Rick Rule Warning! I Changed My Entire Prediction On Gold & Silver Price Here’s Why!

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    Uh after a discovery hold’s been been put in uh place that’s called Discovery stage exploration that becomes much much much lower risk risky to be sure but lower risk but because I’m afraid in any crisis of confidence afraid that it’ll go to $7,000 enter Rick Rule’s realm of predictions for

    20124 amidst a world witnessing the Dollar’s geopolitical sway Rick sheds light on on Gold’s pivotal role as a counterforce join us on this thought-provoking Expedition into Financial Dynamics where each shift in global power amplifies the Allure of gold as a shield against extr territorial dominance explore this captivating narrative with use and

    Discover the evolving chess board of international finance so keep watching and keep learning what you said is something I’d like your audience to reflect on because it’s very important there are different ways to add value in the sector there are different risks and rewards to every aspect of the sector

    And when I say the sector you can subdivide it several ways one would be by commodity you know gold silver iron as an example uh another would be by stage uh early exploration Advanced exploration development construction uh production merger and acquisition uh and then of course there’s division uh as an example

    Geopolitical or political risk uh division uh is is a deposit is a deposit in Congo as an example Rich enough that you can overcome the supposed political risk of being in the Congo or should you be in a jurisdiction that you believe at least at least is less risky so what you

    Suggest is very true there’s there there would seem to be an investment Matrix around most subjects in understanding The Matrix is important having pontificated now let me get into an answer I think in the way that you intended it I think it’s important to note too that when you look at the

    Matrix uh different markets price risk and price reward differently so there are points of time as an example uh in the early part of the 1990s when the industry made some profound discoveries and what happened was that exploration came into favor uh and people were paying up for exploration stories not because

    Necessarily that the future was going to lie in Exploration but rather because success had been demonstrated in the immediate past with regards to the exploration thesis so I think it’s important for the intelligent investor and Speculator to understand which part of the investment Matrix is most attractive to them in terms of their

    Outlook in terms of their risk tolerance in terms of their time preference but also which part of the market is undervalued in the market relative to others and which is overvalued in the market I I hope that that’s uh a useful introduction for your listeners uh in

    Terms of stage uh I have uh enjoyed a lot of success myself in real exploration uh which is to say the earliest stage riskiest sector in this circumstance the expectation the probability is fa you do it uh because you can fairly easily screen out the companies that have the highest probability of failure

    You do that by screening for explorationists who have a track record of success the success OCC CRS to a fairly small number of people and the rewards can be stupendous uh I think back as an example to era keeper resources 30 cents to $30 in 19 months the financial reward that URS to

    Exploration success is unlike Financial reward that URS anywhere else in mining it’s much more like re research and development technology that being said the high-risk nature of it means that it’s unsuitable for many people both financially and psychologically the amount of time it takes too makes it financially uh unsuitable for many

    People but I think it’s important that people understand that the early stage exploration companies if one learns how to do it generate the highest risk uh and the highest reward in the sector uh much more tolerant to most people are what I call a Discovery

    Place uh where you have done a job uh deline targeting in other words you have done whatever surface work you need to do to determine that there is mineralization there but now you need the third dimension you got to get you got to quantify tonage and grade so you

    Put a hole in it after a discovery holees been been put in place that’s called Discovery stage exploration that becomes much much much lower risk risky to be sure but lower risk similarly lower reward uh in aripa in in the prior example the Grassroots exploration phase the prospect generation phase the 30

    Cent phase uh the stock went really from 30 cents to $4 on Discovery uh it went from $4 to $30 certainly uh an attractive response but in terms of percentage gains uh not as attractive uh in the sort of Discovery phase so I think you go from Grassroots exploration to Discovery phase once

    You’ve gone through Discovery phase once you have delineated the deposit uh once you’ve published a document well a resource study first of all and a preliminary economic uh assessment you are in something called the predevelopment or development stage first of all when people talk about an all-time high they’re talking

    About an alltime high in nominal terms not in real dollar terms uh if you inflation adjust the gold price in US Dollars what you’ll see is that it isn’t at an all-time high at all uh that it has lots more room to run I need to say

    That I don’t pay any attention to the gold price at all in the short term and I have absolutely no interest whether Gold’s at 2100 or 2200 or for that matter at 1900 I own gold because it is for me the best financial insurance class of any asset of its type in the

    World and has been for a thousand years I own gold not because I think it might go to 2500 which I do but because I’m afraid in any crisis of confidence afraid that it’ll go to $7,000 or $88,000 or $10,000 I own it as insurance and by the way uh I really

    Truly hope it doesn’t go to 7,000 or $8,000 or $10,000 the set of circumstances that would cause gold to go that high would change uh many aspects of your standard of living and my standard of living and by the way not for the

    Better so I own a lot of it and I hope it doesn’t go up a lot but I think it will uh I think that investor expectations around gold were really put in place in the 1982 to 2022 time frame the most benign economic climate probably in the history of

    Humankind uh the interest rate was falling the US dollar was strong globalization in a good sense was happening opening demographics uh you know favored investors and the outcome of all of that was a expectation of financial markets that was confident I think that’s begun to change interest

    Rates uh in a real sense probably won’t be falling they may be manipulated lower for a while uh the baby boomer demographic has peaked there’s increasing geopolitical tension I think the next 10 years will be very different than the last 40 years have been uh at

    The same time that I think that the level of government which we’ve become accustomed to and believe that we could afford over 40 years will become unaffordable in the next 10 years which is to say I expect some turmoil uh and I expect that that turmoil will reduce faith in the

    Maintenance of purchasing power of people Savings in US dollar denominated savings products and instruments and hence I suspect that gold will do very well as I say I don’t own it because I’m looking for a move to $2,500 I own it because I’m afraid of a move to

    $8,000 I don’t own it with anything like 100% of my net worth because in my experience when gold moves a little bit of insurance pays you a huge benefit I lived through the decade of the 70s $35 to $850 this was not a 20% move I lived through 2000 to 2 10

    $256 to $1,900 not a 20% move in fact when people ask me now Rick when’s the gold price going to move I tell them I began reing bullion in 1998 so for me the question when is gold going to move the answer to that is 2,000 it moved from $256 to

    $2,000 uh in other words uh I got an eight-fold return gold has done exactly what I bought at to do my suspicion is that the move in gold and later silver will be much more precipitous in the next five years than it has been in the last 20 as we

    Conclude this insightful journey into Rick ru’s predictions for 2024 the evolving tapestry of global finance and geopolitics becomes clearer The Narrative of Gold’s ascendency as a counterbalance to the Dollar’s influence resonates profoundly remember these forecasts are but a glimpse into the intricate dance of power shaping our financial future stay tuned and stay

    Informed by liking sharing and subscribing to our Channel and embrace the ever unfolding Narrative of our Global Financial landscape thanks for watching see you [Applause] tomorrow

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