Today let’s talk about Bitcoin ETF approval coming this week and also all the other crypto projects that will benefit from ETFs.

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    0:00 Intro
    0:35 Bitcoin
    4:12 ETFs
    7:00 Blackrock
    8:10 VanEck
    9:41 Satoshi Wallet
    10:48 Charts
    13:00 Ethereum ETF
    14:45 XRP ETF
    15:52 Solana ETF
    16:30 CRU+ TA Premiere
    17:55 Q&A

    🔴Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.

    Welcome back the cryptos are us I’m George we’re all George so guess guess who has $2 billion ready for spot ETFs I don’t think it’s very hard to guess but what’s going on with it are we going to get approval well I got more news for

    You guys in terms of when we will see an approval and also let’s talk about some of the projects that will benefit the most from ETFs besides Bitcoin all right let’s do this welcome welcome welcome guys look at Bitcoin today still holding right around 44,000 right now Bitcoin is holding very

    Strong obviously no one really wants to sell Bitcoin ahead of a spot ETF approval but I did notice since yesterday to today alts bled out a lot of the crypto projects have bled out and I have a theory about that why that’s happening if you look at Bitcoin

    Dominance right here and I wish I could make this bigger but you can’t make it bigger it’s hard to see but the blue part okay the blue part is Bitcoin dominance and then you have eat dominance and then you have everything else dominance but the important part is

    The blue you’ll notice back in the day back in the day Bitcoin dominance was in the 90s and 80s okay Bitcoin dominated everything as it should have because uh there was really everything was just copycats there was nothing going on in this space right and then you know in

    2017 that’s when you see uh when you saw ethereum dominance come up because the very first programmable chain out there and yeah right now e still has a decent dominance but you’ll notice that Bitcoin dominance has been gaining has been gaining strength you can see over here

    Bitcoin dominance fell to as low as 37% back in November and then it started going up and up and up and up and up and now it’s at 50 52% even though it it’s like at 50% just a few days ago right so why is this happening well I mean it’s pretty

    Clear it’s pretty clear because um a lot of people are selling off their alts in anticipation that bit coin is going to pump pump to the Moon especially ahead of spy ETFs let let’s not forget not just spy ETFs the having event is right around the corner too

    Having event is three months away so this is why I’ve always said it’s important to hold some Bitcoin in your portfolio there are too many people that hold nothing but alts 100% an alts and not only even the big ones a lot of the micro ones right you need to hold

    Bitcoin in your portfolio Bitcoin 50% in your portfolio will give you that stability it’ll give you that strength like right now bitcoin’s not moving everything else is going down and also it gives you that growth when Bitcoin goes up everything else actually drains out we have seen that time and time and

    Time again where Bitcoin dominance just gains and really sucks out of liquidity from everything else so that’s basically what’s been happening I feel like a lot of whales right a lot of a lot of whales they’re like well spot ETFs around the corner we better get that

    Cash ready for Bitcoin because when it when we get approval bitcoin’s go Skyrocket that’s exactly what’s happening right now and after we get approval we could see just Bitcoin fly upwards Skyrocket and ALT may be taking and breather for a little bit okay but that doesn’t mean you

    Should give up on them that doesn’t mean that you should like oh sell everything buy Bitcoin no because there’s always a rotation right that’s why you’d be that’s why it’s better to be Diversified um but anyways Eric who’s like the the well-known lawyer that everyone goes to

    For like actual facts about what’s going on with like ripples lawsuit or with spot ETFs basically he has confirmed yesterday afternoon that it’s done yeah it’s basically done latest I’m hearing from multiple sources that final s1s are due 8:00 a.m. on Monday as SEC is trying to line everyone up for January 11th

    Launch that said I still want to hear from the SEC call official so between him and here’s someone else that basically said that SEC didn’t ask for any additional feedback on the paperwork because there has been so many am amendments they’ve been asking for so many Amendment and there’s no no more

    They’re all basically approved there’s no more amendments so bottom line next week next week uh we’re going to get approval I know I’ve been saying that it’s like the boy who cried wolf at this point I know that but you know all we could do is put

    Two and two together put all the facts together and the facts show that everything is done it’s a done deal so either on Monday or Tuesday or even Wednesday we’re going to hear from one of these fund managers if not all that we got approval okay and it

