
+700% PROFITS | The 2024 ETHEREUM Thesis


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Welcome back and now ethereum is releasing the dates of new testet implementations of their new upgrade called denin and they’re preparing to bring back the narrative to make ethereum essentially great again as Solana has taken the Limelight as of the end of 2023 with an over 10x move almost

A 12x since the ft bottom in the markets just a little bit over one year ago and while ethereum has basically still performed it hasn’t performed as well but now they’re trying to change the narrative again and we’re going to go through some of the reasons why I think

A lot of the money the valuation that we’ve seen flowing into Solana is going to be moving back into ethereum and exiting Solana over the coming months let’s start out here don’t forget to give the video an absolutely free thumbs up I upload every single day of the year

To bring you the latest happening in the financial world so hit that subscribe button turn on notifications and give the video a free thumbs up the ethereum team is now announcing that the Denon upgrade will be released on the test net now denin is short for the Cancun and

Denb upgrades they will begin testing uh on January 17th the upgrade will be first appli to the Gorly test net then apply to the sapoia test net at the end of January and then finally in the be uh beginning of February February 7th that’s going to be added to the Hol ski

Test net the ethereum team has yet to announce when denin will be implemented on the main net the new upgrade includes several tools intended to reduce fees allow for new features of bridges and staking pools and also limit the use of self-destruct operations on Smart contracts according to the de whoa

According to the developer documents Denon will contain ethereum Improvement proposal 4844 now we’ve been hearing a lot about this recently but we’ve also also heard about this since 2017 when they brought up Proto sharding for the first or second time this will allow Layer Two rollup networks such as

Arbitrum bass polygons ZK evm and others to store certain transaction data temporarily using a new format called blobs blobs can be deleted after 18 days whereas the current practices to include the data in the call data field and keep it on the blockchain forever ethereum developers believe that Proto sharding

Will significantly reduce transaction fees on layer twos the upgrade will also contain several other proposals one introduces a transient storage system to further reduce fees as well as another proposal which increases transparency by storing the root of each Beacon chain block in a smart contract that could be queried by applications developers

Expect the data provided by this proposal to be used in new features for bridg es and staking pools and in addition denin also contains another proposal this one to limit the use of self-destruct keywords if embedded with a contract before deployment self-destructs can currently be used to

Erase the code for a smart contract and send all of the funds to the account that deployed it after denin this keyword will not erase the code unless it’s called within the same transaction in which it was deployed however the key word is still transfer the keyword will

Still transfer all the funds to the deployer even if it’s called a future transaction and so you guys can see there’s a lot of uh you know upgrades and kind of little changes that they’re going to be making to the ethereum blockchain but they’re trying to bring this Focus back to ethereum because

Right now the focus is on Solana well this person on X Stumpy pumpy said Solana is going to crash and burn guys all the money there is heavily leveraged people deposit liquidity onto one platform take out a loan and then repeat on the next platform this happens five

To seven times if the token on one of those platforms tanks the whole house of cards collapse and there’ll be a lot of liquidations now this is one of the best Tweets I’ve seen in ye literally years because this explains everything in the shortest paragraph potentially possible

This is how the market operates guys and you know when I’m calling for a capit event before the Bitcoin having and people are like oh no crypt viser the Market’s going higher we’re going higher yeah the market is going to go higher but throughout the market and throughout

The bull market we are going to see liquidations and a lot thereof and there will be a point where the liquidations are going to be so vast and so Grand that will Mark the beginning of the rotation into the bare Market same thing that we saw in

2022 when FTX block five Voyager Celsius terraluna I mean you guys got to get it right all of it was CJ of you know borrowing and lending One exchange lend to another exchange and then they lend to another exchange this is effectively how the banking system works right you

Deposit $100 in your account then they loan that $100 and then there’s $100 in another account and then they loan that $100 out to another person who then has $100 in their account so effectively you turn $100 into Infinite amounts of money and that is how these these leverage

Systems operate and the issue with leverage systems is when the The Leverage like when one little card comes off of the the house of guards everything collapses and so this is where we see capitulations right if uh if we see minor moves in the the price of Solana for instance that could

Create liquidations on Leverage positions which will create Market orders which will lower the price even further liquidate more create more Market orders liquidate even more people the price will go further down and it just a it’s literally a spiral that’s very hard to stop until you’re actually in the bare market and

So I wouldn’t necessarily say that we’re going to be there right now we’re in the very early stages of a bull market but it’s something to keep an eye out for in the shorter term because if Solana capitulates this could translate to a lot of the other areas of the market

And now we’re starting to see some of the very vocal Traders and multi-millionaires like Arthur Hayes the former uh co-founder and CI uh CEO of bitmex crypto exchange he posts on a at the end of December he said fam I have a confession to make I received a message

From the Lord while meditating he said dump that Sam coin piece of and profess your love for the Archangel vitalic he said so I dumped Solana and bought more ethereum ethereum to $5,000 now one of the things about Arthur Hayes is he if you guys know anything about

Bitmex exchange that was a highly leveraged uh derivative exchange and derivatives are built to trade the market to speculate on the market right and so Arthur was one of the first people who called out Solana was going to go to $100 I mean I’m pretty sure he

He called it to the tea right we’re going to go to $100 and what I like to do is follow a lot of different account and different Traders and Industry participants because I want to get a blended view of how these markets are operating right I want to understand

Who’s bullish on certain coins who’s bearish on certain coins but um you know typically when vitalic is selling his coins or ethereum Foundation are selling their coins which we’ve seen at the end of 2023 this marks a local top in the market uh so we’ll have to wait and see

