
Michael Saylor Ethereum WARNING – 2024 Bitcoin & Ethereum Prediction (NEW)

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Michael Saylor, in his latest interview, just issued a dire warning for Ethereum & every other crypto asset.

Michael Saylor is truly the king of Bitcoin. First investing in 2020 when he saw the inevitable destruction of value of the cash held on his companies balance sheetSince then, Saylor has continued investing into Bitcoin. Saylor has now personally responsible for investing over $5 billion dollars worth of capital into Bitcoin.

It’s suffice to say that Saylor has 100% conviction in Bitcoin, & this doesn’t translate whatsoever into any other cryptocurrency at all, in particular, Ethereum. πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„ Although he doesn’t usually ever speak on Ethereum or any other crypto asset, in his latest interview, he dove into why every other crypto asset, including ETH will BLEED against Bitcoin.

Make sure to stick around to the end of the video where Saylor explains why the Bitcoin journey is the greatest idea of his entire life.

About Michael Saylor:

Michael J. Saylor is an American entrepreneur and business executive, who co-founded and leads MicroStrategy, a company that provides business intelligence, mobile software, and cloud-based services.

My Instagram:
#Ethereum #Bitcoin #MichaelSaylor

Michael Saylor Ethereum WARNING – 2024 Bitcoin & Ethereum Prediction (NEW)

You know as as of now you know I personally am aware of having put more than5 billion dollar into the network and I’m not 1% and uh if you look at there are a lot of other ways to get at it but if you look at the four-year

Simple moving average of Bitcoin and assume that that was a reasonable surrogate you can kind of arrive at a conclusion that nearly $600 billion dollar of real Capital has been put into this network so $600 billion of real capital from who from Fidelity from Black Rock from from

Every Institutional Investor in the US from every Institutional Investor in Europe from millions of individuals from you know representing Pension funds retirement funds Etc so you can trace a huge amount of capital that’s been put into this network and ultimately the security the network is going to come

From the actions of the people as voters and the actions of the economic actors at the capitalist and then also from all the businesses you know the application companies like cash app or coinbase you know have an impact and then the miners have an impact and they all have lawyers

And CEOs and lobbyists and employees and they have Nexus and they pay taxes and therefore they have supportive Mayors Governors Senators Etc now this is an interesting framework I I’d invite you if you want to analyze any competing Network put any competing Network any other crypto Network on the same

Framework and ask how many dollars of real Capital have been invested and how how much real electricity is running it and how much digital power is behind it and then how many people hold it you know you go to the next one ethereum for example right you realize after the

After the the merge and the proof of State conversion no electricity is backing it no digital power is behind it right so you you pretty much took out two of the four legs 500 X aash versus nothing you know and and uh 15 gigawatts versus di Minimus nothing and then the

The next question is well how much economic power well if 70% of of eth was pre-mined name one person in the world that will admit to invest in100 million in eth I’ve never heard of anybody Michael sailor in his latest interview just issued a dire warning for ethereum

And every other crypto asset Michael sailor is truly the king of Bitcoin first investing in 2020 when he saw the inevitable destruction of value of the cash held on his company’s balance sheet since then saor has continued investing into Bitcoin and is now personally responsible for investing over $5

Billion of capital into Bitcoin it suffice to say that sailor has 100 % conviction in Bitcoin and this doesn’t translate whatsoever into any other cryptocurrency at all in particular ethereum although he doesn’t usually ever speak on ethereum or any other crypto asset in his latest interview he

Dove into why every other crypto asset including eth will bleed against Bitcoin make sure to stick around to the end of the video where sailor explains why the Bitcoin journey is the greatest idea of his entire life also guys if you want to stay most up to date on the crypto and

Bitcoin World make sure to subscribe to my daily 5minute crypto newsletter it gives the latest Expo predictions any breaking news and top onchain analyses all in a nutshell click the first link in the description to join over 30,000 others in becoming a better crypto investor right now now here’s Michael

Sailor on bitcoin vers ethereum like uh when I announced that I personally put 175 million into Bitcoin there’s nobody in any crypto token for the next 5 million tokens right after Bitcoin go to eth and then go to every other token you won’t find a single person to my

Knowledge that ever admitted to investing $100 million of cash in any of them much less a billion much less five billion right so so you know if I had to guess right how much M how much real money’s been put into ethereum a few billion dollars like the the difference

