we can’t even imagine and here’s the thing I’ve said I’ve lived through many cycles before all those Cycles were primarily driven by retail we haven’t gone through

    A cycle where we institutions really get involved we’ve seen Michael sailor get involved since 2020 but he was kind of like the loan person and micro Strat was a loan company but now it’s no longer the case 2024 happens when we get spot ETFs um things are going to be different

    The landscape is going to be completely changed because of the institutional players coming in and these guys you know their playbook is not like retail’s Playbook um you know they tend to invest longterm they’re not in it for short-term gains um a lot of these guys once they invest

    They hold for decades and a lot of these guys are like funds themselves like retirement funds Pension funds um and they have to be like they have to be focused long term right because they’re they’re using people’s money and they’re trying to maximize gains in a conservative way not to crash but also

    Give rewards right and they you know they’re focusing on long term and you know all these guys and then plus you got the the companies um outside of micro strategy you know they’re all a lot of them are sitting on cash piles like huge gigantic cash piles and they

    Realize that it’s just going to waste unless they do something with that money they’re wasting it because again inflation is robbing them inflation robs everyone one and they have to prove to the shareholders that they’re they’re doing something with that money otherwise it’s just going to waste right

    So not only you have the funds but you got other other companies that are trying to diversify trying to add things to their balance sheet that actually makes sense that could give them the biggest returns yet still give them that conservative position um and you know that’s Bitcoin right so you got funds

    And you got companies and then of course you got a lot of wealthy individuals you got family offices um a lot of VCS and hedge funds they’re all looking to enter to space and and that’s why in 2024 it’s going to be so different than before uh prior Cycles the

    2021 um Peak and and 2017 Peak and 2013 Peak again they were driven by retail and then you could say some whales okay but man this time around it’s going to be different so I’m very very bullish in 2024 of course I could be completely

    Wrong but I don’t think I am you know um you know like I’m at this point in my in my life where um I’m putting a lot of two and two togethers right and coming up with a conclusion and based on my experience and based on what I have gone

    Through before and based on what I’m covering every day on my channel right putting it all together I just don’t think that I’m going to be wrong about 2024 in terms of Institutions coming in they will bring massive amount of liquidity it will drive Bitcoin to new

    Heights I’m almost certain that at this point that Bitcoin will be higher than its previous high of 2021 which is 69 9,000 uh before the end of 2024 I’m I’m very certain of that now and who knows how high Bitcoin go in 2025 but I do honestly believe that is coming in

    2024 um we just have way too many things going on despite ETFs the institutions coming in then you got the having event and you have the presidential election and you have the FED cutting rates and you’re probably going to see many others like SEC losing more losses suits like

    Against coinbase that would be a massive thing um there’s there’s there’s other things too there’s other things we can’t predict even like elon’s X could introduce crypto payments within X um and who knows what other institutions may may Embrace or adopt you know Bitcoin and crypto or ledgers or um

    Wallets in some way right 2024 is just going to be absolutely massive so looking forward to it um all right so with all that said I said I was going to talk about my goals right my goals for 2024 and it’s just not just it’s not just in investing goals but I’ll talk

    About some of that first and foremost in terms of me personally my health um I’m definitely going to put a big emphasis on getting healthier and dropping the weight so it’s it’s been something like throughout my life I’ve had my up and downs like you know ever since my my 20s

    To my 30s I have gone through many many extreme diets I have at one point in time after I got married I was about like 230 lbs within a year’s time I dropped to about 170 you know um that was just through strict dieting and exercise right and then after that I’ve

    Gain weight back and then I gone through a couple other stints of extreme dieting where I go on on keto or i’ go on Atkins and I would drop like 20 or 30 pounds get back right so I’ve been through it but the the problem is and I think you

    Guys know when it comes to dieting you got to change your lifestyle really um otherwise you just kind of gain it back right but I’ve been through it I’ve I know what to do I know the exact science and everything that that comes with it it’s just a matter of having that

    Dedication right and that’s been tough and you know I did have a little bit SU uccess uh the last few months and then the travels kind of disrupted that and and the moving disrupted that but you know in 2024 that’s going to be a big

    Emphasis for me is to drop a whole bunch of weight and get healthier um also like things like being more consistent with exercise sleeping more maybe drinking less yes drinking less um all that stuff right um I’m in a position where um I don’t need to work as hard as I do but

    But I do because I enjoy it and I feel like um I need to in a way right so having that kind of like work life balance I’m in a position where I could do it extremely well but I don’t because again I think I choose to work too much

    Because I do enjoy it um and I want to just grow the Cru brand right but um but I do feel like in 2024 I need to concentrate on other parts of my life uh for example my health right uh I’m not getting younger every year that goes

    By I’m getting older and older a lot of you guys could relate to this so I definitely need to concentrate on that um also I I mentioned about family too my kids you know now they’re getting used to this new house which is significantly bigger than before um you

    Know I I like to spend more time with them they have their own schedules right you know with the school and then all the after school activities and stuff like that um would like to particip pay more in their life before they get too old and they get out of the house right

    So that’s part of it and and just overall just being able to do more with my life now that I can do more with my life you know like to have that balance s to speak right I try to get that back but anyways so my goal one of my major

    Goals in 2024 is you know getting healthier the work with life balance also I think I need to adjust that a little bit um hopefully um because there there’s so many things I want to do um I actually want to push further into other things that have never been done in the

    Space uh I still want to do it but I just want to be conscious of the fact that I don’t want to overwork myself to the point where it’s harming me in other areas of my life right so that that work life balancing that’s also another goal for myself

    Um outside of those two the personal stuff uh you know you know short-term stuff the house you know there’s still a lot of stuff that I need to do here like a lot of little stuff we didn’t move yet my Lego room that a lot of you guys

