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    Video Description:
    Bitcoin and crypto crashed. Is this the time to buy the dip or is the worst yet to come?

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    Bitcoin crashed over 10% taking a lot of cryptocurrencies with it going down 10 to 20% however we have seen a rebound today so does this spark the end of a flash crash or are we just beginning let’s have a look at that in today’s video update where we currently sit in

    The macro markets looking at the S&P and the NASDAQ as they are now looking like they’re putting in intermediate tops at all-time high prices I’ve got a ton of data to get through with you guys so make sure you hit that like like button and subscribe to the channel let’s dive

    In in this video I want to give you some actionable points I want to show you some price targets to have a look at in case we are correcting now we have focused on the top of Bitcoin for many weeks now and it has not gone any further so pay particular attention to

    Where Bitcoin currently sits in the cycle and if the markets are giving us any signals that it can’t go any further at least for the short term there is a mass of ETF hype at the moment yet the price is struggling it doesn’t seem like that for the majority but it looks like

    It is struggling based on the charts all I want to show you today is the facts from the chart so let’s dive in and have a look at what happened for 2023 so that can give us some insights into where we are going next or potentially going

    Because at the end of the day none of us know for sure what is happening on that right hand side that black area of the chart what we try to do is be detectives and figure out to the best way possible the probabilities on our side hopefully

    If we can get to the point of knowing what might happen next so for 2023 we know that it seemed like one of the worst years in history the media was throwing everything at us the market was up 160% for Bitcoin and it was also up

    For the S&P 500 it was up for the NASDAQ it was up for the Dow Jones going right back from the first of the Year to one of the last days of the year there were barely any days down if you just bought at the beginning and held to the end it

    Was a up year but the ride along the way is tricky that’s essentially what happens in the market so what we try to do is take away that emotion of the ride and for the majority they want to be involved in the emotion of the ride because it’s your hard-earned money

    Whenever you put your money down for something you want to feel something for trading and investing it is the exact opposite if you feel something you’re doing something wrong try not to feel just focus on the charts and leave the feelings for when you make the profit so

    You can go and spend it in real life this is how we get caught up every single cycle and that’s how the altcoin market takes most of the games so the pure facts for 2023 was that it was an easy year straight up that’s it 160% for

    BTC now this this is presented in the data here and the interesting facts about having such an easy year is that the next year typically is not as easy and the next year is now it’s 2024 and so I’ve put up a few forecasts for this

    Year just looking at some of the low areas where the market might not drop back to so we are focusing on the Bitcoin creation what comes next but we need to understand where the macro cycle currently sits and So within this particular for C I think the first half

    Is going to be the tricky part of the year the first half of 2024 now that might spill over into quarter three as well and this goes for the stock markets and for Bitcoin try and hear me clearly here you know I don’t want to get too

    Confused but we do have to expect at least I think that the first half is going to be a little bit trickier than what the masses think it is and what I’m seeing and feeling from the masses because of the news headlines is that the ETF is here to stay and the prices

    Should not go back under $40,000 and that we are just going to Skyrocket to new fresh highs I’m not sure that’s going to be the case but I think we will get something much easier in the second half of the year when the bullish sentiment reenters the market in

    A bigger way which Spurs us on to hope and optimism so that’s what I think is coming next but what can we do practically and what is the rest of the data showing us here so in terms of the years for the S&P 500 we are looking at the years where

    There have been number of negative year-to-date closes and the next year what happens in that next year after negative year-to-date closes so essentially 2022 something we can remember had a lot of negative closes number of negative year- to- dat closes okay so 248 and that means the next year was

    Going to be much easier which was 2023 and the market basically went straight up from that point so straight down in 2022 straight up in 2023 yes there were a few Corrections along the way and they were significant corrections but at the end of the day it was basically a

    Straight up year and so what we’re seeing now uh for 2024 could potentially be a big year of negative year-to dat closes and that could then spin at the end of the year where we start to get some of those positives so all I’m saying here is that the first half could

    Be quite tricky and that could spill over into Bitcoin and cryptos even though the sentiment is quite high at the moment for Bitcoin and cryptos everyone is excited about the ETF we had the rumors of it coming out early we had the rumors of it being denied and now

