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    The LIST Has Been RELEASED – Hollywood PANICS!

    My friends it is here the list has dropped I can’t believe we have actually made it to this moment to this day but here we are this is absolutely crazy and as you can imagine everything is completely blowing up on the Internet over this Twitter is absolutely just

    Crazy right now going completely insane because of this and things are getting so wild that even the website that is hosting the documents completely crashed and so we’re waiting on that to get back up so that we can actually dive into the documents about the list but uh

    Everything is starting to come together and we are finding out some very early details about a lot of things including yes the man himself Clinton who apparently likes them young so we have Mario nfal who says confirmed today’s today’s Jeff EPS list includes Bill Clinton Prince Andrew Glenn Dubin and

    Jean John uh Luke Brunell 166 other names were also unsealed disclaimer not all names released are necessarily part of Epstein’s crimes which are which is completely true 100% we even know that people like Trump have had their dealings with Jeff EP in the past as

    Well of course Trump was one of the only people that actually kicked him out of you know Mar Lago and all that type of stuff and cut ties with him very early early on who was willing to be completely uh completely transparent about his dealings with Jeff F which you

    Can’t say the same about other people but this site containing Jeff EPS docs appear to have been crashed or taken down once back online we can proceed with getting the names so there’s a lot of crazy stuff that is coming out about all of this and we are just kind of like

    Waiting on a lot of the details right now um but you know as all of this continues to to uh unfold we’ll definitely be kind of keeping an eye on all of that and seeing how all of it continues to play out uh let’s see if we

    Can find anything in trending here about what is happening oh oh man do you guys remember when Ricky dvas was was talking to all the Hollywood Elites and completely trashing them what a good talking of all you perverts it was a big year it was a big year for pedophile

    Movies um himself just like Jeffrey shut up I know he’s your friend but I don’t care you had to make your own way here in your own plane didn’t you so man it’s so good this is what live down it’s one of the greatest moments that’s ever happened in Hollywood 100%

    So uh so yeah I mean this is kind of what’s happening the trending right now we don’t have a whole lot of details yet we’re just kind of waiting uh to to kind of see what’s all uh what’s all kind of going to come together with all of this

    Um and uh yeah I just want to point this out okay so this was one of the things I was asked about one of the witnesses where they asked if they engaged in doing spicy things they asked about none other than president 45 Trump himself Donald Trump no did you ever massage Trump

    No no no so with that being said guys I’m just going to throw that out there okay and meanwhile you know we can look at this and see what they have to say about uh about Clinton here which is uh a little bit uh a little bit alarming to

    Put it to put mildly so with all that being said let me know what you think about this in the comments below what do you think about all this crazy news that we are getting about all this we’ll definitely keep you all updated about everything that is happening with all

    The news that’s coming out if you guys want to you can go check out the list yourself just go over to B news over on Twitter and they have a link to the documents and everything else that you can go check out so if you want to you

    Can go check them out for yourself we’ll definitely be kind of talking about this and seeing what all comes to fruition from all of this insanity this is an absolutely huge day on the internet guys but let me know what you think about this hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll talk

    To you all in another video very soon


    1. I'm going to be honest. If I never see Cheesus's face or hear his voice and name again it'll be too soon. However, I give credit where credit is due. No matter your political affiliation, whether you're a good person or not, color of skin, nor man or woman I will speak on what I know to be true. Chump kicked JE out of Mar-A-Lago for being inappropriate with one of his guests (or was it a member of his staff?). He was escorted out if I remember correctly. I've not seen hide nor hair or heard of anyone stepping forward accusing tRump of paedophilia or rape/sexual assault of a minor to date. Just because he was seen talking to Epstein at parties doesn't mean anything illegal was discussed. The man has very few morals so it's my hope he actually didn't do anything illegal with a child under the age of 18.

    2. Maybe you should do your research, Epstein’s Blackmail Files mysteriously went missing after FBI raided his apartment it took years 4 elite pedos to cover this up do you really think they’re going to release these files?

    3. Kimmel is nothing but a hack. He only git his big push because he decided to suckle the teet of the leftist democrat-controlled media. Any comedian that has a lop-sided act that berates conservative Republicans, always get a big push.

      Truely talented comedians can even be a huge racist and be successful and funny, without being in the leftist media's pocket. (Dave Chappelle)

    4. You'll see liberals screaming Trump flew on Epstein's plane.
      Yes, he did.
      From New Jersey to Palm Beach Florida…. BEFORE he kicked Epstein out of Mara Lago.

    5. I'm sure this list is just a distraction to keep us away from the real perpetrators who have the power and influence to have their names redacted.
      If a name is on there, it's only because their power and influence isn't useful to anyone anymore. The CIA, FBI, Mossad, or whoever else have these people on threat of being revealed are hardly likely to give up their bargaining chip of having these assets under their thumb. I'm surprised they threw Bill Clinton under the bus, would have imagined Hilary still has aspirations that are harmed by association, but maybe they're both written off now anyway.
      What else have we got? A dead professor, a Prince whose public duties were stripped already because of the scandal, couple of finance people? They're giving us small fry.

    6. What’s interesting is the bid deal about the list, but no investigations on those who supported and took part of human trafficking. Just like MTG is trying to get information because of the human trafficking done by hunter biden.

    7. They’re dragging this out. Just like the overtime cheating in the election. Drag it out then spring the desired effect on them. Then push the lies and don’t waiver.

    8. If any of these guys ever do any jail time they look like the kind of guys that would be dropping the bar of soap on purpose. Some of them will probably like it there. They won't have to worry about being blackmailed for playing a little game of can you please hide the sausage in me.

    9. so the list appears~ now what!! nothing! as usual nothing happens to these peaces of sh#@! a week or two from now.. no one will remember nothing..and they will continue to be heros to most of the sheep out there!!

    10. Why is everyone so happy? WHERE ARE ALL THE NAMES?????? They are still covering it up and that's why you don't see any names on this so-called list. We already know about Bill Clinton and Gates. it's high time they show all the evil politicians and Hollywood scum on the list.

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