We are Day 1 early to a brand new blockchain and cryptocurrency: SEI. In this video we are going to create the Ultimate Onboarding Guide to joining the SEI ecosystem

    What is SEI? Why are so many new people interested in it and throwing so much money into it??

    We will go over the best wallets for your SEI. The best bridges from other exchanges. We will talk about how we can farm airdrops from the biggest protocols on the blockchain early

    And last we will talk about NFTs on SEI!

    Follow me!
    ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/CodyNFTs

    Sei website https://www.sei.io/

    Top Wallets

    Compass https://compasswallet.io/

    Keplr https://www.keplr.app/

    Best Places to Bridge to SEI

    Rocket X https://app.rocketx.exchange/swap/ETHEREUM.ethereum/POLYGON.matic-network/1?from=Ethereum&to=Polygon

    ChangeNow https://changenow.io/

    Liteliger youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f6cLGn6ALk

    Best Protocols to Start Farming for Airdrops Early

    Sei 20 https://www.sei20.xyz/explorer

    Kryptonite https://app.kryptonite.finance/

    Pallet Exchange https://pallet.exchange/

    Yaka Finance https://app.yaka.finance/#/swap

    Questify https://app.questify.gg/

    Kawa https://beta.kawa.finance/

    Sparrow Swap https://testnet.sparrowswap.xyz/

    Dagora NFT marketplace https://dagora.xyz/

    DragonSwap https://twitter.com/dragonswap_dex

    Silo Stake https://twitter.com/Silo_Stake

    vDex Ai https://twitter.com/vDEX_ai

    Top SEI NFT Projects

    Seiyans https://twitter.com/vDEX_ai

    The Colony https://twitter.com/thecolonynft__

    WeBump https://twitter.com/webump_


    #sei #seiyannft #nft #sol #solana #solananft
    Please take this as ENTERTAINMENT and DYOR! (do your own research)

    Have you ever joined an entire blockchain within a month of it going live sure test Net’s been open for a bit longer but the blockchain we’re about to dive into is brand new and full of a ton of money-making opportunities it’s airdrop season in crypto right before

    The bull market of 2024 2025 and people are making hundreds of thousand doar for being a little early to the right projects but in this video we are ridiculously early do with that information what you want in this video we’re going to be onboarding to the say ecosystem we’ll talk about why the

    Token’s up 212% just in the last month we’ll talk about why I think this industry is going to have a ton of adoption and new users and most importantly where you should be farming airdrops for free money getting started with things like wallets where the nft marketplaces are the deck is everything

    You need to know in this video let’s first start by talking about this chart as you can see it’s been nothing but up and to the right sure we’re up 212% on the month but we’re literally up almost 2x just in the last 7 days because this

    Is a brand new token and we’ve seen some adoption like we haven’t seen before when it comes to brand new ecosystems that’s where we’re going to talk about all the people building on top of SE why they’re building on there and how you can be early to support those pieces of

    The ecosystem let’s hop over to coin market cap let’s see where we rank right now yesterday we were the 44th ranked crypto today say is right here at number 43 with the market cap being just shy of $2 billion making it around the same placees like Tia a little bit lower than

    Arbitrum before we get too deep let’s take a quick step back and talk about the background of the ecosystem itself say is the fastest layer one blockchain the first thing I like to do is always compare to Lana which has 10,000 TPS say has 20,000 the transaction finality goes

    From 2.5 seconds to 380 milliseconds one thing to touch on in the future is they do have front running prevention and yeah a layer one this fast is definitely something that’s interesting but we’ve seen this before with fast new chains like apto sui near what makes this

    Different why do we think there’s going to be adoption say is an L1 that’s optimized for trading it’s a cosmos chain their goal is to give exchanges an unfair Advantage the founder is X Robin Hood and literally set out to build a decentralized Robin Hood the co-founder

    Of SE J jog said in a recent speech that dexes are one of the few things in crypto that have true product Market fit but current layer ones hold them back there’s no Dex optimizations congestion and it’s too slow Jay saw that exchanges like Unis Swap and binance could not