    Will it will be coming out listed or whatever right it could be 11th it could be 12th but it’s done it’s done so it would not surprise me that this weekend right right now I know we’re part of the weekend but it would not surprise me sometime this weekend we’re go see some

    Massive Bitcoin pumps because if this is a done deal and the Insiders know it’s a done deal then you know a lot of people are going to take advantage of this right so um and here’s something you know looking at all 12 spot ETFs that

    Are supposed to come out you look at the last column here the Amendments yeah they’re all amend Ed ready to go no more comments it’s done done deal unless something dramatically happens between now and next week and somehow Gary’s like no no no no no I didn’t get my new

    Contract and I I have to hold out a little bit longer I don’t know there just it seems like it’s done and black rock supposedly has two billion dollar lined up for their ETF now this is a little little confusing because it says existing BDC holders are ready to prepare to convert

    Two billions uh into ETFs I don’t know Bitcoin holders maybe Black Rock themselves you know it’s been speculated that they’ve been accumulating Bitcoin for quite some time like years upon years I would not doubt that they have $2 billion of BDC okay even though recently it said oh they seeded it for

    10 million that that’s pocket change to them that’s not even worth Larry thinkin’s time okay so obviously I think he has a lot of his own BDC and and BDC of his influential friends that’ll be coming into his spot ETF after it gets approval and and it’s

    Not just him all remember it’s all these applicat are like huge giants right they’re all going to have billions upon billions come in that’s what we have coming next week here’s here’s something that’s really interesting though vanik is saying that they’re going to pledge 5% of their

    Profits from their spot ETFs and they’re go dedicated Bitcoin developers that’s actually really cool if they stay true to this because you know Bitcoin true Bitcoin Maxis are like we don’t need ETFs it doesn’t benefit us right we don’t need these big institutions coming in um and that’s true Bitcoin doesn’t

    Need all this but you know this is a way to just get more money in quicker and accelerate um its growth but yeah I mean ultimately Bitcoin doesn’t need this but you know here’s an interesting thing you know like hey if these fund managers realize you know let’s do some good

    Let’s try to grow Bitcoin even more right let’s take what we’re going to make and give a small percentage of that to the developers directly so they could continue to develop more Innovative features for Bitcoin and help it grow even bigger that’s a win- win for everyone right that’s actually

    Pretty cool that’s pretty cool I love to see Black Rock and Fidelity and everyone else do the same thing maybe do a 10% dedication to bitcoin developers right or to the minor or whatever I mean a lot of these guys already bought like tons of shares of Bitcoin miners um but

    Yeah I think this is pretty good if they stay true to it if they stay true to it now something else that happened that no one could explain um is this some mysterious person went on binance bought 1.17 million in Bitcoin and sent it to shoshi’s wallet the

    Wallet that hasn’t been touched since the very beginning it’s not a small send it’s over a million dollar so there’s two explanations for this actually three uh one is Shoshi himself woke up and said you know what I need a little more Bitcoin or two someone just decided to

    Burn it because they have too much money and they just want to bring more attention to bitcoin or three I accidentally sent to the wrong address so it’s one of those three possibilities you decide which one it is but that just you know it just happened it just

    Happened um beyond that hey there’s a lot of good things happening with Bitcoin okay the first weekly Golden Cross is happening we’ve never ever ever had a weekly Golden Cross for Bitcoin we had a lot of daily crosses we have a lot of other time frames where we had a

    Golden cross but never on the weekly so that’s pretty bullish that’s pretty bullish um and of course you know there’s a lot more bullishness I mean if you look at this we’re in pre- bll we just entered a bull run right and of course this if we’re mimicking previous Cycles I mean it’s

    Just it’s bullish we’re going to go a lot higher that’s that’s what this is showing right same thing with this we’re going a lot higher we barely started the Bull Run barely started but with spot ETFs which could push Bitcoin I believe well above 50,000 immediately then set the trend for

    Having a event which will then drive us possibly to our previous high already by that point 70,000 and after we break 100,000 that that that’s a huge psychological level six figures once Bitcoin breaks six figures I think that’s when all hell breaks loose like every single company every single person

    On the planet they will all be talking about Bitcoin did you hear Bitcoin is above 100,000 did you hear that you know it’s going to 200,000 in this cycle did you hear that Michael sailor bought you know1 billion more worth of bitcoin it’s going to be a Talk of the Town everyone

