I interviewed the incredible Dr Vivek Bhandari from Powerledger this week, discussing their Hybrid Weighted Energy Forecasting Algorithm, the ability of AI & blockchain combined for the energy sector globally and where Powerledger sits with all of this. ENJOY!!

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    Hello everyone Simon here from the Wales of Wall Street we have an exciting topic interview video for you today Dr VC from Power Ledger will be joining us and we’ll be discussing the fusion of blockchain and artificial intelligence coming together for the energy sector um now we talk about the energy sector in

    General quite a lot on the channel especially with the orientation around blockchain’s use through that um but this takes it a bit to another level of kind of like different algorithms that are being used uh particularly LED solutions to this area and we’re just have a general topic discussion as well

    About compliance the regulation aspects of what’s going on what the future holds for the energy sector with these kind of orientations of ecosystems as well um and you know this this is very much a massive topic really uh we see across the news many many times over the years

    And particularly right now of course Bill hikes Galore all over the world um and the fact that the energy sector is going into a very renewable state um and of course a lot of that needs transparency and for us as users whether we become prosumers or not is another

    Question in the next few years of course we will talk about that as well in the video but all of these things orientate around the fact that the technology is here and power Ledger is one of those that Forefront it for sure um so I’m really excited about this I hope you

    Enjoy what is being discussed in this video so I’ll leave you to it to listen through this and I’ll see you on the other side okay everyone great to have you here I’m delighted to introduce you to thec uh from Power Ledger absolutely uh great to

    Have you on here V so welcome um it’d be great if you could spend a bit of time just uh introducing yourself and your relation to power Ledger and a bit about your background as well so uh my name is Vi vandari at the moment I’m joining from per Western

    Australia uh my background is T I’m by heart a technologist and I’ve been working in the software for most of my life uh and in in particular things like you know blockchain AI you name it like the the tech comes and goes but Tech is is in the in the center but in

    Particular with tech uh my focus has always been in sustainability energy environment so applying Tech to these industries uh relationship with powerledger so it was about middle of 2020 and I was heading the software business for zans for a couple of countries Australia New Zealand and a few others and I was

    Looking into Western Australia and po Ledger was based out of Western Australia so that’s how I started collaborating with power Ledger we did a couple of tenders and a few other things and then I uh I left uh uh zans and joined power Ledger from Jan 2022 so for

    Uh at the moment at that time I joined as a head of Market optimization and uh in about like in a couple of months I took the role of the CTO meaning covering all of Tech and products uh for power Ledger uh at that time the company was mostly based out of

    Western Australia so everything was happening in Western Australia and then we had uh staff uh in in different parts of the world and projects in different parts of the world but yeah then I started looking into like how how to optimize all of this how to create a

    Team uh not just in Western Australia but a global team and yeah and then ever since I’ve been on that yeah oh that’s awesome um we we cover power LGE quite a lot on the channel um so for those that need uh kind of like a full

    Introduction um we have a couple of videos that I will link at the end of this one for sure um my main focus really today uh with yourself of is um as many of the audience know uh we also cover um with the relation to blockchain essentially with so many other different

    Technologies that have very much Advanced significantly over the last few years um predominantly the liks of 5G artificial intelligence of course a massive buzzword for last year or so and and will be continuously moving forward um there’s um something that power Ledger launched the hybrid I’m going to

    Have to read this bit so I make sure I get it right the hybrid weighted energy forecasting algorithm now I found this fascinating when I read into it a bit more depth so as I said like the integration of all these different Technologies and particularly with blockchain right now could you talk a

    Bit more about the orientation of the artificial intelligence aspect and blockchain within the energy sector particularly and and using that algorithm which is quite fascinating sure so first I think we we can start with the AI itself right so the history of AI is very old uh and but

    The use of AI in computer is recent but recent from a sense like in late 1950s right with uh when when they officially started looking into Ari so but and then it has gone through like lots of boom and bus uh Cycles uh for for several years now

    But then recently in after the 2020s with chat TPT and uh you know where AI became accessible to everyday you me so it started gaining momentum and the way I see this AI is more like uh you know uh the technology uh the the internet

    Era in the 93 994 type era so we we I see like this AI this especially with L language models and generative AI today 24 25 26 is probably like 94 95 of uh the internet era and now that being said uh a lot of AI is emerging and uh but in

    The energy side the use of AI is is not new so AI was used in the past so if you look into you know how things are controlled uh and how things are optimized you use a lot of AI but the only difference is that because it’s a critical infrastructure generally these

    Things are so you are not allowed or AI is not allowed to make a final decision yet so it it just becomes like you know the the guide but the decision there is a human intervention in the middle and then the human makes that uh makes that decision

    Now particularly with with the recent AI thing if you look into the LGE language models and then I’ll I’ll slowly go into blockchain and our algorithm too so with these large models uh AI suffers a bit in a sense because you know there are these biases you don’t know what you’re