Is 600 billion in Bitcoin if you were to say six billion I would say you might be stretching it right like we’re talking about a factor of a 100 difference yeah I don’t think you can really get to a number that’s more than a few billion right so I think that

99% of all the real Capital has been put into this one network so if all the economic capital is in one network if all of the electricity is on one network if all of the digital power is running one network the only thing you’ve got left left is political power and the

Truth is there I mean there are a lot of crypto token holders right there a lot of eth holders so so really those networks are primarily secured by political power and and the voice of the people much more so than the actual you know physical power or economic power is

Behind Bitcoin and I think that that changes it changes the long-term security Outlook but it also has an impact on natural frequencies and stability when your natural frequency is a month right if you have a staking proof of stake Network where you can unstake in a month you just need a price

Crash for like six weeks or eight weeks the network goes unstable it becomes unsecure right topples over and collapses and you know you want to see examples of networks that just collapse right look at what happened to Ft look at what happened to Luna look what happened to all these other tokens many

Of them you know they had these staking frequencies of one hour one day one week one month and the truth is if you’re designing a system to last you really want to design a system where if I put a first of all you have to put billions of dollars into the

Network and then it’s a one-way function and you’re stuck with them with the capital in the network for a decade and you know I guess I guess then then you’re invited to calculate if if Bitcoin miners have invested somewhere between 20 and 50 billion doar in permanent capital for digital power what

Percentage of all the digital power capital or digital Capital does that represent of all cryptos in the world 95% would be probably the minimum number you could conclude it’s a number between 95 and 99% I think right which is which is why you come back to the

Conclusion that you have one thing which is a digital property a digital commodity a digital monetary system and is you know is perfected for this and then everything else is just a speculation the difference between money and and speculation is if it’s money then the largest holders are

Buying more and if it’s speculation the largest holders are selling so the real issue is are you are the hodlers buying or are they selling I’ll give you example of great asset classes that are money um Apple stock is money apple is buying more and a lot of people that own

Apple stock will buy more um New York City real estate or London real estate or Palm Beach real estate luxury real estate is money because if you look at wealthy people they’re not selling there’s no one bragging about how they sold all their nice places in Palm Beach

New York and London they’re buying more right uh if you if you’ve ever met a rich family that has real estate holdings they don’t sit around saying saying yeah we’re going to diversify and we’re going to sell next year we’re going to get rid of the entire portfolio

At a huge profit over 10 years what they say is I’m looking forward to the next deal where we’re going to acquire this building or we’re gonna we’re going to buy this other thing right they buy and they hold and they typically Buy and Hold to give to their children’s

Children right the same is true with uh with art if it’s good art collectors you know Frick Andrew melon they did buy art to flip the art right they’re not speculators I bought a Picasso so I could sell the Picasso right they wanted to buy them all that’s why they call

Them collectors so if something is deemed to be really valuable you bought a billion dollars of it and your goal is to buy another billion dollars of it and so if you think about all these things which thing in the crypto ecosystem is that right Bitcoin is that right I

Bought a bunch of Bitcoin my goal is to buy more Bitcoin coin right it’s a it’s just a very simple acid test do you have an exit strategy or is that the exit strategy Andrew melon’s you know Andrew melon’s exit strategy was I’m going to

Buy all the great art I can get my hands on I’m going to build a beautiful building in Washington DC and I’m going to endow the National Gallery with the art as a gift to the people of the country that was the exit strategy and you get the idea it wasn’t a

Speculation and um so so Bitcoin is the one thing that qualifies as money because it’s going to appreciate in value over time the world’s full of Investments that are speculations or trades Commodities of course are not money every single commodity other than Bitcoin is going to lose value over time starting with gold

But certainly silver soybeans oil natural gas you can’t really invest in them you can invest in property under you could you could buy like all the mineral rights for 10,000 acres that might be an investment that might go up in value maybe but but generally it’s it’s super scarce desirable

Art it’s it’s desirable property it’s Bitcoin and maybe it’s like unregulated digital monopolies you know the Magnificent Seven but even then you know your time Horizon on that stuff is 10 years it’s not 100 years I can show you people that will say I own some New York

Real estate that I hope to hold for 100 years right I mean I I can find property people that would say yeah I got a 100e life on that like if I if I offered you all the mineral rights for the entire state of Pennsylvania you know might you