    Is going to be talking about it and we’ll definitely drive it a lot higher no doubt about it no doubt about it but it’s not just Bitcoin that would benefit obviously right with spot ETFs with more money billions to trillions coming in it’s going to benefit the entire industry right but here’s the

    Thing here’s the thing there are a lot of rumors about other ETFs that could be coming in 2024 so even though we’re all waiting for we’re all waiting for Bitcoin spot ETF what about other potential ETFs that could be coming 2023 was actually a record-breaking year for ETFs 2024 will

    Probably set another record but let’s not forget ethereum spot ETF applications have already been submitted so we could within a few months maybe 6 months down the road we’ll see etherum based ETF ethereum spot ETFs come to market right think about that that could definitely Drive ethereum much higher if that’s the

    Case if that’s the case ethereum could be a good speculative Play Just based on this ethereum obviously has been pretty weak from 2023 to 2024 so far right but it’s still the Big Daddy its demise is greatly exaggerated even though I’ve gone a record saying I think someone

    Likes salana and I’ll perform ethereum right but you know who knows if there’s a spot ethereum ETF coming that could Skyrocket it 340% in 2024 alone putting it up to 6 78,000 by the end of 2024 can that happen it certainly can it C can and also you know who else may be

    Getting a spot ETF xrp xrp is everyone’s favorite favorite crypto coin uh grayscale you know grce scale has xrp trust so now they’re adding it to one of their other trusts and considering that xrp is deemed a non-security it’s one of the only three or four or handful let’s just say one of

    The only handful crypto that’s deemed a commodity you would figure then hey why not get some xrp spot ETFs right that could be around the corner too I don’t know how many people really want to buy xrp though I mean but here’s the thing if they have xrp I’m sure

    There will be customers there will be customers but you know right now it’s it’s been painful to be a xrp holder uh but who knows who knows so you we got Bitcoin spy ETS about to be proved the E spot ETFs that’s probably going to get approved later this year and then you

    Know xrp spot ETFs right and here’s the thing here’s the last kicker I’ll mention that it’s not just a clude to these there are rumors now especially van Ike they love salana they think salana could join his spot ETF race too and in 2024 We Could See salana Spot ETFs that

    Would be crazy that would the first three I think are very plausible obviously but to add salana into the mix as salana uh ETFs that would be wild that would be wild but if it happens it’s go drive salana to the Moon okay so that’s going to be

    Fantastic all right that’s what I want to talk about today oh by the way two big other news about this Channel that I want to talk about crypto Z Plus right tonight I’m on boarding one of my team members he’s going to start producing videos ta videos trading videos he has

    Been doing a spectacular job with my newsletters holder heral and patreon so I’m going to have him do videos and I think you guys will be blown away another reason to subscribe to cryptos R plus that video is coming out tonight those of you guys that love charts love

    Ta he’s going to do it in a way that is really easy to understand unlike others with crazy amount of lines his way is very simple and I really like and I think you guys will too and here’s another thing too my Sunday walk videos

    I’m going to move them to crypto R Us plus okay because it fits more of what this channel is about more entertainment more you know ENT entertainment the most entertainment entertaining crypto Channel on YouTube that’s what I’m trying to make it so Sunday walk videos I’ll still have my recap video on Sunday

    But my walk video or my indoor video whatever it may be will be moved to crypto R Us plus starting tomorrow okay so make sure you guys subscribe I put the link in the description make sure you all go there and subscribe so you don’t miss out any of the future

    Videos all right that’s it for my announcement ments um let’s do some Q&A got a good turnout on this Saturday this camera just this the camera settings just do not there we go it just does not save all right that looks better all right let me scroll up

    Let me see if I missed anything Grady I see you in here welcome sh Shane Shane says I plan on buying the ETF I will keep my stack and add via my brokerage my young kids are getting Bitcoin ETFs why why are you not getting them Bitcoin it’s really easy to

    Just get a trust wallet for them and and uh get on bitcoin physical Bitcoin but ETFs are the next best thing keep in mind ETS does do have fees right so it’s not as good as physical Bitcoin but it’s the next best thing um crypto Graphics have you heard of Titan

    X would highly recommend no I have not uh I don’t know what it is it just doesn’t come up Mike good morning xrp ETF is a joke I I honestly don’t know who would buy xrp uh ETF uh seeing how weak they they have been I don’t know but who knows see

