Anthony Power Stock Analysis | Bitcoin Mining Stocks to Watch | RIOT | HIVE | HUT | BTDR | CORZQ

    Welcome to McNallie Money, your daily dose of Stocks, Investments and Personal Finance!

    Today we are covering Recent Bitcoin Mining Stock News with the Top Bitcoin Analyst – Anthony Power. Anthony is a Chartered Management Accountant by trade and is known for creating some of the best summary and comparison visuals in the Bitcoin Mining Sector. Anthony Power covers all of the Top BTC Mining Stocks including Agro, Bit Digital, Bitfarms, Cipher Mining, CleanSpark, TeraWulf, Hut 8 Mining, Marathon, Riot Platforms and Iris Energy. Let me know what you think of Anthony’s work and if you are currently holding any of these Bitcoin Miners in the comment section below! 👇

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    Hey guys welcome or welcome back to the channel MCN money home of all things stock investment and personal finance related now as of the time of filming it doesn’t look like we have a decision either way on the spot Bitcoin ETF but that’s definitely something that we’re

    Going to continue to monitor into next week however that being said we’ve got a full agenda in today’s video we’re going to be covering production results for the month of December for four more of the miners including Riot Hive hut eight and of course bit deer we’ve got Anthony

    PowerBack to give us his analysis but before we get into it please take a second hit the like button you guys it’s 100% free and it really does help this Channel and content get to other people who may find Value if you’re not currently subscribed MCN money feel free

    To join and let us know in the comments section below what you think of today’s discussion if you’re currently holding any of these Miners and your top pick for 2024 now with that being said let’s get into today’s Video okay guys so that’s right today’s video we’ve got Anthony power back we’re going to be covering some big production results from the month of December today on Deck as mentioned we’ve got a number of companies but we’re going to be kicking it off with Riot platforms this

    Is another one of the larger players in the Bitcoin mining space and they just came out with production results that we’re going to get Anthony to go through right now so Anthony what are your thoughts on Riot um well um riots had a had a an an

    Indifferent year in the fact that the production um if you’re looking from a self- mind perspective probably hasn’t been as high as um some of its peer miners have been when you’re looking at equivalency for the amount of hash rate they’ve got but one thing they did um

    Acknowledge throughout the year is the fact they’ve utilized their energy strategy to uh look at the opportunity to to get a better return so when you look at the amount of Bitcoin they produced this year um 6,626 and you look at the fact that clean spot with a lower hash rate

    Achieved about so 7,000 there’s a there’s a there’s a there’s an imbalance there but when we go down and look at the amount of um savings they’ve made through their power credits and demand response credits you’re looking at a total of 71.6 million received U or or

    Sort of credits received this year which get applied to Future bills so that’s an enormous amount and that 71.6 million equates to uh 2,480 Bitcoin so if you add if you were to add that to the total Bitcoin produced that certainly puts them um exactly where they should be uh

    And probably even a little bit higher based on the on their hash rate that they’ve had this year and bear in mind um they’ve only just got back to uh 12.4x a hash for the majority of the year they were at 10.5 x a hash so um

    You know they’re at 12.4 now so if you look look at the month itself in December they mined uh 619 Bitcoin and they’ve moved their average up from a daily perspective so November they they were mining about 18.4 Bitcoin a day in December they’ve mined 20 and bear in

    Mind we talked about the last podcast the difficulty Factor had increased by 6% so there’s an expectation miners would be mining less but bear in mind the fees that have been received during the month of December was significant higher than previous month so that gave a little a little bit

    More money back and also the fact that the Bitcoin price increased um significantly as well so from a revenue perspective um you saw the revenues um achieved significantly increase um in the month of um December than they were in the month of November uh the second part is is is

    They today they’ve released a photograph of their Cory carner site and this is their second second facility and it’s literally about a 2hour driveway from Windstone so um local locally lo lo local to the current site so that you know uh teams can move between each other without too much of upheaval um

    And that site’s progressing quite nicely so by the end of quarter 1 uh their first building uh building 1A will be um start being energized and you know for the following months they’ll continue to um finalize other buildings and that gets them to their initial uh 400 megawatts of power

