Did China Sabotage a European Pipeline in Baltic Sea? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

    Europe is upping its defences – after a pipeline in the Baltic Sea was damaged. European leaders suspect the pipeline was sabotaged by a Chinese commercial ship. Western navies are now deploying to the region to protect the vital infrastructure. Palki Sharma tells you more.

    Europe | Baltic Sea | Chinese Commercial Ship | Western Navies | Firstpost | World News | Vantage | Palki Sharma

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    Tensions are brewing in Europe too not because of what’s happening in the Red Sea the Europeans are worried about their pipelines being sabotaged in October 2023 a pipeline was damaged it’s called the Baltic connector this is a gas pipeline some 77 km long it runs between Finland and Estonia under the Baltic

    Sea now gas began leaking from the pipeline there was a sudden drop in pressure officials found some parts damaged the pipeline had to be shut for repairs and close to it there were two Telecom cables they too were damaged so Finland was concerned now it’s a newly minted NATO

    Member it got entry just last year and it suspected sabotage so Finland kicked off an investigation their police suspected a Chinese cargo ship it was near the pipeline when it started to leak so did a Chinese ship sabotage a a European pipeline Finland believes it did last

    Month some findings were made public how was the pipeline sabotage the Chinese ship used its anchor as a weapon the ship dropped the anchor it dragged it across the Baltic seabed it cut the cables and gas lines along the way it was a heavy anchor weighing some 6,000

    Kilos and was this an accident highly unlikely the ship dragged this massive anchor for some 180 km if the Finish can figure this out it’s impossible that the ship’s Captain was unaware of what was happening and finland’s Minister for Europe agrees he says it’s hard to believe that this was not sabotage or

    That it happened without beijing’s knowledge and what’s China’s response listen to this with regards to the incident you have mentioned China has maintained smooth communication with Finland and other parties the incident is still under Investigation Europe is in buying China’s assurances though they’re responding with a show of force a joint Coalition has been mobilized it is called The Joint expeditionary Force 10 countries are part of it including the United Kingdom the Netherlands five Nordic countries and three Baltic Nations so 10 members Finland and

    Estonia are among them and what is the job of this Coalition protecting the undersea infrastructure they have deployed a string of ships in November 2023 Britain alone had dispatched seven ships for this seven ships they regularly conduct patrols and joint exercises so Europe is ramping up its defenses because undersea pipelines and

    Cables are strategic assets and now they’re on Target and this marks the beginning of a new era the era of seabed warfare so far the world was oblivious to this but the nordstream attack changed that you may remember it the nordstream attack it happened in 2022 two pipelines were bombed the

    Northstream 1 and the northstream 2 they supplied gas from Russ Russia to Germany the pipelines were blown up by a series of underwater explosions and who was behind it last year a report pointed fingers at Ukraine specifically at a colonel in Ukraine Special Forces KV denies the accusations but the

    Attack served as a warning for Europe the region depends heavily on pipelines about 27% of the world’s pipelines are in Europe they Supply oil and gas without it the region would would freeze in Winter internet cables are another vulnerability 17 cables connect Europe with North America they carry all

    Communication and billions in financial transactions every day what happens if these cables are cut the entire Western economy will feel the impact internet will be disrupted connectivity will suffer and the financial repercussions will be substantial so Europe’s enemies have found a weakness and they’re looking to exploit it


    1. It must be the Chinese for sure. Beijing's Xi Ping Pong must be the one giving the directive. Xi Ping Pong is the Hitler and the world knows exactly what happened to him.
      Now it's Ping Pong's fate.

    2. I have to call her Pal chi… If one day she doesn't talk bad about China she has no news..My Question or big question to ignorant people is how do they know there is an underwater cable and if it did can a ship do the job… Sounds so stupid…and does a ship have such a long anchor chain..because do they lay underwater cable in shallow water where the ship can anchor..

    3. ▪︎Didn't indians say back in 2021 that China's doomed property market would bring down the Chinese economy and India would surpass China by 2030?

      ▪︎Didn't indians say back in 2021 that by 2025, there would be no Japanese factories left in China? This is after the Japanese government's announcement of a scheme to financially assist Japanese firms to shift production from China to India

      ▪︎Didn't indians say back in 2021 that the Evergrande crisis would spell the end of China's economic miracle?

