
Rally Over? | They Are Lying About Crypto!!

Rally Over? | They Are Lying About Crypto!!

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00:00 Stocks
04:04 Crypto
06:36 Bitcoin Miners


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Thanks for watching the video [ Rally Over? | They Are Lying About Crypto!! ]

Hey what’s up Good People how you doing didn’t know I was going to be making a video today I was trying to take a day off after working very hard last night listen I’m going to make this one quick I’m going to go over just basically

Where the market is today some crypto um why the the uh big boys keep lying to us and all of that so I’m just going to just go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam if I make any mistakes I’m not going to edit it out all right we’re just going to go

Right into it if you’re new to the page hit the like subscribe notification Bell we just wanted to keep everybody update um um um I wasn’t going to make a video today but oh well duty calls so look uh listen I have extended the sale for a

Few days now I want you guys that have a stock up you it’s going to be the top link below this is what I was working on all night I have an entire crypto course okay but I have also extended the C coupon code for $100 off it is good

Until January 5th of this year which is Friday and when it’s over it’s over let’s get right into it so let’s see what happened in these indices okay so look the dowal was flat you know 20 points uh the S&P was flat and the NASDAQ was down but what’s going on with

The NASDAQ right look at this history says that the NASDAQ will surge in 2024 there are two stocks that are due to be split this is one of the headlines okay you can read all of that and what are the two stocks that they’re talking

About one is a Shopify okay you guys can read this this is on Yahoo finance and the other is our buddy Tesla and what they’re saying is it’s good to you know have these stocks before the run up of the split uh these two for one splits

Even though the stock are not worth anything else your J you just can buy a share at a cheaper price it just it it it it lowers the bar for people that don’t know about fractional shares it lowers the bar for them to buy hold shares it’s a psychological thing right

And there are in most cases the stock goes up uh before that happens all right and um uh and so it’s better to be in before that happens all right you guys could go ahead and read that for yourself look I’m blowing through this really really quick now today was a

Crazy today Mark today’s market was kind of crazy in the Discord this morning and remember the stock class and the Discord are two different things stock up you and the Discord are two different things we are going to really be talking about the Discord on tomorrow but uh listen so

In the Discord I was talking this morning before opening bail and I said hey be careful because these crypto miners are hot they were up double digits uh a lot of them in the pre-markets right and I says be careful because the market was down grossly I

Says the market could come up and the crypto miners could come down um if you saw that post in the patreon uh this morning leave a comment please and uh that’s kind of what happened right and so I was saying caution on you know going in with some really really bullish

Option calls okay and just blowing up your money this is a time for patience tomorrow Wednesday is the last day of the quote unquote Santa Claus rally will it be a green day or red day nobody knows I don’t know I don’t know like like today like this morning I don’t

Know so what I’m saying is it’s a time for caution we’ll get to the crypto miners I know a lot of you guys are wondering what about crypto miners just kind of blowing through it right quick right I wasn’t in the markets a lot um today I was in there lightly this

Morning so let’s look at the crypto bubble let’s move over to crypto you can see it was really mixed okay Bonk was down Bonk however you say it uh and you could see that it was very very mixed but when in doubt zoom out for the day you see a

Lot of red right but for the week you’re doing fine for the month you’re really doing fine okay this month has been really really fine now if you in crypto like Tron and you’ve been for the whole year you up 97% so you still good right if you’re into

Salana and you’ve been in for the whole year you’re up still 8 161% and so that’s why I just don’t like to YOLO in especially in crypto right with meme coin don’t meme coins don’t get caught up in all of the oh there’s a burn and there’s this and you know

They’re going to do that and the sharum and all it’s that’s all white noise that’s not how you make money with these it’s only based on what you and I are willing to pay for it that’s it and circula and Supply right Sheba enu listen to me listen to me listen to me

Shea enu will never be a dollar it’s not going to happen it’ll never be 50 Cent it’ll never happen Okay uh because of the circulating Supply get over it right there will be other sha enu that’ll crush it and sha enu is going to fall to to the

Wayside down the road but do I believe shba enu could rise again in this market yes that’s why I have it but just don’t have tunnel vision is what I’m saying all right now you’re going to start seeing every five minutes it’s going to the Moon don’t fall for it look at where

It is now you see here 1 2 3 4 and a 10 if we drop a zero and go one two three and a 10 that’s a 100000% so just think about that as it pertains to your stock if you can make a th% if you could 10 x

A stock then you’re winning so that’s all I want to say to you guys comparing uh in in comparisons to these micro coins or these crap coins or mean coins or whatever you want to call it now let’s get to the crypto miners right let

Me see where am I on time all right doing okay let’s get to the crypto miners uh not a good day today so here’s what happened um I don’t know why I just felt it I didn’t know I was how correct I was when I was saying be careful this

Morning but I will just tell you that in the premarkets these look at this look at this good people Maro was up 13% clean spark up 13 Riot 10 Hut five I’m sorry hut eight 12 right and we were thinking yeah man we got our money back

From Friday rebound yay got my money back and it look at that it took it all back it was a slow just a slow drop took it all back so wrong just so wrong so so so wrong so why like I said before last week’s video all of these are overball good people

They’re just overball they are right now at this point and you know it wasn’t supposed to be this hot this long the only reason why they ran up over the weekend is because they was following Bitcoin now did Bitcoin cool off that much nope still at 44 uh Bitcoin hit

4,500 but I want you guys to listen stick to your disciplines okay stick to your disciplines like I said if you need to take um um um take profit take profit don’t right now there it just doesn’t make any sense not to have some stop losses right or some trailing stop