    Enjoy I’m going to show you guys that um after it’s kind of complete because right now it’s like empty uh got to move a lot of stuff right a lot of little stuff here and there that’s like shortterm stuff um but yeah even though the house you know we kind of gotten

    Used to it a little bit after staying here for a couple weeks uh it’s still a big change and we still have to move a lot of little stuff so that is something still in play um outside of those like let’s go talk about the channel and investing overall in terms of my

    Investing uh my investing goal um I’m expecting a 10x with my portfolio I think that’s realistic I don’t think Bitcoin itself will do a 10x in 2024 but I think everything else all the alts especially the big caps the ones I talked about a lot or you know over the

    Last few months and the midcaps I think they could easily do a 10x within 2024 alone we’re not even talking about 20125 right so my goal from my investment standpoint is to do a 10x in my portfolio and then we’ll see how we do in 2025 but I think that’s my goal now

    Am might go do anything differently with my portfolio and my investing strategy not really continue to hold what I have right I might add in a few more you know sometimes it’s okay to be a little bit more Nimble and dynamic and and uh buying uh coins that that are definitely

    Gaining strength gaining momentum there’s nothing wrong with that but staying with your core obviously right the 50 2525 rule of course you can deviate from that but has work well with me um and I try not to go too off you know sometimes just like everyone else I

    F on into something um and you know uh um and that’s fine but as long as it’s a small P portion of portfolio it’s fine um things that I will add or do to myol to help it to do that 10x uh number one is ADD memes and I know you guys love

    Memes some of you guys do not everyone but add in a little memes because if they do well they could definitely carry a portfolio so that’s going to be something new also I’m playing a little bit with leverage and I’ve posted some of my leverage gains right um on X um

    With leverage you got to be careful with memes you got to be careful they’re both super high risk super super high risk but the rewards sometimes are worth it right you just have to know what you’re doing take it slow again small percentage of your portfolio so that’s

    Something else that um that I’m I’m doing myself right and um and I think those two little things compounded with what I have and what I’m holding and what I continue to DCA you know I think that 10x goal is really reasonable so uh that’s something

    Else um in terms of my investing and then as for the channel um you know my goal is to I don’t know I think this is maybe too ambitious but I love to hit a million subscribers on cryptos R Us this year uh this coming year because it’s

    Not 2024 yet but you know I’m about 680 now right so closing in at 700 to make 300,000 subscribers within a within a year uh it could happen you know if things get hotter but right now I’m growing pretty pretty well um and you know I love to get to a million

    Subscribers and I love to do more like right now it’s pretty consistent two a day uh weekends uh one a day right but you know I’m Shifting the content I’m still always going to talk about Bitcoin but more focused on alts um and you guys are enjoying it because the views are

    Going up the sub counts are going up so I’m going to focus a lot more on alts not only the established ones but a lot of the newer upcoming ones that can be doing that 10x or more in 2024 definitely going to do that um so that’s

    That’s something for sure that I’m going to be concentrating on is to grow the channel as much as possible that’s a goal but not not only that all other socials too my ex and Instagram and Tik Tok um also my patreon newsletter and the holders heral free newsletter I

    Think we’re improving my me and my team are improving those trying to get those to grow as well so basically grow on every aspect and I want to introduce new videos that are unlike anything else um out there it’s completely different my team and I are very excited um and this

    Involves Houston some of you guys know what I’m talking about um but yeah it’s it’s going to be wild I have so many ideas now that I’m in POS position where um my portfolio is up and the channel is doing well I’m able to try new things

    And I want to introduce new type of content that’s completely different than what everyone else is doing and I’m talking about like completely different there’s no one else in crypto space doing anything like this so um yeah I want to push the envelope a little bit

    And produce new content and see how it goes um also it’s not just the main Channel I want to grow uh my Clips Channel is doing very well naturally organically but also want to make a big push for Cru plus try to get a new host

    On there try to get the content to be absolutely fantastic and have that channel grow on its own and do very well in 20124 so that’s another goal of mine right so overall um a lot of a lot of things a lot of things in play to grow

    The brand but relating to back to one of my first goals is even though I want to do all these things I still want to try to balance my life a little bit so that it doesn’t disrupt other things in my life but I I think I could do it I think

    I could do it it just I just have to figure out how to balance everything um all right I think that’s pretty much it in terms of my goals you know uh get healthier more fit uh work life balance right uh investing and also channel uh those are my four things

    Um yeah I think that’s pretty much it I I don’t know about you guys um but you know I had a really good 2023 I wish you all a Happy New Year I hope that you guys um I hope you guys killed it in 2023 and

    I hope you guys kill it some more in 2024 and if you guys have any goals you want to share please make sure to do so in the comments but otherwise I will see you guys in the New Year in 2024 and we’ll see how it ends all right

    Guys have a good one take care bye-bye


    1. People ignored ICP in 2023. Now we are in 2024, this will be the year those people will realise what ICP is and how it will change the game. You will realise that there's a real blockchain with a real purpose. Your favourite blockchain is full of VCs, rug pulls, memes and NFTs…..Solana…..will Solana ever have a purpose beyond being a joke chain?

    2. Good video George that’s a 60 year old man we’re on the same boat. It’s tough, life. As i get older, from what I’ve learned in life is our challenges are all the same: family, health. Everybody gets older every day. All the answers are really simple. Focus on good hard work. being honest with ourselves is important. Our bodies do not negotiate with us. If we’re lazy, our bodies will put on the weight. All life’s challenges are simple but so darn hard to accomplish, more so as we age. we can never ever give up. 2024 is going to be massive. Good luck buddy.

    3. Happy New Year, George. Been with you for three years now. Congratulations on your success and on the new house. Can't wait to see what this year brings

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