I mean this could be a local top for now and then we’ll kind of drop and that will uh will will be another opportunity to possibly pick some more of these coins up but it seems like the narrative is starting to shift away from Solana and back into ethereum and I think that

Also knowing that we have Bitcoin ETF approvals coming up or potential Bitcoin ETF approvals coming up I should say uh you know where is the narrative going to flow after Bitcoin ETF gets approved I believe it’s going to move to ethereum ETFs and so Hunter horley who is the

Chief executive officer at bitwise Investments similar company to grayscale bit uh Bitcoin trusts he said the amount of work and conversations going on behind the scenes right now on ETF filings is wild and he’s also been posting that there’s a new allocations that are being set from their clients of

2% allocations to bitwise funds and bitwise continues to grow similar to grayscale similar to Osprey Bitcoin and Ark invest like a lot of these crypto Focus ETFs are going to get a lot of money and push as we move forward right but uh we’re now seeing that vitalic

Butterin and coinbase and more are going to be funding ethereum decentralization grants so again the narrative is like let’s talk about V vitalic and ethereum again let’s let’s stop talking about Solana and butterin is also all over the news recently right most of the bare Market we didn’t hear anything from

Vitalic he he just disappeared now we’re starting to get into the bull market and now we’re starting to hear from him again right the PBS Foundation is opening applications for $1 million in Grants for research and development on ethereum proposer Builder separation I I don’t think this is the

PBS that most of us are thinking about but maybe it is anyway the nonprofits pilot phase Drew support from coinbase consensus fushi Capital flash Bots Paradigm the Unis swap foundation and vitalic butan himself grants will be dispersed by a council the council includes representatives from block native consensus the ethereum foundation

And Flash Bots among many others the foundation Grant lead is from the research Group metago H interesting the first proposed by first proposed by ethereum founder proposer Builder separation or PBS is the concept of separating proposers which submit transaction bundles to validators on a blockchain and Builders which organize the transactions in a

Specific order the proposer Builder separation represents an attempt at decentralization as the combination of proposing and building gives well-healed centralized mining pools a competitive Advantage PBS first went into effect after ethereum’s merged to proof of stake now the proposer Builder separation Foundation aims to promote research and infrastructure to address

Some of the challenges the concept currently faces notably the Mev boost relays have become centralized since the merge relays operate between block Builders and validators on a ma maximum extractable value or me boost transactions selecting blocks with the highest possible fees roughly 90% of transaction the last 500 epochs or two

Days made use of the Mev boost the Mev boost transaction in the past 24 hours roughly 97% have been handled by five relays block native once among uh those top relays discontinu their service in September citing economic viability concerns relays do not currently collect fees the CEO block x route blocks route

Which runs a large relayer advocated fee structures outside of public goods funding to incentivize more re relays to join the fry a spokesperson for the foundation said that the grand funding could be used to fund relays with a particular emphasis uh on those who introduce novel designs for relaying so

As you see guys ethereum is a constant Evolution and this is really important to understand not just about ethereum but about all these blockchains you can never be satisfied you can’t be with these new technologies whether it’s you know your cell phone or the internet or social media or these Financial

Applications you can never be satisfied once you’re satisfied you’re done because there’s going to be a competitor that’s going to come do things better than you and this is why you know first mover Advantage is important staying on top of all the latest trends and Technologies and testing them out and

Funding these projects to test them out to see what is going to work and what isn’t is super important some of these blockchains are doing it really well and some of them are not doing it at all and uh you know you guys can figure out

Which ones are doing it right which ones are top defi protocols which ones have a lot of interoperability a lot of bridges a lot of wallets a lot of developers decentralized block production a lot of participation in the actual ecosystem significantly trending upwards transaction volume uh and so on and so

Forth I mean I could keep going on and on and on but the Focus right now seems to be bring it back to ethereum ethereum still building ethereum has a lot to build to grow still and develop and and Implement new technologies and fix some of the old Technologies right because

Anytime you add something new it may affect one of the old uh you know protocols or old uh ways of doing things and then they have to go in and correct that right and that’s what these upgrades are about and there’s a lot that’s in the pipeline for ethereum in

The upcoming year and I think this is where we are going to see this switch and this fight back and forth between ethereum and Solana during the last cycle it was between cardano and ethereum and I think that it’s really changed at this point and we’re also

Hearing that uh Lyra version two is building a custom chain on optimism’s op stack and this is also uh you know a feature of the the growth of this whole kind of decentralized ecosystem space Lyra version two has built its own custom chain in the optimism stack

According to the team they said Lyra now offers Ultra fast TR trading and execution and continues to be fully self- custodial and keeping all funds and financial logistic or Logic on chain lra version one accounted for 60% of decentralized options volume trading over1 and a. half billion dollars in

Notional value Lyra version two has upgraded to a professional grade user experience and is beginning to Target centralized exchange users with its new protocol um so this is where they talk about some margin and stuff like that for the trading but guys the the the money is starting to flow in

And there’s going to be a lot of position moves and when these positions move to the upside fairly substantially like you see here with Solana I’m not saying there’s not more upside but there is going to be profit taken and there will be volatility and these volatility points are opportunities to potentially

Trade some of this Market but I would caution time in the market beats timing the market but sometimes people like to do a little bit of both nothing I say in these videos are Financial advice let me know what you guys think Down Below in the comments of this video and do your

Own research before you make investment choices don’t make investment choices based on what I say I’ll see you guys tomorrow invest responsibly do your own research give the video a thumbs up and crypto on


  1. I don't understand how solana continues to exist. Imagine if ethereum went down a fraction of the times solana has.. yeah would be dead by now. Still, solana keeps rising, despite being restarted 11 times in 1 year. So it is not even a blockchain…

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