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Look I know a lot of people think I’m crazy I know a lot of people think okay all this Bitcoin moon maath is going on and everyone’s out here trying to uh you know hype up the market and it the the space has been polluted by crypto um people who are out here

Pumping and dumping coins and all this other stuff and then you start hearing crazy numbers and most people in my history have been terrified of big numbers it’s one of the reasons why I’ve noticed that you know the more successful I’ve gotten the fewer people that you meet that are

Still trying to pursue success because big numbers scare people right and so if someone’s already worth you know 15 20 30 $40 million they’re pretty happy with their life right they’re more now afraid of losing it the the pain of losing it is greater than the ambition of gaining

It so uh you know they stop they stop pursuing it but I wanted to just quickly outline you know how not ridiculous my thought process is and also outline from the very beginning what sort of uh prediction I’ve had what that’s been built on what the number every number

That I’ve ever shared with you uh is really built on um and again you know this is this is why I would like you to subscribe to this channel because this is what people need to understand if you’re in real estate if you’re in stocks if you’re in bonds if you’re in

Gold you know hearing Bitcoin people talk about oh the price is going to $5 million a coin a million a coin blah blah blah blah blah sounds like a bunch of BS um and I want to explain to you the conservative thinking that I have

Around it um and you know I I I I think that my my numbers are relatively uh conservative overall you know so if you’re in real estate and you’re sitting there thinking there’s no way Bitcoin could go to a million dollars of Bitcoin you’re really going

To miss out on an opportunity to protect the the value of your wealth and again like I’ve mentioned in in live streams and other videos and podcasts I think that the US uh and the UK are not really going to do a wealth tax a blatant

Wealth tax and if they do there’ll be ways around it the way they’ll do it is they’ll redistribute the wealth that the majority of the Boomers have and the majority of the Boomers have their wealth in real estate right and it’s really easy to redistribute real estate

Wealth because all I do is I put a bunch of reg regulations up in place and it starts forcing people to sell their real estate like the law that’s going through Congress Banning you know hedge funds from owning uh single family homes that’s going to crash the price of

Single family homes uh and I’m not saying it’s going to pass right now but you bet your ass’s going to pass um in the future because it’s the only way that you keep the peasants happy so really understanding that everything you’ve built like just like my parents everything that they’ve built is

Dependent on them being able to make the right right pivot at the right time and I was extremely lucky because when I first started in real estate you know a few years before 2007’s credit crunch I had the opportunity to see that the that the real asset was

Not the the the the real estate the real asset was the scarcity and the liquidity surrounding the scarcity so I want to take a second here just to explain to you how conservative my thought process is around Bitcoin and why I decided to allocate such a large

Portion of my net worth into it in 2020 um and and it’s extremely simple every single thought process I’ve ever had about Bitcoin every single price prediction I’ve G given you about Bitcoin every time I’ve ever said oh this could happen that could happen it’s based on one number it’s based on a

1% allocation of existing liquidity moving into Bitcoin over the next 30 years that’s it there is is nothing more nothing less if we get to a point of a 2% allocation in Bitcoin over the next 30 Years everything I’m saying is absolutely bearish and I don’t know what

Type of world we live in um if if that happens I’m I don’t care what anyone else is saying me my fundamental theory around Bitcoin and its price appreciation everything else is around a 1% allocation overall now let’s exactly let’s talk about this a little bit so

You can just see how this scales up the one thing you have to understand about Bitcoin is that a 1% allocation going into to buy Bitcoin is is is terrifying right and I’ll tell you why uh there was a there was a great tweet that I read I

Can’t remember off the top of my head I think his name is Darren I can’t I can’t remember exactly but the Tweet was this you know the GL ETF the gold ETF had a billion dollars of inflows uh extremely quickly um in the first week I believe

Or the first few days if that billion dollars was to come in if the same amount not the more not not a single penny more than that even though the bit Futures ETF already beat that but just that a billion dollars you know the ETFs would have to go and buy at today’s

Prices 380,000 Bitcoins on the market in the first week right that’s double micro strategies Holdings right that’s half of gbtc existing Holdings there’s only 1.8 million Bitcoin left on exchanges and that will go down as we get closer to the ETF as people realize maybe I shouldn’t sell this as I’ve been saying