    Here Danielle Williamson asked do you think Saul will get to 3,000 by 2025 that that’s an interesting question as unlikely as that sounds I think that’s within the ran possibility here’s the reason salana could do a 10x this year I honestly believe they and everyone else that have been talking about the the

    Really upand cominging the the really strong coins they could do a 10x this year no doubt about it so once they do 10x in 2024 you got to figure in 2025 they’re go they’re go to do a couple other X’s so maybe 1 2 3x so can salana do a 3X after hitting

    A, I mean it’s definitely possible it’s definitely possible I mean this cycle is going to bring us so much money I mean I’m just theorizing as long as everyone else um but this cycle I think is going to bring so much money I I I don’t think we could actually imagine really how

    High things will go but we could try two billion is Chum change if you take the macro view of others waiting that you are 100% right two billion sounds like a lot but you know two billion for black rock is also pocket change two billion is like you know in a

    Grand scheme of things if you look at how much debt is out there how much is locked into real estate how much is locked into gold how much is locked to equities I mean we’re all talking about trillions tens of trillions right and even we get a small percentage of

    Money from those assets classes coming into Bitcoin I mean it’s going to drive Bitcoin to like a million dollars in no time ashon ccher should go back on Allen to show xrp I didn’t know that I didn’t know he did that but that would be funny except she doesn’t have a show

    Anymore how many xrp am I holding zero absolutely zero if if we get some xrp spot ETF my answer will still be zero tax reason for my kid they could use Roth for college no capital gains 10 15 years on BDC grow it’s good here’s the thing about college though um I think

    This day and age is different than when a lot of us went to college a while ago I mean I think there are a lot of things that you can learn on your own and be be very good at and still get great fantastic paying jobs without

    Needing to go to college that’s the thing like I know a lot of parents are dead set on like oh my kids must go to college or university and must get their fouryear degree I don’t have that same mindset I I would be very happy if my

    Kids came to me in high school and told me hey Dad I want to start this business I think it’s really go to take off can you help me with it you know whatever uh be entrepreneurs I would much rather they go that route than go to college

    That’s just me that’s just me a lot most of my friends do not agree with that but you know that’s how I feel um DJ have you heard of mint layer I keep seeing BDC layer twos like stacks and tacum run lately uh someone asked me about mint

    Layer I I just haven’t done enough research on it so there are a lot of l2s I got pitched some other L2 recently too for Bitcoin there’s just a lot that’s coming out I’ll get to it uh I want to put three coins to my portfolio today R weave

    Stacks and ories your thoughts I got 7K to put into them but I’ll be out of cash I don’t want to miss the pump if ETFs get approved I think with Bitcoin poent potentially skyrocketing um you know Stacks would be a good one Ori would be a good one uh anything

    Related and of course just Bitcoin itself R weave is not directly tied to bitcoin so I don’t know it’s a great play but if you’re like trying to bank on the ETF I don’t know if rwe’s go benefit from that so in fact um tonight’s video

    On Cru plus uh I know for sure one of the coins that Noah talks about is Stacks so you may want to check that out MADD C my fight picks dreamer keeper Crow Patty shiny Charles and Grady can’t wait to bet on crowed combat you’re

    Thank you I it’s it’s going to be very exciting that’s coming up next month we’ll have a lot more content about it on Cru plus too but yes it’s going to be good and you can bet directly in the crowy combat app and crowy tokens have been killing it recently

    Too Rico says colleges teach you to be average you know that’s what that’s what college is for college basically shows to employers that you’re you could be a good employee I mean that’s that’s essentially what it means that you can stay in school for four years and get through it and get a

    Degree right now there’s exceptions if you’re going to be a doctor if you’re going to be a lawyer you’re going to be I don’t know mathematician a rocket scientist or engineer yeah there are professions that you definitely need to go to a lot of school for right but if

    You’re going to be a business major right I think it’s much better to be entrepreneur or work for a company right and get that Real World Experience um you know there are a lot of professions if you want to be a programmer you could self te yourself you know all day long

    Especially with all the AI tools now it’s so easy to program and develop and Learn by yourself so I I think it just depends right I think it really just depends um think is the biggest to tour for I’m not going to get into that uh no no