    Um you know during 2024 they’ve also highlighted in previous podcasts and previous updates that they you know they’ve got some big ores in with BT uh M mic sorry micro BT for for Miners And as that progresses all the way through to 202 5 you know there’s an

    Expectation that you know they’ll be at 35 xash so they’ve really got a sort of a future growth strategy which is going to be triple what they’ve currently got at the moment so um although the production wasn’t as high as as uh many shareholders would have expected they

    Have had a good year in terms of what they produced from a mining perspective and what they also earned when they’ve celled their energy and they’ve done that really well in certainly in the in the four months of the year between June and October there were significant

    Amounts in those months there so you know yeah let’s see what 2024 brings them but overall um a good school report for 2023 excellent a good school report I like that term yeah I if you look at the picture and I know I just had it on

    Screen here the the size and the scale of this operation now and the construction is just phenomenal when you think about where Bitcoin mining started over the last uh decade or whatever Anthony and and uh we talked about this in yesterday’s analysis as well but as you increase the size the scale the

    Complexity of those locations it’s very difficult to keep them firing 100% of the time 100% up time so congrats to the riot team definitely those summer months they took full advantage of the Power Credit strategy and I think a lot of shareholders were really pleasantly surprised with some of the numbers and

    The returns there um but we have seen in the comments traditionally Riot and Marathon were really rocking for position and we have started to see marathon in terms of share price start to pull away a little bit so it will be definitely interesting to watch in 2024

    As Riot starts to bring some of these new facilities online and see how that growth kind of uh continues or projects out into the future now the next company we have is Hive we’ve talked about Hive quite a bit exactly in terms of what we just mention there are some alternate

    Revenue streams I know we had Hive leadership on a few weeks ago so I would encourage you guys to take take a look at that video as well um but Anthony this is another one that has a unique business model and a lot of investors and viewers are really talking about

    Hive and some of the potential that they see into next year so walk us through uh your thoughts there yeah um so again another consistent month for Hive and you know with with some of the miners um like bit Farms like Hive digital like Iris energy you get that consistency

    Month after month and Hive you know probably the you know had the best all round results all round metrics for 2021 and 2022 2023 has been a challenge for them but actually um from a production point of view that they’re a top two minor you know when they look at production by ex

    Aash so what what can they get out of their machines that they’ve got installed they do really well so in December itself um again you know Network diff increased but their production of 282 2.2 Bitcoin was was actually up on on what they produced um during the month of November um one

    Thing they did in in in December is they they actually um put 80 Bitcoin into their treasury raising that to total of 17 um 107 Bitcoin and that hle now is is uh 12 you know valid at 12 million and um that’s an increase of 23% of what we

    Had at the end of end of November so sorry that hodle sorry 72 million and an increase of 23% on the end of end of November and um if you look at from a a Bitcoin per xash perspective they achieved 71.6 Bitcoin for each exra has they they’ve got energized and that was

    An increase of 7% on the previous month so you know um again good all round numbers consistent numbers um you’ve talked about you know the the strategy they’ve got got there because hi were you know uh had a significant number of gpus um and they were mining ethereum um

    Those gpus now being repurposed to provide you know high performance Computing and they’ve already tried um you know as we’ve mentioned in previous podcasts Tri Tri some of the some of these gpus you know with the servers and you know theyve already started to achieve some revenues and the company

    Expects by the end of 2024 that those revenue streams you know could have an annualized 15 million um dollar per year with the margins exceptionally High um compared to Bitcoin mining so you know there another nine that’s looking at this this um you know this additional strategy to bring in money because you

    Know we know the Bitcoin price is Vol volatile and so when you have an additional strateg like HPC which isn’t affected by Bitcoin it can bring in some good revenues good margins and um yeah if they get the clients um in the same way that bit dis have announced um fully

    Expect them to be earning you know good revenues and and and then good profits but you know all around you know good good mining uh from from from hive good update for December yeah yeah Frank and Iden did a really good job of walking through some of those Revenue

    Projections out into 2024 and and you’re exactly right Anthony they are pretty robust pretty exciting uh from a shareholder perspective now the other thing shareholders were really EXC exced about this month uh in relation to hut8 mining is seeing some of those post merger numbers some of those post merger