The Huddle rate will increase that’s absolutely terrifying that’s with a billion dollars right so all of my thesis has been around 1% allocation over the next 30 years of existing liquidity so I’m even Sugg in my my blueprint is it’s so conservative it assumes that the United States stops

Printing money from today or from the day that the ETF launches right right it stops printing money and so if we were to look at that right total liquidity in the world is $900 trillion and if 1% goes into go tries to find its way into Bitcoin through that right you’re

Looking at $330 trillion in real estate uh you know $140 trillion in Us in in stock markets 100 10 and something trillion dollars in bonds you know1 trillion in $1 13 trillion in Gold etc etc add all of that up it’s about $900 trillion the biggest Market is the

Derivatives side which by the way I’m going to do a video on how the derivatives markets that are growing um around Bitcoin as a result of the products that coming out uh will affect Bitcoin I believe the derivatives markets will be bigger than the spot markets and I I would like you to

Subscribe so that you don’t miss that video it’s coming up in the next few days before this ETF uh is due for approval so going back to it 900 trillion dollar of global liquidity if 1% Finds Its way into Bitcoin that’s $9 trillion right that’s $9 trillion and if I was to

Take that $9 trillion and try to get it uh into into Bitcoin in a very very fast um method using the Bank of America price multiple it’s it’s absolutely ridiculous right so I’m having to have the Bank of America price multiple down to 50 right and that takes me to $450

Trillion of uh oh hold on one second right $450 trillion um of a market cap right if I half Bank of America’s Because by the way as the price of an asset goes up the multiple comes down because it starts getting saturated with capital right so

If we look at $9 trillion just 1% of the global liquidity going into Bitcoin over the next 30 Years you’re looking at $450 trillion market cap based on 50% of uh the Bank of America multiple over time and that works out if we go 450 trillion and we divide that by 21

Million right that go that works out to a $21.4 million bitcoin price $21.4 million now a lot of my people lot of people think okay that’s kind of crazy I’m talking about simple math here right you have a market cap you divide it by the fully fully issued Supply and you

Have a price and that price based on a $450 trillion market cap which is 50% of the multiplier of Bank of America the bull market multiplier you’re looking at a $450 trillion market price divide that by 21 million which is the fully issued supply of Bitcoin and you’re getting a

Price of 21.4 million this completely excludes the amount of lost coins there are they completely excludes you know the amount of coins that are trying to pursue uh or or people that are trying to just hold their coins and never h it hitting the market because all I’m using

Is the fully issued supply the amount of revolving Capital that will be needed on a daily basis the the actual liquidity to get there is going to be much less but the market cap can explode to $450 trillion extremely easily we’re talking about 1% of existing liquidity and a 50%

Reduction in the in the current bull market multiplier effect and you’re talking about a bitcoin price of $21.4 million now that sounds absolutely nuts to someone who is a real estate investor etc etc but you know I would say that it sounded nuts to my my grandparents when they

When they were forced to move to the United Kingdom and they bought their property for £5,000 to think that in 2023 that same property is worth £600,000 right I think that would sound ridiculous to them too and yet that’s what’s happened because at the end of the day we’re talking about basic simple

Math so I don’t want anyone to think that British huddle is out here talking crazy numbers and it’s based on on math just that just doesn’t make any sense this is based on a 1% allocation of existing liquidity no more no more liquidity being printed etc etc and

Arguably there’s a lot more people who are in Bitcoin that are extremely more bullish than I am um based on their price predictions now I’m going to be very very conservative quote unquote with uh with the way that I think about liquidity I’m also going to be

Conservative with how long it takes to move and this ETF is extremely important because this ETF is going to move this Capital very very uh slowly yet based on price it’s going to move extremely quickly because of the multiplier effect that we have on the asset so it’s extremely important that you understand

Uh that my numbers every time I speak about a number it’s based on the fundamental understanding that in 2020 I decided that over the next 30 Years 1% of existing liquidity will find its way into the hardest scarcest asset Humanity has ever created and that’ll be $9 trillion place it on the multiplier

Effect and you’re looking at a Bitcoin number that’s absolutely ridiculous this doesn’t include anyone moving you know 30% of their real estate portfolio like my parents did right it doesn’t it precludes all of that it’s a 1% overall on the existing liquidity and this should terrify the hell out of you and

