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Warning From Andy Schectman On The Fed’s Trapped Dilemma

Warning From Andy Schectman on the Fed’s Trapped Dilemma

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The banks are really I believe in trouble here and when you talk about lowering rates the way that the FED does it’s in a very uh methodical fashion they’re not going to drop rates by 200 300 basis points they’ll drop them by 25 or 50 and and I don’t think that that

Ready to decode the financial puzzle the fed’s recent murmurings about rate Cuts have Unleashed a Title Wave of activity in gold and silver markets Andy sheekman is your guide on this Expedition unveiling the hidden narratives and potential strategies emerging from this extraordinary Market surge brace yourself for an insightful Journey

Through the intricacies of precious metals investing that’s a portrait we’ll never have and I think you know Jerome Powell’s uh uh attempted imitation of Paul vulker has fallen considerably short I mean I to me this is not a signal that the FED has beaten inflation to me it’s more along the signs more

Along the lines of that they’ve given up on fighting inflation and it’s interesting that they make the announcement to start cutting before they get to their target of 2% I mean by their own numbers we at 4% but if you take a look at John Williams Shadow

Stats even looking He he’ll show you what the way the numbers were in 1980 and then again in 1990 and and in 1980 it was a much more accurate reflection the CPI was 1990 they started making some changes but even using the 1990 model they the the measurement of

Inflation right now is 8% not the 4% that we being told so they’re giving up on inflation with you know uh fighting it Anyway by raising rates with it right now at 4% by the cply numbers and and double that amount if you go back and

Use the numbers that were a much more accurate reflection of of the way it it it once was and you know look I think the FED is trapped to be honest with you I think they realize that if they raise rates they break the system but the

Funny thing is is that if they don’t they signal an end on us on austerity they they they’re telling the world that they will you know they will choose inflation over the tough decisions forever they’ll never balance their or or or normalize their balance sheet and

You know I think what this really shows is the dangers of a highly leveraged economy where asset valuations have lost all price Discovery and you know it’s no coinci that this is an election year and I think it’s it’s quite obvious that that that Powell was bullied I guess you

Could say by by by the White House and and maybe even by Wall Street into uh giving up on on um trying to in any shape or form normalize things and look you you still have inflation which is much higher right now than normal standards and I think what this will

Really do is reignite inflation and will make things much worse in the end um it’s a game where I think maybe the realization that the market is more powerful than the central banks because I think if if if this signals to the rest of the world that you know why

Would we we trade our Goods uh for a dollar that ultimately will will follow the path that all other currencies have followed forever and that is uh inflation over the tough decisions and not to mentioned we have a government that is addicted to spending and um you

Know like just like uh the laws of inertia a a a a government in Decline will remain in Decline until they start to make some responsible decisions this is not a responsible decision nor is the ridiculous amount of spending um you know the the Congressional budget office

Chris said that in seven years by 2031 100% of all the tax revenue this is government’s own admission will go to pay just the interest on the debt and all the mandatory entitlement spendings like Social Security which is already nearly 70 trillion in the whole so think

About this how is it that a country would even think of remaining the world’s dominant superpower economically and militarily when in seven years we will have to borrow money for every discretionary thing including funding the military this becomes a situation that is unattainable this becomes a situation that that doesn’t end well and

It’s as if our policy makers ignore the laws and the rules of history and just hope that they can kick the can so far down the road that you know it allows them to continue to stay owered a little longer but it’s very disappointing and I don’t know shame on Jerome for saying

That vulker was his hero because vulker would would certainly not look at him as being anything other than a sellout I don’t think the ray cuts are are substantive enough they’re not substantial enough dropping a quarter point here or a half point there it’s

Not going to do it and you know the we we’ve seen so much money leave the banks going directly into the money market accounts chasing yield I mean the banks even with rates where they’ve been they haven’t passed those rates on to the Savers I mean you look at the what you

Get in the savings account it’s still under 1% yes you can go to a a a CD lock your money up for a year and get four four and a half percent or go to a money market with overnight liquidity um and get over 5% so the

Banks are really I believe in trouble here and when you talk about lowering rates the way that the FED does it’s in a very uh methodical fashion they’re not going to drop rates by 200 300 basis points they’ll drop them by 25 or 50 and and I don’t think that that really is

Going to matter much they they are always late to to the you know to the party and and and I don’t even think that the full effect of the rate hikes have worked their way through the plumbing system yet um and you know I I you talk about do they see something

That we don’t yeah I mean maybe they see that there’s big trouble ahead uh for the banking system and they’re trying to do what they can to mitigate it but in the in the in the method that they will choose it’s certainly too little too

Late as far as I’m concerned you want to fix the problem with the banking system go back to zero federal funds rate and you know uh fine but you know what does that say to to the rest of the world about the dollar being the reserve currency and why would anybody want to

Trust us with selling us their goods people say well you know the dollar is still the best of the best well is it when we’re running those kinds of deficits when we’re dropping interest rates to to pay homage to the fact that we can’t never normalize our B balance

Sheet that we will continue to inflate as our chosen methodology and and keep interest rates at zero and create all of these distortions and these anomalies and asset prices that’s the problem to begin with all of the problems that we see in this economy to me center around interest straight manipulation and that