    Metrics Hut 8’s been working on a merger for quite some time with usbtc or us Bitcoin that has now come to a close in the fourth quarter of last year and now we’re starting to see some of those combined metrics which I got to say I was I was pretty impressed with um

    Initially here I know share price has moved quite a bit for Hut over the last few weeks and uh I’m curious to get your thoughts on on what we’re seeing as a combined entity now Anthony I mean it’s just yeah it’s just a different it’s just a different

    Picture for um for for for the companies now they’ve merged together I mean you know when you look at how how much um energy under under the management on the roof now I mean as a self Miner you it was a little over 100 megawatts and now they’ve got 839 megawatts under

    Management um 205,000 machines under you know deployed under management total hash rate of 21.5 under management um so you know really really big company and it’s not stopping there they’re they’re looking at buying more sites now um growing growing uh facilities for potential more self- mining or more

    Hosted miners um but I on on on our CH here we focus more on the self mining so if we look at the S mining you know they’ve got 70 74,000 miners um you know deployed at the moment and that that equates to a you know 7.2 uh hash rate

    Um for the month of December uh they mined 453 Bitcoin and that was an increase of 16% on what they achieved in November so again you know benefiting from those extra fees benefiting from better production numbers as well um their their ex aash production by ex aash increased by 18% month over month so

    That was a good number I mean h sorry I’ve had you know a few challenges in 2023 with regards to you know the electricity issues at drum and their um issues they had with the energy um supplier in Ontario and so some of the production numbers were relatively poor

    During the a but those numbers are improving now significantly um one thing we’ve always associated with is the fact that they’ve been able to you know hoddle a significant amount of their production and at the end of December they had 9,195 Bitcoin so out of the you know the

    North American um po listed miners that’s the second highest total behind Marathon who we who we mentioned yesterday and um yeah that was an increase of 66 Bitcoin for the month so that’s really good I mean if you look at that from from an actual value perspective at the end of December

    That’s like $390 million so again you know hook going through the harving are going to have plenty of uh Runway to get through the harving before they have to make any serious decisions like some other miners with maybe less um treasury uh uh levels that the likes of H the

    Likes of Riot the likes of um Marathon have on their balance sheet but um yeah it’s a good update again we want to see you know the production increase month on month as they’re you know getting things moved to better locations where um there’s less issues but that graph’s

    Going in the right direction so I think 2024 for shareholders you know could be a really good year for for hook and hook have got um not only they doing now hosting um they’re also got a significant amount um again in in the HPC environment so they’ve got data

    Centers already been up and running for well over a year and bringing in you know much needed revenues from them they’ve also got um a significant amount of gpus so that can increase you know that level of HPC um as we other miners do as well so

    They’ve got a few eggs in the basket there that um that they’ve got options with as as well um so I think I think 2024 we’ll see a lot a lot better year from from hotate so things are already looking good first month of the year um

    Everything’s going the right way yeah I know I’ve talked with Sue about that big Interior Health contract as well for some of those alternate revenue streams and and definitely nice to see that diversification building at Hut 8 also wanted to give Hut 8 a shout out for the

    Hoodie here so thanks uh for that you guys um it’s interesting to see these huddles continue to grow I was going to say this in yesterday’s video but uh marathon’s going to be giving sailor and and micro strategy a run for their money pretty soon here if they continue to

    Accumulate but Hut is definitely in the contention there and they’ve got an impressive hdle to say the least um Sue actually was joking with me last time saying she’s always trying to get Jamie to to liquidate some Bitcoin to invest in different ideas and and Jamie’s always coming back and saying way we’re

    Holding on to it all so congrats to the team there and and good to see some Consolidated or uh uh combined numbers at a Hut now the next one is bit deer I put out a video on them specifically talking about their Nvidia partnership program a couple of weeks ago as well

    Bit deer’s another one that as of right now mining I think makes up around 40% of their business in that neighborhood so again a great example of a diversified business in the Bitcoin mining sector uh Anthony I’ll flip it back to you for the update on on bit

    Deer yeah so yeah I mean um I’ve had so many um DMS about bit deer um we’re going to be doing um a lot more analysis on bit deer in the in the in the fourth coming month to get that message out there because you know they’re not just

    A self- miner you know they they they you know they do self mine but it’s just one of their four businesses and and you know if you look at their revenue stream from the last um from the last qu from last year end um it only represented 40%