    The market sits as I’m recording this at roughly $444,000 and in the short term we are seeing some pretty significant red days for the S&P 500 and for the NASDAQ we have seen one two three four red days in a row so this is a major warning sign

    Members Tia members know about this particular signal if you’re not using it throw it into your toolbox of trading and investing when you start to see this at the end of major runs it is a Telltale sign that the trend could be changing for at least the intermediate

    Term now that doesn’t mean that we can’t see the price run back up and quickly test those prices but this on its own three at least three days down from a major move is a very significant sign at least an early sign of the trends changing remember Trends changing does

    Not mean straight down straight away it can still test those higher prices and I’ve got this part circled just to give you an indication of that as well so this could be or was a distribution a short-term distribution because you can see was after a very significant move to

    The upside then you had a very significant correction and well after that point we skyrocketed from there but of course this was extreme extreme fear from the markets there was a lot of talk about interest rates and inflation and then we had the war breakout in the

    Middle East uh all sorts of things right the main thing I want to point out here is that you can still test the prices to the upside or get very very close like you could see here on that lower high before the market starts to fall and

    Then you can see your multiple red days following from there but essentially right now we may have put in an intermediate top and the markets need some time to digest this move that happened very very fast from the October low and then also basically the entire move from October 2022 to December of

    2023 the same deal goes for the NASDAQ you’ve had 1 2 3 four days down yes there is five red days but we are mostly or we are only focused on Lower highs lower lows this red day is a higher high higher low looking at the prices so

    Don’t get get those confused just because trading view shows it like that so these are the big days here we had many days in a row of lower highs lower lows straight down so if we’re looking for Price targets now and we’ve talked a lot about timing already this first half

    Of the Year could be tricky and tricky means up down and sideways without having a clear Direction that’s essentially tricky so from here price targets to the downside we’re looking at roughly 15,600 and I’ll get to Bitcoin in just a moment but we just need to pay

    Attention to these to help us give some timing for Bitcoin if we start to see the stock markets uh bottom and put in some support then maybe we could be turning the corner for for Bitcoin as well as that risk starts to come back into the game all right so for the S&P

    500 that level is 4482 so call it 4500 for a round number and for the NASDAQ we’re looking at 15,600 there are numbers further down but we’re just going to focus on those two until we get get to them so if we get to those points

    Then we can start to look at the numbers a little further down so we now have a grounding for the stock markets what we think is happening based on the data and based on the charts what those signals are coming up as in the short term the intermediate and then our overall macro

    Picture as we still expect the markets to be Sky rocking over the next couple of years but in the meantime in the shorter term we could see some tricky Market action because the markets have been so easy in 2023 and I say easy based on the chart essentially buying

    And then selling at the end of the year as an example it’s basically been straight up it’s been straight up for all the markets even though for the media and for most of us it hasn’t seemed that easy so to the broader picture looking at the Bitcoin cycle we

    Are still in the green stage here we’re still in the first half of the overall bull market cycle the main thing I want to look at here is it’s a rough 35 months from the bottom to the top that was the 201617 cycle that was the 2019

    20 21 cycle and now we start the 23 24 potentially 2025 cycle right so where we currently sit is 14 months from that low so 14 months from the low looking at the previous cycle it was in the midst of a correction so it hadn’t gotten ready to

    Go on that next major move it’s had a pretty significant run up and then it had a pullback another little bit of a burst before a second pullback look back to the previous cycle it had gone through an accumulation to three before the breakout of the 50% level but in

    Terms of the pullback well you’ve got another pullback in that 14-month period so far we’ve really seen one significant pullback period and then the March quick correction before it took off again so we’ve seen one maybe we’re in the midst of the second we haven’t seen the top

    Yet we haven’t seen the pullback yet so it could be early and maybe too early to call but we still remain Vigilant at these times after markets have been up for 14 months without a correction over 25% so how does this happen in markets besides the technical structure the

    Support and resistance watching our Gan lines watching our significant swing Tops on the monthly chart all that sort of technical stuff in terms of the market sentiment and so far we’ve been reading it pretty well here on the channel you guys have been following you

