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    Video Description:
    Bitcoin forward returns, 6 and 12 months, BTC ETF narrative analysed, Crypto Cycle Forecast for 2024 and Bitcoin & Crypto Cycle Explained.

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    Welcome to the biggest year in your cryptocurrency career you’ve made it to 2024 Happy New Year to you guys this is where it all gets really exciting but at first it’s going to seem even crazier what we’re looking at today is a forecast for BTC and of course this is

    Going to cross over into our cryptocurrency portfolios as well we want to look 12 months out from bitcoin’s price from now into the future and also put some of the narratives to bed that are hyping up the market right now it’s something that happens in every single cycle yet it always seems

    Unprecedented at the time it isn’t new we want to look at the data and the facts in today’s video so don’t go anywhere this is your home of macro cycle analysis starting the past to forecast the Future Let’s Crush 2024 with 400,000 subscribers you guys have

    Come to the party we did 7,000 last month let’s go for 400,000 in 2024 guys let’s kick it off with the cryptocurrency cycle where we currently sit and then start to forecast our six and 12 months in advance for BTC now we are in year two Bitcoin into

    Altcoins we’re looking at a lot of investors starting to shift from Bitcoin into altcoins but it doesn’t happen all at once and of course we’ll probably see some sort of Corrections that wouldn’t be too far out of the question because that’s what happens every single time

    What we’re looking at now is this green year here just like the previous years it basically leads into that third year so going back to the cycle of 2015 2016 year two was a fantastic year to go from BTC into alts it doesn’t mean get rid of

    All the Bitcoin doesn’t mean get rid of all of your USD just for alts but of course you want to remain cautious here as the cycle starts to kick up in the second half of the year and we’ll see that with the percentage Returns on bitcoin over the next 6 to 12 months

    Going back 10 years in history and of course this is your home of macro cycle analysis which is why we’re just looking at the data in a macro sense now the thing that is new or hyped up right now at the beginning of 2024 and of course

    It was in 2023 is the ETF approval we’re starting to see a few I would say rumors that it’s going to be approved sooner than we thought the dates previously were around the 8th to the 10th of January but now we’re starting to see rumors of it being approved on January

    3rd maybe even January 2nd like you can see down here in this particular article but remember these are just sources and all you see with these sources are basically uh engagement farming types of tweets just to get likes retweets comments whatever it is the sources are typically bogus or at least half garbage

    You can see here Source it’s all garbage now I’m bringing this up in a macro video because it happens every single cycle don’t get caught out trying to hope and pray that this time is different and that there are unprecedented things happening now because you hadn’t seen the fundamental

    Thing happen last time and this fundamental thing that’s happening now is of course the ETF announcements and yes going forward 12 months 2 years 10 years 20 years it could be really big for Bitcoin and cryptos it could be the thing that takes Bitcoin to 500,000 or

    $250,000 or a million doll Bitcoin but it’s not going to happen in this next week I think most of you can understand that that even though we’ve got the ETF announcement this is just not going to shoot Bitcoin up to 100 Grand overnight it’s potentially a buy the rumor sell

    The news event so be mind F of that now I’ve got here in terms of the short term a couple of rules to watch out for rule one watch the horizontal price levels watch these levels in play and watch on the shorter term time frames where the previous top was which was

    $45,000 number two watch the close if the market tests these levels and then begins to close underneath the previous tops that is a sign of weakness doesn’t mean the market will collapse that same day or the following day although it could it just means it’s a sign of

    Weakness and weakness takes time to build up as you may have already experienced so keep those two in your back pocket when you’re trading or when you’re watching the markets over the next couple of days with this big news from the sources as they always are in

    Cryptocurrency to me I just see it as absolute garbage when it comes out like that but we just go back to the charts and follow the facts and the data from the charts so that’s the big first thing that I wanted to cover in today’s video

    Because of How High up it is right now and when we look back on year twos of the cycle you can see in each of these occasions the market has gone up and it’s corrected it’s gone up and it’s had some corrections and it’s pretty much stayed within a specific price range for