    Jose Pat Marshall your your thoughts on block V or any other smart nfts I don’t have any thoughts on smart nfts I’m not the biggest nft guy I I have always been like that I hold a few nfts but I certainly don’t keep up with all the latest trends and all the latest

    Collections or even smart I don’t I don’t know but I will I will definitely get more into it for sure what happened to polygon nothing happened it’s just a little bit weaker that’s all but it’s still up there 13 it still grew 48% in the last 90 days

    Just not as much as others I think polygon polygon feels a little threatened by arbitrum optimism a lot of the layer twos um yeah that’s really it so but they’re making a ton of relationships getting their ZK evm out that’s going to help them tremendously cardano

    Correcting I mean a lot of a lot of alts corrected last night to to this morning okay that’s normal BTC dominance went up it’s 52% it jumped up over a percent within a single night that’s normal I think a lot of whales are are anticipating that there will be a spot

    ETF approval next week so they’re getting cash ready right and just be forewarned that there are times when Bitcoin skyrockets because of some massive liquidity injection it actually sucks out the liquidity from other alts right we may see that next week or we may not alts are a lot stronger now than

    Ever before so we may not see that happen but I’ll tell you in 2021 and especially in 2017 I have seen days where Bitcoin is up 20% and everything else is down 20% I have seen those days that that happens um thwarted do you think arbitrum and salana will rise with BDC

    Yes eventually the money always flows out even though Bitcoin may get all liquidity what happens is it then bleeds out and the money goes into others that’s how it always is so yes after UTF rule dump I just don’t see that I don’t see it we’re not high

    Enough if we’re at like 60,000 already then can we get a dump afterwards yeah but we’re not that high right now so no oh Avalanche is the light don’t miss out the fomo want to gets kosa salana I mean I’m still a big fan of avalanche Avalanche

    Turned a little weak recently not sure why but still really good gain 184% in the last 60 days can’t complain about that 32% in last 30 days right so Avalanche I’m big big on I like the I like their Direction and rich thank you for that balls on Vapor decks next meme after

    well in terms of avalanche you got you got Kimbo then you got balls those are the three that that I like uh the list of good coins never ending it’s okay to miss on some of the good ones right you can’t pick every single coin that’s that’s exactly true

    That’s the beauty too if you think you missed one there’s always something else right so we got thousands and thousands of coins if you miss some it’s okay as long as your portfolio is moving in the right direction it’s moving upwards you’re making gains that’s all that matters Yer um all right

    Guys I’ll let you have your Saturday back overall Bitcoin is doing well holding right around 44 could get explosive later this weekend um as for ETFs seems like it’s a done done deal no more amendments And SEC is waiting for everyone to submit their final s1s on Monday morning okay so next week it seems like this is a done deal but until they confirm 100% I guess is not but all the Insiders say this is it it’s done okay and here’s

    Where we are in the cycle we have barely started the bull run so it’s going to get so exciting guys so congratulations that you stuck around pat yourself on the back go buy yourself a Lambo whatever it may be okay we’re in it we’re in it and it’s

    About to get really exciting so uh smash it a subscribe to the channel tonight make sure go to cryptos R Us plus Link in the description go subscribe right now tonight they view of Noah’s new trading videos it’s going to be fantastic and plus my Sunday walk video

    Will be on Cru plus going forward tomorrow so make sure you subscribe and I will see you guys on Monday bright and early 8:30 a.m. Central Standard Time have a good good time have a good weekend guys take care bye-bye


    1. Prioritizing earning money over getting an education and growing as a human being is such an american way of thinking. Hope it works out in the long run.

    2. Wait….why this news about Satoshi isn't that important? If this was the true Satoshi, and he's still alive, this will break a lot of things!

    3. Sol will have a hard time getting to 3k this cycle.

      This is due to the fact the number of tokens in circulation is way higher than last ATH.

      George isn’t really thinking about that.

    4. With your interest in crypto innovations, Tectum's claim of instant immutability through novel hashing algorithms seems like a topic you'd excel at explaining. Any plans to cover this?

    5. When the entire market is 100% certain that a Spot ETF will happen and words like "Yes, done deal, it will happen" are being used, I feel the need to question this, as it's not final until it's final🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    6. College is worthless today unless you work for the government. I have made 3X more than my family members have with masters degrees. If you know you are intelligent you don’t need a piece of paper to prove it

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