    Guys have been also picking up on it and using it to your own advantage as well we can see that we have been going through the disbelief to the upside remember when we first posted this back here it’s all on Twitter you can see those posts we were looking at this

    Being disbelief running up and then we had that small pullback here then we saw more disbelief to the upside meanwhile the majority were looking at it being the uh basis of anger and coming out of anger before it dropped into depression that was the main thought process at

    That time and now basic basically one step behind I find the market is typically one step behind what is actually going on pretty much all the time at least one step sometimes two steps there are still a lot calling for major downside at this point we think

    That’s not going to happen based on what we’ve shown you here on the channel already so we need to get to those price targets and the timing of this as well after this uh flash crash from yesterday congrats to you guys who are not getting caught up in the titles I’m just a

    Player in the game let’s focus on where we go here with the Wall Street cheat sheet so essentially I think we’ve had a first disbelief based on what we noticed in the Market at the time we’ve had a depression and now we’re going through or we are into this disbelief which

    Could potentially turn into hope so maybe we’re in this hope stage and we’re just going to have the pullback could be the pullback into another disbelief or could just be a a hold up here and consolidation time will tell and we’ll continue to focus on what the charts are

    Telling us at the stage after hope comes optimism belief thrill Euphoria and I think those are going to be reserved for the second half of 2024 and into 2025 there still a fair bit to go in this cycle as we’ve been looking at with the timing of it we’re roughly 14 months

    Into a 35 month cycle it’s basically 3 years up one year down or a better way to look at it and I want to try to get that out of our minds of must be three up one down a 4year cycle of a low to a low because this top eventually

    Somewhere down the line will probably come early and you’ll get a longer bare Market think about that it’s still a 4-year cycle but the top might come earlier and that will throw a lot of people out yes I know some people think it’s going to come earlier this time

    Around I don’t think that’s the case based on everything else I’ve shown you here with the stock markets and with the macro cycle probably coming to a peak sometime mid uh this decade before we get a collapse later this decade that leads us on to the next piece of macro

    Info here look looking at the 50% level for BTC now we’ve followed the market down we’ve got our range intact here so that’s our full bare Market range and now we split that in half using the linear scale it looks out of whack here bigger bottom bigger top throw it onto

    Linear you can see that it is exactly 5050 let’s get those off we got 50/50 typically in the past the market has tested it and then failed tested it and then a smaller fail before we go on a runs that was the last cycle now you

    Know you’ve seen me talk about this many times on the channel but just to give you another brief understanding in case you were new here this particular move has happened on each of those previous occasions each of the previous Cycles looking at the market come up test 50%

    Get rejected and then break through on that second time doesn’t have to get rejected in a big way the second time around as you can see here from this cycle but essentially you can see it break through on the second time after that first test and when does it break

    Through 22 months from the low so 22 months from the low did it the last cycle again 22 months from the low now I’m not counting on it to be exactly 22 months each time that’s only two data points but it’s pretty interesting that it happened both occasions uh already in

    The past so if it did happen again for a third time at exactly the 22 months as I said I don’t think it’s going to happen exactly could be wrong and I’m happy to be wrong there well that would take us to roughly September 2024 which throws

    Us into that second half of the year but how is that helping us right now what about Bitcoin right now well I think we’re at this first stage here this first attempt at 50% and what we could see in the past you can see that the

    Market ran up went above the 50% and closed underneath it then the second month it ran up tested it again and closed beneath it the third month it ran up and hit 50% again and then closed beneath it so this time around we’ve hit it and we closed almost dead on 50% so

    This month still has January still has 27 days to go which means we could still close underneath this level and it would be similar to what happened in 2019 and similar to what happened in 2016 one test close under another test and then we finally had time to break

    Through so from the macro we move to the micro now this is the woff chart that we looked at way back here just two days ago before the market collapsed as things were seeming a little bit spicy at the top at least in my opinion so we’ve seen the market correct down now

    To 40K 41,000 and that could uh put us into this phase D now we haven’t seen the next move down we haven’t seen these lows broken convincingly and that’s what I’m waiting for I want to see at least this trading range here get taken out