    Solve what he calls The Exchange trilemma that trilemma is scalability decentralization and capital efficiency when looking at Unis swap of course they have decentralization and they have scalability but they don’t have Capital efficiency binance does have scalability and capital efficiency but no decentralization the solution was a complete rewrite of the underlying

    Infrastructure they’ve had a few major technical breakthroughs like native order matching engine twin turbo consensus and market-based paralyzation let’s not get too nerdy on the actual technicals let’s just dive into the ecosystem let’s get started with the first question where can you get or buy say just go to your favorite centralized

    Exchange whether it’s binance coinbase Kraken Gemini I’m going to go to coinbase I’ll search for say and now that I have the token I need a wallet there’s a few wallets you can get but I would suggest one of two you could get something like the leap Cosmos wallet or

    Fin but if it’s up to me I would prefer the number one most used wallet which is compass or as a backup maybe Kepler the only problem with Kepler is it’s not supported on all of these websites yet so what we’re going to do we’re going to

    Search Compass wallet for SE we’re going to click the Google Chrome extension and right above my head is where you would add it but I already have it so once you download it it’s going to bring you to a screen that looks like this you can

    Either create a new wallet or you can import an existing wallet which I could do right now for my Kepler wallet but to make it simple I’m going to create a new wallet I’m not going to show you this section because it’s my recovery phrase

    And you guys don’t even know that so now that you have your seed phrase and your password set up for your new Compass wallet it’s time to move that say from your central exchange over to your wallet to do that super simple you can either copy right here which is just

    Your receive address or you can click receive copy here QR code whatever you want to do and all you’ll do if it’s coinbase it’s as simple as clicking these three dots clicking send you’re going to choose how much but let’s let’s just do Max now we’re going to select

    The recipient all you’re going to do is paste in that address from before click it memo you don’t really need to put anything here but I just like to put like before or something click your preview send and send now and there you go your transaction sent hand in

    Literally 1 second it’s already in my wallet there you go for anybody that prefers not to on board with Fiat and you have already other cryptos that you want to just move over from say ethereum or salana you want to turn that into some say I got you you have two Bridges

    Available there might be more but these are the two that I trust first we have rocket X which all these I’m going to leave in the description down below but my favorite is change now all you do is you’re going to select the amount that you’re going to want to send say you

    Have five salana you want to transfer that into SE in this case we’ll get 66 of the token you’re going to click exchange you’re going to go back to your compass wallet and again you’re going to copy your address and you’re going to enter it right there cuz this is where

    The funds are going to go to you click confirm then all you do here is you copy this address you go to your salana wallet and you send five Soul it’s a simple simple as that it should be showing up in your wallet within 10 minutes okay now we have our say token

    And we have our wallet funded what now many of us don’t want to just hold our tokens in our wallet we want to put that money to work and earn interest we can do that on say while farming some of these new protocols for their potential airdrops for example Kryptonite which is

    Liquid staking when you stake your say tokens all you’re doing is you’re securing the network and in return they’re going to give you an apy they’re going to give you some interest for locking up your say tokens pretty much what you do with liquid staking is you select a validator and that’s where

    You’re going to stake your token when it comes to say I would use Stingray or Rhino as the validator of choice but there’s two things you got to look for choose one that is 5% and avoid exchanges but more on Kryptonite in the airdrops farming section which we’ll

    Dive into right now massive shut out to light liger on YouTube for some of the info provided in this section I’ll leave the link to his YouTube video in the description down below might as well just start with Kryptonite cuz we just talked about it again it’s liquid

    Staking all you have to do to qualify for this air drop most likely is liquid stake your say do a few things on their website you’ll be able to figure it out pretty easily second we go to the say2 website it’s basically inscriptions on say I come from an ordinals Bitcoin

    Background of course brc2 inscriptions are really big right now this is another one just check it out if you want to buy some you can do that here maybe it’s going to be big who knows one of the main ones I want to talk about is pallet