    The majority of the year then it can start to go a little bit ballistic so you can see year two going back to 2016 as we just looked at 2020 the market was in a price range broke out came back tested price range this was the harving

    And you obviously had the pre pump and then it got back into the Zone again and a new stair stepping price so stepping stone and then it started to go crazy where you pretty much did not get any chance to breede the market was just going absolutely Bonkers previous cycle

    To that no no real altcoins out at that time there going back to 2012 but we did have a harving in November of 2012 we had an election in 2012 and we had we’ve got an election coming up this year as well and after those elections like

    We’ve covered already on the channel the markets can go absolutely ballistic but again in year two you had bit of Litecoin Doge was coming about there were some other uh coins which we don’t know of anymore most people don’t know of but you can see the market held its

    Ground again started to consolidate broke out again started to consolidate and then it went on its wild run which looks pretty similar to what happened in 2016 2017 and I would say that’s pretty much uh where we currently sit in today’s market something similar not exactly the same but something similar

    As those previous years which is why I’m looking at those years as a bit of a road map moving forward speaking of road maps we can look back to previous videos to see how the markets had performed over that period This one is going back just over 12 months at the lows remember

    That time there this is when Bitcoin was bottoming so we’re starting to build upon the data for a potential bull bull or at least slightly bullish here into 2023 for Bitcoin this was 1 month after the FTX collapse a time when the masses were calling for 10K 8K 3K Bitcoin you

    Never know what’s going to happen in that next 12 months but all we’re trying to do is put the probabilities on our side to position ourselves the best way possible so that’s 12 months ago a month ago we looked at what we could expect going forward for 6 and 12 months from

    The beginning of December and a lot of things look positive as looking into that uh year 2 time frame for the cryptocurrency cycle typically it’s a pretty good time but there are still some hurdles along the way so this now is leading me to the data that we’ll

    Have a lookout for the year ahead because we also need to understand what’s going on in the stock markets as well because essentially that is where the masses of the money comes from if the stock markets aren’t going up or at least holding their ground at higher

    Prices and not breaking down into a market like they were in 2022 then we could potentially expect better times ahead for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies I don’t think we’re at the stage yet to have stock markets falling real estate falling and Bitcoin and cryptos going up we’re not at that

    Stage in the Journey of cryptocurrencies yet and maybe we never see it who knows it’s a long way away the reason I say that is because there is a lot of money in the other markets and they’re just looking for other games to play at the same time when other

    Markets are also going up so basically it’s a risk on Space if they turn into risk off then You’ expect the rest of this riskier crap like Bitcoin and cryptos and I say crap because at the end of the day it’s just speculation don’t get tied to it don’t worry about

    Your cryptocurrencies and your online communities essentially when risk off is on the table most things are going to go down at that time and cash USD is the king so now we have an understanding of the macro landscape looking at the stock markets around the world we now come

    Back to January and looking for the January Trifecta we check this out last year that’s why I brought up the videos going back to December which you can find on the channel looking at these trif factors which are really interesting you get the Santa Claus rally then looking at the first five

    Trading days of January and then looking at how January closes so the basically the January barometer here now 2022 into 23 had all positive results there’s the trifecta three green readings led to a massive positive year change here so basically 24% up for the year looking at

    The data so how many times once you see the trifecta how many times is it going to be a positive year now it could be anything from 2% positive and they’re even including this as being a negative 0.3 basically a flat year as being being

    A negative so if you cross that one out then you’re still looking better than 90% but leaving it in there you’re looking at a 90% hit rate if we get this January trifect up we’ll continue to update this on the channel so don’t go anywhere hit that like And subscribe

    Button get us to 400,000 for this cycle let’s continue on with some more of the data for this particular year coming up which is our election year so the election year shows us some pretty significant results as well you can see roughly 89% return When the second year in the