    Before I call it a phase D because for all we know this could be just an up thrust in a phase B and then we move into the phase C and then we get move down so it hasn’t happened just yet but they’re starting to build upon the

    Evidence to show that maybe we are moving into a phase D now I bring this up because we have had a pretty significant bounce to the upside since that low yesterday and this looked pretty similar when we go back to July of 2024 so remember we’re just trying to

    Act like detectives here in the market check out how this Market ran up had a pretty big correction and then for the next 3 days it came back to test those highs again but did not get back to that top and then it finally fell out of bed

    So it took from the 27th of July to the 2nd of August before it broke down that low that was put in on that flash crash think about that for a moment as we come back to where BTC stands from the third if it happened to be 2 3 4 five trading

    Days after the third that could really line us up pretty well with the ETF announcement news remember the ETF was supposedly going to be announced whether it’s approved or denied around the 5th to the 10th and that pretty much lines us up with the beginning of that time

    Frame around the 8th it could happen sooner maybe it happens later obviously I don’t have those answers all I have is the detective work here I don’t know when the murder is going to happen but I am watching for when the murder happens and I’m leaning towards a murder

    Happening more so because of the signals and the clues that the market is giving us at the end of the day I can always be wrong because I do not have the answers to the right hand side the black space here it’s still a mystery and hopefully

    We can uncover this mystery over the next couple of days some more clues to this mystery going back to the macro here and we’re looking at how far the market has moved up and it’s been four months to the upside now if it does correct as all these ifs if it does the

    Downside so far we’ve only seen two months two months 60 days so roughly 30 to 60 days is all the market has given us to the downside when Bitcoin corrects look at the previous uh bull markets as well going back from the cycle low there

    Is your Peak the most it had was a six-month period but remember this was a huge move to the upside all in one go six months up six months back so barring that particular one you had one month one month two months and then you even

    Had two months at the start of the bare Market going back to the previous cycle one month one month two months half a month one month so basically within that 30 to 60 days from the turn is potentially all the market will give us

    It’s not a hard and fast it must be like this it could go out to the three months but we’re just going to focus on that 30 60 90day period once this turn comes in so that clock countdown begins when this swing chart turns down pay particular

    Attention to your swing chart if you have it the ti G swing indicator there is a link in the top of the video description now I’ve looked a lot at time targets for the downside for BTC looking at the next 30 60 90 days from when the top comes in what about the

    Price targets well we’ve covered these multiple times looking at 20 to 22% downside but the next big one if in fact the 46k is the top is to measure down to the 50% level and that level comes out at $35,000 so it’s a nice clean area to

    Keep in mind could the market come back down and test the previous tops of 30 2K it is a possibility it’s only 32% down from the current top but I think if you’re going to leave your stops only at 32k those entry triggers that you’re looking for you might not get filled and

    You could be a little bit upset with the market not getting into that so it’s important to possibly scale your entries on the way down maybe have some a little higher roughly at 20 or 22% down from the top at 36 to 37 have a few more at

    35 and 34 and for that lucky all hail marry best entry maybe somewhere around 31 32 33 but this middle area is probably where the market wants to come and retest and if you want to be super safe then you would just look to those previous Highs at roughly

    $38,000 now we have one more chart to look at we’re looking at ethereum in this case because for these altcoins many could be coming towards the end of that accumulation move in the next couple of months so what we’re looking at here for eth is a break down of the

    Support it’s almost happened exactly the same as last cycle it seems so crazy that it can happen exactly the same but when you put together some of the market sentiment in how people Miss what’s going on because of different news headlines and unprecedented events in this case the ETF and all sorts of

    Things then you can start to see how these pattern play out time and time again because the majority aren’t watching charts and it’s pretty hard I think to believe what you’re seeing in front of your eyes especially when you start out that it could be rhyming and

    Almost repeating exactly the same as the previous cycle so we’re just looking at eth here not to get too carried away with how things repeat in Cycles here could be at this stage here this breakdown of the USD low for eth in this case so we might only have a couple more