Then has a byproduct of gold and silver suppression because they are the canaries in the M shaft but it’s been the suppression of interest rates which has created perceptions and illusions of of prosper ity and and incredible distortions within asset prices so it’s one of these deals where I think they’re

Damned if they do and they’re damned if they don’t they’ve got themselves trapped and uh it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out but if I had to guess uh what the FED intends to do is far too little too late look they’re talking about lowering rates But

Continuing to QT you know they’re they’re going to continue to sell off their balance sheet as they ease rates a little bit I mean it’s it’s almost as if it’s double speak I don’t think um short of really dropping rat substantively that whatever they’re going to do is

Going to matter much whatsoever to the banking system you know it’s almost unfair this time of the year to make that type of a uh of a appraisal in that you know if people are anything like me right now I’m probably like you you’re ready to

Check out and you know enjoy what little time of the holidays is left and and and Christmas and new years’s and you know I think people are a little bit distracted right now traveling or with family or making preparations uh I think people are suffering from information fatigue from

There’s so much going on and it’s happening so fast it’s changing in every every facet of our life uh spiritually morally politically geopolitically economically there’s all there’s something every day to rile you up up or make you shake your head and just say gez more of this craps and it’s only

Going to get worse and when you see these types of decisions which appear to be politically motivated uh and it’s sad to think that that the Federal Reserve would be politically motivated but it’s hard to believe it’s not by looking at these decisions and you know it’s like um I I think

That much like it takes time for the interest rates or the the FED policy decision to work their way through the system I think it’s this information has to work its way through the system but to the public the public is is is blissfully believing perhaps that a a

Soft Landing is upon us and and I think Hope Springs Eternal but it will take an event an event that gez you know um maybe maybe this isn’t the case for people to wake up and start looking at gold and silver for what they really are and it’s interesting though we we have

Had a lot of a lot of money management money a lot of family office money a lot of what I would call sophisticated money come to us as of late and U and and I don’t know if the word is capitulate into moving into precious metals at the

Behest of their clientele but um it’s an interesting it’s an interesting deal where more so than than we’re used to seeing uh we’re seeing managed money come into the space and and that doesn’t surprise me they’re typically a step or two ahead of the public as well and look

You haven’t seen Central Bank buying slow down if anything you’ve seen it increase and they’re the most well-funded and well-informed players on the on the planet they know the Playbook they’re ahead of the public and I think it’s one of these deals where you can’t trust Your Lying Eyes you got to trust

Your gut and do what the big money is doing not what the supposed Talking Heads um are are saying yeah yeah remember I mean they’re doing that in the face in real interest rates and gold supposedly moveing inverse direction of one another and that’s the issue here is

That even with the nominal rates where they are factored against even the lying metric metrics of inflation the real return is negative when you put it against um the CPI the way it used to be calculated the real return is as much as 4% per year compounding negative so you

Know yes interest rates would have to go much higher but I would also say that you know for the very first time look for in the first time in 45 years gold is less volatile than the 10year treasury and and from a historical point of view government debt it has a very

Shallow history of being an asset I think there’s a good portion of the world that looks at the big picture like China like Japan like Saudi Arabia these countries who have not been rolling over their debt and in fact have been selling it and appeared by all appearances in

Favor of Commodities real real things that you can hold rather than Deb instruments like gold which is a tier one like silver we’ve seen you know India Import more silver again I think they did 20 uh million ounces in November after 60 million ounces in October and 304 Million last year and so

The big money is using the suppression is using the rhetoric as a as as a cover to shed Tre Mees which I think is something that carries risk that no one really ever thought about before and moving into something that carries no counterparty risk that you hold in your own

Possession and that to me is really one of the big benefits that the public will realize maybe after in large part it’s too late that gold and silver are assets if physically held that carry no counterparty risk they’re not simultaneously someone else’s liability and in a world that is so systemically

Connect connected and systemically sick um I I think there’s a lot to be said for removing completely in totally counterparty risk I guess I’d say it I’d sum it up by saying you have a better chance of being ripped off by the system than you do by a wouldbe burglar digging

Through your home looking for gold and silver and and I mean that to be true 100% thank you for tuning in Andy sheckman has provided a comprehensive analysis of the recent Market surge in gold and silver remember the financial landscape is Ever Changing stay tuned for more expert insights and

Strategies hit subscribe to stay updated on all things related to precious metals and investing thanks Again


  1. rates,bonds,markets,highs,lows, stocks shares,dirivatives..comodities,resorces,labour…bag on with your mathamagicks,experts,gurus…you are howling at the moon. there are a people who determin the amount of currency and it is drawn from the very wind,they will blow the back off a presidents head and ant&all who seek to rest this control from them..them is ….the….jew.

  2. The 800 pound gorilla in the room is excessive gov spending. The party that cuts spending will probably get shoved out of power, the system is "broke". The only way to win is to bu things with real value, but then the only way to sell without terrible tax is to pass it on to your children, using the stepped up basis so they will pay far less tax on the appreciated assets.

  3. The fed never intended to fight inflation in order to fight inflation interest rates would have to be higher than inflation and real inflation is over 12% they are playing mind games until the ruling class tells them to crash everything so they can bring in cbdc and have total control the world's biggest ponzy scheme is about to come to an end get ready for chaos.

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