5 Investments to Make Gold in Season of Discovery Classic WoW

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    In Season of Discovery Classic WoW making gold takes time, but there are some items you can invest in to make gold when phase 2 comes out!

    0:00 – Investing Before Phase 2
    1:22 – Item 1
    2:28- Item 2
    3:36 – Item 3
    4:25 – Item 4
    5:24 – Item 5


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    There are some items in season of discovery that you can buy right now and make a lot of profit and make a lot of gold basically doing nothing by the time Phase 2 comes out in WoW prices change all the time depending on supply and demand of course and you can take

    Advantage of this like you can in real life and make some easy money similar to real life the richest players in well put their gold into items in this inflationary environment while the plebs realize the inflation gold in classic wow is hyperinflationary anyway so putting your gold into items is a safe

    Bet in general but there are some things you can put your money into that are very likely to go up when the level cap gets raised to 40 and neran becomes the dominant trade here are five Investments that I am making in season of Discovery so I can become super wealthy by the

    Time Phase 2 comes out and investing in items is cool but what about investing in alts when with zygor guides You Can level up your alts and season of Discovery in a fraction of the time it would take normally by using this idiot proof add-on that literally has an arrow

    Pointing you on where to go as to how to level up your character the fastest so if you want to get some alts to max level in a quick time click the link in the description to get Zyle guides and use code volti to get 20% off so first

    On this list is heavy hide now heavy hide goes for about free silver as of this recording I think heavy hide is an absolute steal so what is heavy hide heavy hides are basically acquirable from I believe it’s starting at around like level 27 skinnable monsters if you

    Skin them they have a small chance to give you a heavy hide now the issue with the heavy hides is especially in this phase is that they don’t have any use case like you cannot use heavy hide in any recipe with level working at 150

    Being the cap but when we get to the next expansion heavy hides is going to have way more use Go for free silver free silver so that’s basically free like I started buying these when were around two silver which is insane but like you know there’s going to be like

    Some way laid supplies recipe that requires a heavy hide and it’s just going to like 10x the price I think it’s a pretty safe bet to get heavy hide at free silver at this point it’s it’s basically free you may as well pick up the heavy hides that are just going away

    For nothing on the auction house right now so number two on this list is strangle kelp strangle kelp is picked up it’s like a herb that you can pick up in the oceans and the thing is is that there’s quite a lot of Supply being generated of this which means the price

    Is going to be quite low the demand for strangle kelp has not been realized yet because strangle kelp has a really big use case come next phase in the Alchemy leveling route strangle kelp is used for a large portion of the crafts with have the elixir of agility and natureal

    Protection potion but natureal prote protection potion is a bit of a wild card because in nun there is likely going to be some use case for a nature protection potion a with the first boss of the raid being this water Elemental that is going to do nature damage but

    Also it’s nor Gun there’s probably going to be some boss that has some electricity mechanic and it may see strangle kelp skyrockets and value by the time phase two comes out I’m you know hedging my bets I’m putting some money into strangle kelp and they go for

    About six silver each right now which I think is a decent investment opportunity so next on this list is small flame cir now small flame cir is generated by killing some of these welps in Wetlands that’s like the primary way to get a small flame sack but what’s interesting

    Is that I do think that there’s going to be quite a bit of use case for the small flame sacks in creating fire protection potions I kind of get a sense my spidey sense is tingling that fire protection potions is going to be a bit of a bigger

    Deal with nun you know explosions right like bomb Bots like you can imagine there’s going to be some boss that has a mechanic that does a lot of fire damage and Fire Protection potions like in phase one with Shadow protection potions with Kus might be very valuable and we

    Might see small flame sack go to a gold plus come Phase 2 so fourth on this list is Swift fistle now the interesting thing with Swift fistle is that this is a crucial herb that is used by Rogues to create fle te fle te is used by Rogue

    Pumpers especially Rogues that want to pass in getting the best damage possible because fistle T requires Swift fistle to make and it restores 100 energy it’s a unique Rogue thing and it basically maximizes rogue’s DPS the thing with swift fistle is that it’s only generated by lowlevel herbs and lowlevel zones so

    Once we graduate to level level 40 there’s going to be a lot fewer Swift fistle being generated so the supply of Swift fistle being generated is going to take a sharp decline once we get out of like you know the Barons and so on so Swift whistle I think is an easy buy

    Right now it’s like 19 silver uh which seems kind of steep but it may go down after this video I think it’s a decent buy I think it could go quite a bit higher from here last on this list is Kings blood now Kings blood is generated

    In zones right now the zones that we’re spending the majority of our time there’s Kings blood being generated in and that’s why the supply is quite high so I think if we buy Kings blood similar in you know concept to the Swift vle if

    We buy it now while Kings blood is a lot is being generated I think we could see Kings blood go up quite a bit as King’s blood is going to be used in various Alchemy recipes so I think Kings blood is a decent buy right now it’s about 10

    Silver I think it’s quite a safe bet to put your gold into if you want to see free easy gold Farms that you can do click the video on screen here


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