    Cycle was a negative year that’s 2022 so they’re your midterm election year 2022 was a negative year typically what happens from that point the election year is green one time it was red and that was 1932 uh during the Depression the Great Depression I know people still want to

    Compare us to the Great Depression from what we’re seeing now but I think we are a long way from a Great Depression in today’s environment so if you wanted to take that one out well then it would be 100% let’s keep it in call it 89% we’re

    Going to see some green to the upside for this particular year 2024 with an average return of roughly 15% on the stock market so less than 2023 but nonetheless it’s still a positive return so now that brings us to bitcoin and we’re looking at 6 month returns from this current point and 12

    Months returns this is something that I do on the channel every single month here we are looking at each of these periods 12 months going from the open of January to the close of December and for the six months we’re going from the open of January to the close of June that

    Full 6mon period what do these numbers look like here are the results for the six months January into July looking back over the entire history of Bitcoin now I’m just focusing on the wins versus the losses rather than the percentages because hopefully all of us by now can

    Understand Bitcoin is very unlikely to do 5,000% or 600% or anything crazy like that in 6 months regardless of the unprecedented narratives of this time which is why I brought up the shorter term stuff looking at the ETF at the beginning of this video because it still baffles some especially if they’re new

    Which is fair enough coming into the markets thinking that well this event has never happened there for it is possible that Bitcoin goes to 250k or or 500k or whatever the stupid number is the same sort of narratives come every single cycle once you can see that you

    Start to realize that doesn’t matter what this next narrative is it’s not going to pump Bitcoin to some ridiculous price Target that the moonboy crypto Channel talks about every single uh video so let’s just stick to the facts and the data from the uh charts now

    We’re looking at 14 results here four of the results were red 10 of them were green so basically 6 months from now Bitcoin will be green 71% of the time so three out of 10 times it wasn’t green but we could improve those results if we

    Stayed out of the market during the year four so basically these bare years here you can see here where I’ve got year four and year four and again year four roughly around here so if we took those three out and there was still one red year in there that happened in year one

    Which was last year we had a pretty fantastic year one of the of the cycle so if we took those three out we would have 10 wins out of 11 results it’s improving but we don’t want to Cur fit the data too much so let’s stick with

    What we have here 10 out of 14 you guys should understand where those bare Market years are now so you can improve your accuracy for your own trading uh and investing portfolio so now comes the big one let’s uncover what the next 12 months could look like for BTC we have

    14 results we have 11 wins and three losses giving us roughly 79% so basically eight out of 10 times we win now if we took at the bare Market years and start to curit this data a little bit more or you could look at it as improving the results for our sales and

    Our own portfolios because essentially we don’t want to be investing in those bare Market years well we take those three out and then we get a 100% hit rate the next 12 months for BTC are probably going to be green well if we took those three out it’s going to be

    100% hit and like I covered just earlier when we look at the rest of the markets uh which we obviously will go into far more detail on the channel as well as we uncover the January Trifecta going over the first five trading days uh the end of January the election year as well

    Looking at more data from there looking at the data for the Dow Jones the S&P 500 then we start to really sway this result in our favor looking at how positive the market could be now let’s take a look at the year 2 in terms of the percentages in this case just to

    Have a little bit of fun here with the hopium and our numbers acting like complete nerds well we’ve got three year tws with uh percentages here of 187 126 and 300 now the count of three we can get an average look at those numbers being roughly 200% a 200% increase from the current

    Price of roughly $44 $45,000 is going to take us to about $135,000 at the end of 2024 do you think that is possible the pinned comment down below let me know do you think Bitcoin could hit $135,000 at the end of this year to go along with the averages that have

    Happened over the last three times every year two in the cycle personally I think not I don’t think we’ll reach 135,000 by the end of 2024 stranger things have happened and I wouldn’t be too upset if it did happen top of the comments down below the pin comment let me know your

    Thoughts if you’re a nerd about numbers like me then we’re going to get even more excited about this data as the year progresses we get to review what happened over the previous 6 and 12 month periods from the previous videos that we had covered looking at those particular time frames so I’m very