    And all their businesses bring in a good margin so they have got hosting business they have got um a cloud hash rate business and they have got um high performance Computing business as well so um you know self- mining has been doing well but people need to do

    Research and look at some of those other other businesses that they do look at the revenues look at the margins that they bring in and they’ll be they’ll be S pleasantly surprised when they see those um so definitely on my radar definitely want to do more about it

    Probably in terms of an article maybe get bit deer onto the channel and um and and get them to talk through a lot more about what they do I think that would be really really useful for the invest investor Community um but yeah from a self self- maning aspect couple of

    Things in December um they they actually removed 6,000 of their legacy machines in December so their hash rate actually went down from 7.1 in November down to 6.7 and that’s going to happen with with a few of the miners now where they have the least efficient machines get turned

    Off as we get closer to the harving and start getting replaced by uh more efficient machines like we’ve seen you know the likes of the S21 the t21 and the equivalent machines from Canan and from microbt so expect those uh machines to be replace at some sometime in the

    Near future but with that 6.7 xash they achieve uh you know 434 Bitcoin and again that’s um you know that’s an increase of about 4% on what they were achieving in November so um with less less hash rate they actually produce more Bitcoin per day than they did in

    The previous months so again benefiting from those higher uh fees um benefiting um again from um you know uh their uptime so you know having good utilization of the machines that they’ve got switched on has give them a has give them a good number um bit dis sell their

    Bitcoin so they haven’t got a hodle um and you know they’re just one of a number of miners that do that a strategy there and you know that’s different strategy to the likes of Hut to the likes of Riot to the likes of marathon uh and you know course uh sorry clean

    Spark and to likes of Hive digital who sort of have significant hles but some of these other miners have used their Bitcoin to grow their companies and by growing the companies uh without having to go through um all the time and and dilute shares they felt um at the

    Current period of time that that strategy’s worked well for them and bit de probably falls into that bracket as well so they’ve grown significantly this year they’ve doubled their hash rate this year um if you look at terms of what they produced in December this year and what they produced in December

    2022 and bear in mind the difficulty has been 100% during 2023 so you know you would have expect if you have the same machines plugged in over that year you’re producing half the number of Bitcoin in December this year than you did in December last year well actually no they haven’t they’ve actually

    Increased the number of Bitcoin by 150% so that shows you that they’ve kept up growth with the difficulty factor and they’ve also got um you know a good number of efficient machines in the in in in their under their management so you know that’s a real real um real

    Positive story um as I say we’ll be doing a lot more on on on bit deer because it you know that we’ve had them in in the analysis now for you know the last uh six seven months and um there’s still a lot of people asking questions about them so probably need to

    Do you know a lot more deeper research go through the numbers and uh give investors that starting point that they need to do before they can UND do their own due diligence but yeah good good update um good year for bit dear yeah you’re exactly right Anthony bit deer is

    One of the few that we haven’t had on for a CEO interview so I’ll definitely try and organize that in the New Year here uh really impressive year-over-year numbers as you alluded to and the next one here you guys this is not in the thumbnail this is kind of a bonus one

    For you we’re going to be talking about core scientific now super interesting story with cores as the years progress this is one that started out uh looking like it was going into bankruptcy and has really had a tremendous turnaround both in terms of business uh productivity and share price so um

    Anthony I know this one wasn’t necessarily laid out on the thumbnail but can you give us a little bonus clip on the cor scientific and your thoughts on that one yeah I mean you’re absolutely right I mean we’ talked about core scientific quite a lot in the last

    Few months um you know this time last year um they were in chapter chapter 11 and you know the share price was at an alltime low about 4 cents and um you know the creditors were probably circling in to to take away the the the remaining meat from any the bones that

    Were left there and um you know they’ve come through that they’ve got new management in place new CEO Adam Sullivan and um very well regarded in this sector and they’ve managed to come through a challenging year and come out the other end and you know I firmly

    Expect them to announce their uh coming out of chapter 11 in the next week or so so that’ be really positive for for those shareholders who’ve been with them through thick and thin um and for those shareholders who managed to you know realize there was some at real value um prices in