Why I’m going to spend the next few days talking about how ETFs are going to Market I’m going to talk about um you know how liquidity is going to start moving from one asset to the other and how that $9 trillion can find its way out of that $900 trillion empire into

Bitcoin but I wanted to do this video because we’re on the Eve pretty much of um o of this ETF coming out and I and I and I want you to realize that everything I’m saying is not some moonboy math right I’m talking I’m looking at this as an investor

There’s a $900 trillion Empire we have the hottest most scarcest asset I think I can reasonably assume that 1% of that existing liquidity will move into Bitcoin over the next 30 Years and that’s what my quote unquote invest investment thesis for my own portfolio is based on bitcoin is the most special

Asset with the most scarcity that we’ve ever experienced I don’t think we’ll ever experience anything like that again in my lifetime at least because these assets don’t come around that often um and so it’s extremely important to take this seriously if you haven’t already but you know despite whether I think

It’s 1% or whatever you know please subscribe so you understand how what’s moving in the market and how things are moving but ultimately there are always only three rules to bitcoin step number one you buy Bitcoin step number two shut the up and step number three you get fabulously wealthy


  1. Nah, if people listen to you, most are smart enough to see that you are talking sense. BTC is rare, demand is increasing supply is decreasing. It's not rocket science, and you explain it better than most. Cheers.

  2. Your math early on in the video is wildly off:

    A “billion dollars of inflows” in the first week or so is not 380,000 Bitcoin. It’s staggering to me you got that so wildly wrong.

    $1,000,000,000 / $45,000 = 22,222 Bitcoin, not 380,000.

    That’s a huge difference.

  3. Yes 9 is my favorite number!!! I was the 9th child, born on the 9th month of the 19th day in 1963 and 63 are 9, and then I married a man born on the exact same day and year as myself 9-19-1963 so 9 in my favorite number. 9 Trillion would suit me just fine.

  4. I appreciate your sessions. I am however interested in your estimate of the BTC price by the end of 2025. This estimate should include the global inflow from other US sectors and the rest of the world! Thank you for your assessment!

  5. 61% of Americans have a brokerage account/own stocks. Only (roughly) 13% of Americans own BTC. BTC will absolutely become a widespread investment asset in most types of portfolios through ETF's.

  6. Have you ever thought how ETF's can wag the tail of a dog? Picture this…they will eventually own most of the BTC and utilize derivatives for more price controls. They may do what they did to the gold market…in time. much thanks.

  7. If you take a look at anything of any value 40 years ago to now, no one would’ve ever guessed that a piece of shit house would be $1 million. Or that gold would be $2000 an ounce.

    People knew that inflation was coming, but they didn’t realize that the government was so deeply corrupt that they would value our financial system so rapidly in the past five or 10 years

    You have to be an independent thinker, anyway, to be viewing this channel and use your own brain. Make your own decisions based on your own research.

  8. The 118 multiplier makes sense now but will decline as the btc price rises and holders start to cash out. Also as price rises it takes fewer btc to meet demand. I see the multiplier gradually declining although I agree that it’s going to take bitcoin half way to the moon on the way.

  9. 2024 is a landmark year for Bitcoin, marking its significant growth and acceptance in finance. The introduction of Bitcoin ETFs, the anticipated halving event, and changing attitudes in mainstream finance position Bitcoin as not just a digital asset, but a symbol of technological progress and a sound investment choice. Its growing role in global economies, attracting attention from institutional and retail investors, highlights its potential in financial diversification. However, navigating its volatility requires careful risk management and technical analysis. This year could redefine Bitcoin's role in the financial landscape. At the heart of this evolution is Pennie Thorne, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. Her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment…

  10. No hate bro, but after this bull run everyone is gonna see how far off your predictions were and stop watching you. You want and talk about a LARGE Bitcoin Bull so you can sell on everyone when they are stuck waiting for your 500,000 btc prediction that will never come. I’ve been through multiple bull runs please don’t fall for this guys ridiculous predictions, like I am 99% of people have in the past. God bless.

  11. The introduction of a Bitcoin ETF marks a groundbreaking moment in the cryptocurrency world, merging digital currencies with traditional investment methods. This innovation could stabilize Bitcoin prices and broaden its appeal to a wider range of investors, potentially increasing demand and value. At the heart of this evolution is MiIton Harper, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. His holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make him an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

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