      ▪︎Didn't indians say back in 2021 that India has a $1.2 trillion dollar master plan to grab factories from China. It's called the "Gati Shakti" or "Strength of Speed" initiative to attract multinational companies and enhance India's image as the manufacturing hub of the world

      ▪︎Didn't indians say back in 2020 that India's unofficial "Boycott China Campaign" after Galwan incident would see a substantial reduction of imports from China and thus pave the way for Self-reliant India?

      ▪︎Didn't indians say back in 2020 that 20,000 foreign owned factories will move from China to India due to Covid?

      ▪︎Didn't indians say back in 2021 that Modi's $10 billion dollar plan to attract semiconductor manufacturers would turn India into semiconductor and electronics giant by 2025? What happened to the Foxconn and Vedanta deal?

      ▪︎Last week, the Indian gov't suddenly announced a total ban on the import of laptops, servers and tablets. However, the GOI announced a postponement of the ban for 3 months. Only an amateur and indecisive gov't would do such a thing. Which would impact severely on foreign investors' trust and confidence in the Indian government.

      ▪︎A failing grade(india) worries about the top grader(china) in the class. . . this is india:

      China🇨🇳 = $19.91 trillion
      India🇮🇳 = $3.45 trillion

      International trade:
      China🇨🇳 = $3.7 trillion
      India🇮🇳 = $740 billion

      External trade to GDP:
      China🇨🇳 = 18%
      India🇮🇳 = 22%

      India's exports are also falling due to global recession and worse, India's economy is more reliant on foreign trade than China

      "Farmers' income would double by 2022, this is a promise I would assure our Indian farmers.."

      – Modi, 2019

      "China has bullet trains, so are we Indians too, very soon. Our 508 km Sabarmati-Mumbai bullet train, would be a reality before August 15, 2022.."

      -Modi, 2018

      "Make in India would end China's era as the factory 🏭 of the world 🌎.."

      -Modi, 2015

      "I will create at least 20 million jobs a year until there are not enough workers if elected as the PM of India.."

      – Modi, 2014

      "When we Indians celebrate our 75th year of independence in 2022, I shall present 🎁 to you all, India's very first bullet train.."

      – Modi, 2017

      "India will send its first astronauts to space before independence day 2022, this is not a promise but a guarantee.."

      – Modi, 2018

      "Give me 5 years as the PM of India and people won't even remember there was once something called pollution in India.."

      – Modi, 2014

      "If I'm the PM of India, Pakistan and China would be so scared of India's power, they would think twice before attempting any funny moves on India.."

      – Modi, 2014

      "Give me 6 years and corruption would be a thing of the past in India.."

      – Modi, 2014

      "We will build 100 smart cities within 5 years in India to the point where Americans, Japanese, Europeans and even Chinese would want to come and study our smart city concept.."

      – Modi, 2015

      "Atmanirbhar Bharat Self-Reliant India will end our imports from China, instead, China will even have to import stuffs from us after that.."

      – Modi, 2018

      "Give me 6 years as the PM of India and everyone in the world would want to come to India to study our achievements.."

      – Modi, 2014

    4. britain used to be the root cause of all the problems on earth and still many countries are suffering because of their actions however presently britain had become weaker and no more capable of showing any power but china is competing to be in that spot. 😛

    5. how can anyone attack a pipeline underwater, that is one of the most guarded resources of europe?
      cameras, submarines, water-drones, sonar and satellites, 24/7 no sleep no change!
      unfortunately the HUUUUUGE majority of people dont think of nothing, dont conceive in their minds how things really work
      so whatever its on the news its enough!

    6. Negativity is ingrained within China DNA. Therefore its normal that a day without the negativity of China is a day wasted. When you grow up you just can't afford to bully your neighbours because they are poor and weak. On the contrary you could offer your help not toxic aid. Jai hind. Vande mathram. Satyamev jayate

    7. This News outlet is so, so biased. How could she not mention USA involvement, since this is the dominant explanation? Now I cannot view this reporting anymore? I want unvarnished News, be it positive or negative for any country, group or person. Let me make up my own mind.

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