    Exchange this is the number one nft Marketplace for SE it’s exactly what You’ think it would be just like magic Eden openc blur but it’s a lot newer that means it is going through some Growing Pains which the other day just one mint broke the entire site there was

    Like 2hour line just to get in but it looks like V2 is very close I talked to the team today and they said that should not be an issue going forward okay this is a big one this is yaka and they’ve already confirmed that there’s going to

    Be an aird drop the coolest thing is is that this is still on test net so you can basically not Financial advice wash trade yourself to the top of the leaderboard and the higher you up on the leaderboard most likely you know this is speculation the more access or the more

    Tokens you’re going to get through their airdrop it’s basically liquidity provider there’s pools everything like that this is a pretty cool one this is called quesy where you can basically do different quests play different games to get rewarded they have a lot of like the main random games they got Subway Surfer

    They got chess Halo like you can play I guess any of these games I haven’t tried it yet though there’s Kawa which I believe is another test net product this is obviously borrowing and lending so go ahead borrow lend get your points up Sparrow swap which is another decks on

    Testet do your thing pool Bridge Farm do all your things the next one is Dora or dagara and this is mainly an objective nft Marketplace but they do have say nfts as you can see Sans being number one I got some brand new ones I’m going

    To give you that early Alpha we have dragon swap which is a deck that is not yet live but coming soon we have Silo steak which looks like another liquid staking option and then we have Vex which Vex AI it looks like it’s going to be a per option platform where it’s

    Basically powered by AI you’re going to have swaps everything like that it’s brand new you have to DM them for beta entry tell them I sent you but I want to do real quick is I want to go back to pallet exchange cuz I want to talk about

    Nfts on say I think nfts right now are heading into their second bull market their second phase I know that they got turned off to a lot of people lately but I’m telling you guys this might be back we’ve seen some really crazy volume come back on salana bitcoin ethereum I do

    Think a brand new chain like say could be popular you’re just going to scroll down all you really need to know is the top collections because they have all the alpha as you can see by volume SS is the number one project they’re brand new

    I I think they’re less than a week old but they’ve already doing you know $500,000 a day in Daily volume I did message the team I talked to them for a little bit asked hey what do you guys want the people to know about what the Sans are doing about the San to

    Ecosystem basically what they told me is obviously they broke the infrastructure on say they basically made two exchanges have a weight line that was what I was telling you from before set all the records on volume in less than a week they’re developing various tools basically a Maga equivalent but for Save

    Verification these are going to be Live this week and the first Swap and ask gr smart contracts on say for peer-to-peer nft trading if we check out Jay’s Twitter account which is the founder of say he’s also rocking a Sayan I mean obviously it’s not one of the entities themselves but it’s definitely

    Supporting the project the way you use pallet exchange is pretty simple you can sort by Rarity of course but most people like me want to sort by cheapest to highest price which luckily is their default setting I like to see activity I would just want to see the recent sales

    How long ago they were how often are people buying above floor everything like that the highest floor price on say is actually called The Colony these are the OG OG ogs the third project I really want to call out is called wee bump and the reason being is they’re a little bit

    More expensive they’re in between saans and the colony I do know that this is the one project out of all of them I’m sure the other ones as well definitely the Sans but I do hear that these are getting all the alpha really plugged into the community if anything new is

    Dropping if you have a Wei bump you’re probably going to get allocated a chance to Mint it or whatever it is so if you need Alpha you need a community this is one I might suggest I have my referral link for all of these Platforms in the

    Description down below so if you end up trying to join Farm all these aird drops might as well use those links so you can help me farm at the same time I think it’s crazy that we can be this early to a brand new blockchain that already has some pretty strong infrastructure being

    Built airdrop farming opportunities and great communities being built on top of everything make sure you follow me on Twitter @ Cody nfts and subscribe to the YouTube channel if you’re interested in learning more about the say nft ecosystem my DMs are open if you have any questions peace


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