Losses with these Bitcoin mining companies right there’s a ton of money to be made because they’re going to slowly bleed off maybe um and I think that the what’s messing up with the direction of crypto is the spot ETF potential on January 10th right so it’s confused it’s just as confused as you

And I are right but we’ll have a clear assign on these Bitcoin mining companies after these the spot B um the Bitcoin spot ETFs are confirmed or denied we’ll have a clearer signal from now until then scrap shoot I’m just telling you shoot it to you guys straight okay so

Look at this um for those of you that are buying Bitcoin you know I have a full Bitcoin I had a couple of Bitcoin right and so what I will tell you is is and I’m up uh rather nicely on it but I also have Micro strategy and I wish I

Had more because micro strategy is going to make you more money than Bitcoin micro strategy is one of the largest holders of Bitcoin along with grayscale and other ones all right but look at this micro strategy um look at this over the day micro strategy was up

Over the month you still would have been better buying micro strategy now this is Bitcoin this is a company that owns Bitcoin and so this is what I’m talking about by not having tunnel vision okay six months look at that double everything is double now year to date no

Because it was beat down and everybody thought it was a wash but in the last six months since uh uh Bitcoin woke up look at that all right that’s what I want you guys to see okay so did we do that right year to date yes yes there we

Go there we go uh and then one year that’s what I’m looking at look at that look at one year good people look at one year look at micro strategy and look at Bitcoin all right and so there’s other things out there and I want you guys to

Be aware of not just having tunnel vision and just looking at okay what is Bitcoin today or what is this today look at the other stock or crypto that are in the same thing I want you guys to put bunk on your watch list okay I’m not

Telling you to run out and buy it just put it on your watch list all right let’s look at some of the other crypto mining companies as we could see at the close of Bale Cipher was still up 4% thank goodness for that uh bit digital

Down Mara flat right go down clean spark flat uh bit Farms down by 1% and Hut kind of gave it up after being up largely okay so I want to play something else for you guys and um this is just one of those things that it’s just funny

To me it’s just it just makes me laugh okay I want to play this for you guys and then we’ll discuss it let me go and let me blow this up boom and here we go I’ve always been deeply opposed to crypto Bitcoin Etc you point it out the

Only true use case for it is criminals drug traffickers anti-money Laing tax avoidance and that is a use case uh because it is somewhat Anonymous not fully and because you can move money instantaneously and because it doesn’t go through as you mentioned all these systems have built up over many years

Know your customer sanctions ofac it’s didn’t can get bypass all of that I if I was the governments I’d close it down okay now you heard that if he was the government he close it down that was just that was three weeks ago that was three weeks

Ago if he was the government he Clos it down right y’all saw that right this is what pops up 23 hours ago look at that black rock names JP Morgan as authorized participant for what spot Bitcoin ETF despite see this is the type of fud that

Makes you sick to your stomach when you see it um I just think that it’s going to be a lot of fud good people whether the spot ETF gets approved or denied it’s just going to be a lot of fear uncertainty and doubt it’s going to be

People talking out of both sides of the mouth or both sides of their faces you know and and you got to know you have to see is by Design Ray Charles could see this with Stevie Wonder pointing it out okay Three Blind Mice could see this

Right I it’s clear good people I can’t say I can’t say but just allegedly you know come on all right let’s keep it going man it’s just it’s funny to me it’s it’s it’s just it’s even funny to me so check this out this was last

Night and I looked at last night and I’m like wow look at this RP look at Bitcoin hit 45 it went up higher than that salana was up 11% and then you see this this was last night xrp I have that polka dot I have that everything you see I have some all

Right and look at what Bonk did Bonk just do does these Bo it’s like showing us like I can do this okay I’m going to go back but I can get to this height but I’m going to go back and so I just want you to put it on your radar

Okay I’m just accumulating all right so listen the reason why I just want I I don’t like to come empty-handed I want to feed the family okay so let me just close out by saying the reason I really wanted to make this long video that I

Lied again and said it was going to be short but hey I like to keep the family fed is stock up use so in this cryptocurrency uh chapter I want you to go down make sure you use this code good until Friday okay so down here it shows

Everything you get in the class but this is why I was taking a day off I had no sleep cuz this is what the crypto chapter uh entails look at this introduction to bitcoin what is bitcoin uh Bitcoin blockchain important message what are Bitcoin miners right Bitcoin miners simplified Bitcoin how many left

To be mine we we cover the crypto Cycles we cover Bitcoin having we cover altcoin coins okay then I show you and tell you how I make money uh with Bitcoin okay and so uh taking this class and I want you to not just for those of you that

Have stock up you of course you got it for free everything that’s getting added on is is for free for you I don’t want you to just consume this one time I want you to do this and then I want you to go back to the charting and learn

Everything that you’ve learned from the previous classes even from stocks and apply it to this then you will win number one when you finish this chapter you will know more than 70% or 75% of the people out there on YouTube talking about crypto okay but if you take this

Class and you lose and lose money with crypto shame on you you I’m taking my belt off I’m looking for you you are not supposed to lose after you take this class all right so that’s all I’m going to say good people I love you guys I

Consider it an honor and a blessing I’m thankful to God for another year I’m thankful to God for you I’m thankful to for I’m thankful to God for allowing me to do this again even with my tripping over my words because I’m excited to be back all right I’ll see you guys

Tomorrow live love laugh learn make sure you download if you don’t have it make sure you get this class cuz after Friday prices is going up no we fan of butt butts okay all right and um make sure that you watch the video behind this video that’s going to appear in this box

Download the class and then watch the video that’s going to be in this box class use the coupon code and then video see you tomorrow


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