    Months left before we find that bottom of e BTC then there’s the accumulation the breakout a new all-time high for Bitcoin and then the markets go crazy so it’s just another indicator in my toolbox that shows me a timing of how these markets might play out over the

    Next 6 months and then over the next 12 months we still might have a few Hard Times ahead a few shaky movements before we get into that easiest stage again where basically everything goes up all together and as we said at the beginning there could be a big reason for that

    Because 2023 was very easy it was very much straight up for the markets Bitcoin stock markets us looking at the S&P the NASDAQ the Dow Jones most markets around the world were basically straight up and that could lead to a bit of a tricky first half of

    2024 thanks again guys hit the like And subscribe share it with a friend our road to 400,000 in 2024 I’ll see you at the next video till then take care and peace out


    1. Oh my God.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ everytime people want a guru.. no one knows what the market will do..any chart can be manufactured to work.if they did know they would go all in.. and not be YouTubers asking you to join premiums.. people never learn, waiting for my favourite im just a guy on YouTube .. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    2. Sometimes i watch your videos when i wake up for the second time. Thank you for the great work and showing you care man!! I hope others are thankful for sharing your work!
      Looking to buy back in below 40k

    3. Ok I watch you and you said it got spicy and did not talk about Matrixport spicy BS that came out. Bro, I forgot you only do the charts I am sorry. You don't speak on the news. Thats cool.

    4. This time it’s different. We have the etf coming and they’re putting out commercials. Big financial markets will be involved that have never before.

    5. Which crash are you talking about? The one that happened a couple of days ago or the one that just happened a couple hours ago? πŸ˜‚

    6. Lucid, well balanced navigation of tempestous waters.

      Most sway with the gyrating compass of Jack Sparrow.

      Whereas you manage to negate emotion, noise, impulse – A clear, zen-like path to safer sailing πŸ‘πŸ’«

    7. Why does everyone think 2025 for tops !!!! I see and measure it will be this year 2024. Maybe in 2025 but winter early year ?? Spring would be a year after halving never done that why would we all of a sudden think it will ???

    8. Of course a bigger crash is coming:
      a) Bitcoin has the lowest liquid supply in over 5 years
      b) trad-fi is about to push Bitcoin ETFs onto their clients
      Oh wait. No. That’s the opposite that will happen.
      How do YouTubers come up with the mental gymnastics needed to come up with such theories? Stupid.

    9. I got into BTC for the first time in the middle of last bull run. I was up a stagering amount of money that I thought it was easy and held most of my crypto, well the market tanked hard. Found this channel and learned so much. I have turned things around with my crypto investing and have actually made a good amount of money again. Your info is amazing.

    10. Amazing video Jason so much detail. Thank you. Can you pls cover how some Alts will get impacted during the pull back if we see one e.g. SOL … what’s a good entry point πŸ™πŸΌ

    11. Jason. The ETFs are not Bitcoin. They are another product with correlation to Bitcoin, a new product, with a new market and new consumers. So treating them like a simple extension of Bitcoin might be a wrong analysis.

    12. Based on that, IF we were to have 22 bars this time, it would suggest a much shorter (or shallower) correction. since it would come at bar 16, while 2019 came at bar 7.
      It's been upwards over twice as long so far. We'd have 6 months to visit the lows and come back to 0.5

    13. Pure & simple very honest valuable content contrary to those moon boys.

      BTC is cautious but investors are prepared for both scenarios. Friday may a hallelujah day. The cat will be out of the bag. Explosive move to 60k would be possible.

    14. Jason, correct me if Im wrong, but it seems your thesis is primarily based on the housing market cycle. How can we be more sure that this housing cycle thing plays out as shown on that chart?

    15. Thanks for the video. I don't keep coming back because of the title but the content.
      You might of click bated me at the start but it's the best catch in the end.

    16. Crash coming soon, most altcoins will retest there lows before the halving. The altcoins that have pumped will have some big corrections and Btc around Β£24k

    17. We know BTC will drop and rise. I’m an investor not a trader so by the end of 2024 I’m sure my accounts will be significantly higher. Either way I appreciate the macro and all the alpha Jason. Thanks bud!

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