Keep it in the family for a few hundred years if I offered you the middle of Tokyo or the middle of London might you keep it in the family for 300 years yeah maybe if you could afford to pay the taxes so so I I I think that that’s a

That this hodler Dynamic is important but really it’s indicative of the fact that Bitcoin is money and it’s a it’s a very simple asset test find you know look at every crypto billionaire that holds something other than Bitcoin and then check to see whether they bought a 100 million more

Worth of that stuff and when you find one you might pay attention but I haven’t seen one right I don’t I just don’t think I don’t think you’re going to see it because everything else is is really a commodity losing value over time Bitcoin is the money gaining value

Over time I would just say my last points are you know Bitcoin represents I said it was rooted in an ideology right it’s an asset on a network you know that um how do I say it it’s like a it’s an asset on a network based on a protocol

Rooted in an ideology and the ideology is a choice of natural law versus human law I we prefer natural law over human law we prefer um physical sciences over Computer Sciences and a choice to favor the universe over the metaverse you know it’s like Elon Musk joked he said you know like the

Laws of physics you know are non-negotiable right whereas the laws of man are are suggestions and uh and and Bitcoin is is really that that submission to natural law there’s a humility to it and most if we look at Austrian economics if we look at capitalism if we look at Liberty and

Freedom and and most of the more positive ideologies in the world they’re all rooted in natural law and natural rights and when you start to try to superimpose artificiality or artificial edicts it’s like humans will come up with a 100,000 laws that say you can’t

Bake bread and you have to go to sleep at a certain time and you know you can’t think this and you can’t say that and these things get taken to the extreme and what they do is they destroy the society you know it’s just too artificial and in computer science one

Of the one of the things about Bitcoin is it’s it’s not a big code base right Satoshi didn’t set out to like impress people by writing as much code as possible the whole idea was to make it the minimum amount of code I mean the the real goal of great design right is

Is the least do you see that little video that circulates on YouTube where it shows the guy with the 10 can and has got eight different or six different templates he’s got eight different types of blocks and he and he’s got a triangle block and he shows it goes into the

Square hole and he’s got a circular block and it goes in the square hole and he’s got a rectangular block that goes in the square hole and and what he shows is people oftentimes they overthink and they overdesign I want to create eight different ways to do eight different

Things when in fact I can do everything one way and great designers they don’t come up with 187 buttons you know like this has got a lot of buttons on it but the iPhone doesn’t have but like one button or zero buttons right it’s like the ideal interface is like simple

Simple simple simple and so in computer science when you code all this stuff you need millions and millions of lines of code to simulate think about how many lines of code you need to simulate the water flows down a hill you know I give

You a simple Hill I drop a pot of water I write a computer software and it’s like you’re going to write so much software to simulate that well how much code does nature need to make the water flow the right way just the water just goes right just it’s not hard uh for

Nature to do these things so so what you want is something simple and elegant and and subject to Natural laws the cons conservation of energy right there is a speed of light there is a speed of sound right there is the there are the laws of gravitation right there there is

Conservation of energy you can’t destroy matter you can convert matter to energy energy to matter you can convert energy from light to heat to acoustic energy to kinetic energy but at the end of the day the energy is conservative it’s there and so the philosophy of Bitcoin is

Rooted in physics and it’s rooted in engineering and it’s rooted in a humble submission to Nature and and that is the same as the market logic of Austrian economics it’s like let the market decide let the people do what they’re going to do don’t attempt to tell

Everyone in the universe how to behave right leave them alone so I say leave Bitcoin alone it’s a living organic life form just leave it alone right you happen to think that the world could benefit from from X do it yourself on your own application risk your own

Capital risk you know if you want to introduce a protocol and give it to the world that’s that’s fine you can introduce any number of open protocols lenux is open protocol HTTP is open protocol you know you can have your own lightning protocol you know create a competing lightning protocol you can do

All those things but ultimately respect nature right and and uh and respect the fact that Satoshi managed to engineer this genetic life form Satoshi created a crypto life form released it into cyers space and it lived and everybody before created something and it died and so after hundreds and hundreds of experiments

They all died and millions of things that died after it here’s the one thing that lived and we should be in awe that that thing lived and we should you know our our job is to help people adopt it help it grow and succeed but uh but you