    Excited to see how that’s worked out and see if we can keep hitting a few more home runs from uh the forward looking data on BTC and then overlaying that with the Cycles as well the real estate cycle and of course uh the other cycles that we look at with the stock markets

    And election years commodity Cycles Etc that’s a fantastic segue to the video coming up this week we’re looking at the top 13 forecasts for 2024 specifically around the real estate cycle what’s going on in the markets uh for the stock markets and of course Bitcoin and cryptos make sure you hit

    That like And subscribe button let’s Crush 400,000 by the end of 2024 leading into this major Bitcoin and cryptocurrency bull market and of course Twitter or X let’s see if we can Crush 100,000 by the end of January thanks again guys for your support I’ll be back

    Here again for the next video real soon don’t go anywhere things are going to get hot and I’ll see you then till then take care and peace out


    1. Tbh all data on BTC since inception has been based on an ETF rejection. If etf is approved we are in uncharted territory with the closest chart being gold 2003. If I were to follow the gold fractal a 135k BTC is not only likely but probably realistic based on the basic rules of supply and demand and not even looking at the trend of the stimulus being up. I was always of the opinion that BTC is closer to a 50x than it is a 5x following the gold path. Most likely 50x isn’t this cycle but the next one but time will tell.

    2. The hard lesson I learned from the last cycle, don't focus on one price – focus on the trends. When we start going parabolic, give yourself paydays with your profits and set aside the money for taxes or pay off short-term debt. NFA of course. 🙂

    3. Good morning Jason…. thanks for all the insights… learned and am learning a LOT…. Cheers mate ! Have a great 2024. Fearing those etf's …. sounds a bit like creating paper btc in the near future,… just like they did with gold ??!!

    4. I gather the ETF has been approved and those with insider knowledge have shot the price up today.
      I'll guess it will shoot up further when publically announced and then will crash 10% not long after

    5. Hi mate! Thanks, as always. May I ask – what platform or process are you using to upload your AUD to then transfer into USDT? I’m finding I’m loosing too much % in converting it from start to finish of the process. Thank you!

    6. Do u guys think if the spots will be approved we will get a spike and after that a dip because lots of people going to cash !
      I wonder if i should sell after the next run and than going in later again after it might falls a bit

    7. Impressive video! Your detailed analysis of the intricate pension situation and the potential impact of the debt ceiling crisis is a compelling wake-up call for proactive financial planning. Yet, adding a touch on alternative investment strategies, such as the potentially lucrative day trading, would have elevated the discussion. Though risky, with strong risk management and a keen understanding of the markets, it can be a profitable endeavor. Continuous learning, staying updated with trends, and leveraging insights like Kelvin Hurdle’s are critical to success. Remember, with discipline and dedication, trading success is within reach……

    8. Jason, this is my first full year following BTC and learning TA. When we hit the cycle low, I didnt know how to make sense of what all the different YT gurus were saying. Many of those gurus were calling for $8-$12k bitcoin. I believed them – so, I missed the big pump 🥺 However, I've learned so much this year and am more prepared for 2024/2025. Most of all, I wanted to let you know that I have deleted my subscriptions to most YT gurus because they have made wrong calls throughout 2023. YOU are now at the top of my very short list of people I follow because your technical and macro analysis has been spot on all year long! Thank you for all you do ❤ Happy New Year 🎊🎊🎊

    9. As we approach the pivotal 2024 Bitcoin halving event, we stand at a crucial crossroads in the world of cryptocurrency. This significant occurrence promises to profoundly affect Bitcoin's market value and ripple across the broad expanse of digital currencies. In this critical phase, the importance of strategic trading acumen and the diversification of investment portfolios cannot be overstated. In the midst of these shifting market dynamics,Amidst this, the insights of a knowledgeable guide like Paula Hunstell can be crucial. His expertise in navigating the nuances of cryptocurrency investments could be the key to understanding and making the most of these emerging financial trends.

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