    2023 and again I’ve seen seen a lot of DMS from people saying they’ve picked up some shares and they’re doing quite nicely so that’s a good sign if you look at the amount of Bitcoin nobody’s mind from the North American uh companies nobody’s mined as many Bitcoin in um in

    2023 as core Scientifics they minded you know 13,760 um that’s a significant number and they’re not the biggest minor we we talked about the biggest mine yesterday you know Marathon Marathon digital um but they produced you know um with their hash rate of about 15.2 exra hash sorry

    Actually 15.2 was in November they’ve actually increased their hash rate in December so they new machines arrive so that the hash rate at the moment is 16.9 ex aash and they achieved um you know 1177 uh Bitcoin um during the month from their self- mining operations so you

    Know a really good solid number of Bitcoin obviously significantly higher than what they achieved in November but that’s because of the increased hash rate R and the fact that they’ve also benefited from the from the fees as well um but that extra you know that that

    Amount of Bitcoin with the amount of the Bitcoin price at the moment you know has been able for them to negotiate a number of settlements with creditors and as I say they come out of chapter 11 and you know look at what their Market capital

    Is now compared to um you look at this the market capitalization for the likes of marathan digital and Riot platforms and core scientific and take account of yes they’re going to have some you know significant debt on the balance sheet um but it’s worth having a look at having a

    Look at what cause scientific will look like you know from a post from a post chapter 11 position and it could be quite interesting you know where they sit then um so I think you know this is going to be a turnaround uh year for them um they’ve got good Management in

    Place they’re doing things right now they’ve had the right conversations they’ve understood where they’ve made mistakes in the past they’ve come out the the other side and um I expect you know good updates month month on month and they’ve got a grow strategy in place

    As well so you know they did make some orders with um bitmain in recent months and that’ll take them over 20 x so they’re going to grow this year they haven’t grown in in 2023 for obvious reasons um they’ve got a decent size um hosting um business as well and the

    Hosting business uh that produced 400 nearly 450 Bitcoin um during the month and so you know that’s another that’s another side to you know get some revenues in from that side there but um yeah good update from core scientific been a challenging year but I think I

    Think they also get a good school report for their for their year how they’ve Managed IT how they how they’re going to come out chapter 11 this month and then we’ll see them you know hopefully get back to the highs that they were during 2022 when they were saing with everybody

    But you know the the challenge will be is you know I think now as you alluded to earlier in the video um it’s a case of who can actually really catch Marathon digital and have we got like effectively nearly one minor that’s in their own tier on their own at the

    Moment so um you know they’ve come through the challenges of 2022 and I’m sure you know a lot of the the shareholders of marathon were scratching their heads in 2022 2023 has been a great year for them 2024 looks to be a good year but they seem to be just at

    The moment just that little bit in their own group um so maybe it’s um the Premier League and then we have division one with with the likes of core scientific Riot and clean spot to get into that into that into that um first Division I love the

    Analogy Anthony and I’m curious cor uh cor scientific is one of the few that I actually don’t own in my own portfolio so I’d be curious in the comment section below if you’re holding cores what’s your average share price and who was closest to that 4 Cent range because uh

    That takes a lot of guts and a lot of uh confidence in management to really invest in in a company in that state but obviously the returns and the reward are there for for those of you who took that risk so congrats of course uh awesome to

    See things are are finally turning and and looking up for 2024 and that’s another one we’ll continue to follow um now as of the time of filming you guys this is Friday morning it doesn’t look like we have any direction on the ETF at this point my personal vote was uh that

    We would get approval today I’m not sure if that’s going to be the case or not but we’ll continue to follow that as things progress over the weekend and into next week if you’re still watching this video hopefully you got some value out of it make sure you hit the like

    Button it’s 100% free to do subscribe to the channel Anthony also has his patreon launch now uh with the links included below so check that out you guys have a great weekend Anthony thanks for being here and we’ll talk to you soon see to you soon Bryce thank you


    1. Anthony’s thorough analysis of the BTC miners combined with his knowledge of this space and his accounting background makes for a very credible foundation to continue with one’s own due diligence. Thank you Bryce for joining and linking your talents together. 💕

    2. I’m in Wulf 🐺. They have positioned themselves to take off post halving. Excited to see the number of coins mined and increased hash rate when the new facility is up and running.

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