Know you’re about as likely to improve the genetic code of Bitcoin as you are to improve the genetic code of a cockroach or uh a virus or a rabbit it’s like like the leave the things and and let them reach their full potential because you know bitcoin’s 850 billion right now there’s

No reason why we can’t reach hundreds of trillions of dollars of an economy without changing you know any of the uh the fundamental genetic protocols materially they’re they’re pretty good and and they seem to work fine so so I think um bottom line with the philosophy is you

Know the lesson of stoicism is just because you can do a thing doesn’t mean you should do a thing and go forward with humility and Grace and when you’ve won the lottery have the wisdom to know that you’ve won the lottery and don’t like gamble it all

Double or nothing 10 more times and lose it all like William the conquerer won the lottery he was a bastard orphan and he man and everybody wanted to kill him and he managed to rise up and become the Duke of Normandy and then he managed to

Get the perfect wife and four sons and that’s everything he then proceeded to cross the English Channel conquer the UK his family fell apart the nation fell into Civil War and he died fighting with his own son and after he was dead his sons fought with each other and that’s

An example of snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory Napoleon did the same thing Julius Caesar did the same thing Alexander the Great did the same thing like the world’s just full of these people that you you’re the king of the entire nation and everybody’s happy and

At peace with each other and they got to go and mess it up right somehow and so Bitcoin is it’s the winner and it’s working out well and it’s growing 45% a year and there’s a million things that will grow from it I think we’re just so fortunate to have this as an

Opportunity I would focus upon the 99% of the people that don’t fully understand it I would Ed them and i’ help them on board and I wouldn’t spend a lot of time infighting over whether or not you know you’re allowed to own an ETF versus self- custody versus have

Bitcoin with Fidelity versus do business with a corporation you know it’s like these are all second order things and a 100 years from now we’ll still be disagreeing about politics and we’ll still be disagreeing about you know custody relationships and we’ll disagree about a lot of nuances the real question is you know

Does Bitcoin grow 40% a year or 20% a year or 10% a year or 5% a year you know and and uh I think we’re just better off this is why I say put the laser eyes on the significance of laser eyes is you’ve got the single most important thing you

Could do with your life that can make Humanity better and you’re not going to solve every problem of humanity but you could like solve half of them or you could provide a solution to everybody that makes their life better so focus upon the thing that you

Can save focus upon the the benefit you can bring to the world don’t let yourself get drawn into a hundred side struggles and you know Regional Wars over things that people have been fighting over for hundreds of years and they’ll be fighting about for another hundred years because it’s like we

Didn’t end political struggle after electricity but we sure did make life a lot better for humans right we didn’t end religious struggle but you know two out of every five you know children died in childbirth you know in 1600 and you know a combination of of good medical technology and electricity

And light you know changed that number from 40% infant mortality to less than 1% infant mortality some very very low number so I think we focus upon spreading the good cheer of Technology Better Living Through Bitcoin and uh everything else it’s like I used to joke

It’s like all my good ideas were deluded distractions I I will say this like bitcoin’s my best idea and the only reason I was able to do anything with Bitcoin is I had a few other good ideas but ultimately I never pursued a bad idea Stefan I never pursued a bad one I

Pursued good ideas that I thought were great but they ended up being distractions and dilutive to my success at the great idea and so so I I think that that’s that’s how I would end this thing do the right thing for Bitcoin so there’s Michael saor the unwavering

Bitcoin Advocate saor known for his Monumental investments in Bitcoin and his belief in its unmatched potential has sheded a stark warning about ethereum and other crypto currencies highlighting their potential vulnerabilities when compared to bitcoin sailor insights into the unique strengths of Bitcoin and his reasons for

Predicting a bleed in the value of other crypto assets like ethereum provide valuable Food For Thought for every crypto Enthusiast and investor his message is clear Bitcoin stands AP part in the crypto space and his journey with it by his own admission is the greatest idea of his life before you leave I

Encourage you to subscribe to my daily 5minute crypto newset letter it’s your essential guide to staying informed with the latest expert predictions breaking news and in-depth onchain analysis all delivered in a concise format join a community of 30,000 like-minded individuals by clicking the first link in the description and elevating your

Crypto investment knowledge today anyway guys hope you all enjoyed today’s video and that provided you with some value I’ll see you all in the next one and as always all the best


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