    Training training it with um you know and and the way you train it the output it’s more it’s more like the neurons are connected based on the the the training data right so so that being said there is uh a lot of uh opacity in with today’s Ai and

    Especially these large models and who controls them there is this aspect of you know I was talking to a few folks uh in the US a couple of weeks ago and they were saying like oh we like there is this huge Trend in the US at the moment

    Where none of the big companies want to look into chat GPT anymore they want their GPT but you know they want their own GPT because you don’t know what it’s being trained of and and and it it just comes down to do you trust them and blockchain brings that trust worthiness

    Right so blockchain brings that trustworthiness in a sense where did my data come from it came from here there is this Provence you can track you can even not just the behavior of everyday you and me you can even track the provence of the electron that is being

    Generated so with that uh you know I can I can kind of see a future and 2024 onwards and and lots of uh big organizations are kind of look seeing the same I just want to quote like uh a report where a survey that was done and over 70% of the

    Organizations saw like big ones saw that there is synergy between blockchain and AI they see them as complimentary Technologies and complimentary in a sense that one is one produces and does the magic but other provides that uh auditability and Provence tracking and and they go hand inand now that being

    Said uh what we developed in in this particular AI algorithm is uh and before before I go there I need to explain our principle right and it where it fits so we are a strong believer of decentralization and and in decentral system particularly with the markets

    That don’t exist today uh in many parts of the world and a market where you and I can trade our energy and maybe you know we exchange in in return for that DiCaprio picture on on on on your wall or something you beers you know like it

    Could be any commodity that you can exchange so that’s the future and but to get to that future we need these uh Technologies which will be able to predict your pattern how you’re going to behave how I’m going to behave uh how my energy is is going to be consumed how do

    I turn on and turn off so this particular algorithm was created for peer-to-peer Trading where you and I can trade and what it does is it takes inputs as your patterns and my patterns and predict how our future most likely would look like and what what what is

    That used for so you use that information to uh to tell your Bot how you should bid tomorrow or your Bot would decide how it would bid tomorrow so it looks at your past and then predicts your future uses by looking at the prices by looking at your cons

    Assumption looking at if you have a local generation looking at a generation and so on so it’s uh that that’s why and then you can give your give weight so that’s why we said hybrid weighted so you can give weights on where you want it to focus on versus where not and

    There are multiple parameters so that hence they hybrid weighted and again summing up you know Ai blockchain and what this algorithm is is it kind of uh I would say just a starting point to bring blockchain and AI together and and then uh from here you know it’s it’s just Limitless you can

    Imagine say 10 years from now where my computer has a bot and that bot is an AI powered bot that takes into account every parameter that belongs to me it looks into the market price and and sometimes these things can be crazy right so it takes it it it puts the best

    Foot out for you for every iot device that you have your computer your phone your charger they kind of synergize amongst one another and and participate in the market seamlessly and that AI does it all that data is in the blockchain so you’ve got that immense auditability and and the audit Trail and

    The transactions happens the settlement happens in the chain and the communications happens in the 5G you know so all of these things 5G 6G whatever is the g at that time right so so fast communication blockchain uh intelligence and to support human and the energy transition so that’s pretty

    Much where it’s headed that’s amazing I think just the the infusion for a better word or the fusion of of these Technologies together I think it’s going to be really exciting I think it’s just so early anyway um I’m very fortunate to go to certain events that um you know I

    Meet certain government officials particular here on UK um who are working on Frameworks uh around crypto around blockchain around Ai and it’s it’s is really weird because um you know for decades you you tend to have these huge gaps of technology or technology gaps and and literally in these last couple

    Years of course when something starts it tends to accelerate and it’s it’s really fascinating to see that uh there’s a big drive a big topic around um you know blockchain you know in general around the world you know 90% of the world might not even know they’re using

    Blockchain it’s just there whereas AI is bit more in your face in a sense it’s been talked a lot about in the media quite recently um which kind of leads me on to my next Point really do you see any kind of existing barriers at the

    Moment um when it comes to the use of uh the AI side of things particularly with energy and and you touched on just a moment ago about the peer-to-peer trading aspect now in the past um this has had a big conversation around it over over many years as well um and I

    Suppose more inclined with the fact that power Ledger has a peer-to-peer trading opportunity in front of you and here in the UK we’ve got they well they called it the energy bill we’re not talking about bills that we get through the post the actual act and law that’s going

    Through at the moment doesn’t actually insinuate blockchain directly but it does have um insinuations in those documents at the moment uh as they’re talking about it more and more about the AI instruction the compliance and legalities of peer to PE sorry peerto peer as well do you see any barriers at

    The moment what do you think needs to happen over the next few years for this to become a reality for everyone and I know prosumer is obviously a big word out there as well so it’s really interesting to get your take on that yeah so regulation and education but

    Then let’s go backwards uh is a short answer but let’s go back on what’s happening in the UK and you know and and are things happening in the positive direction I would say yes uh so UK particularly in peer-to-peer trading you know you’ve been trying peer-to-peer

    For a couple of years now from around like 2017 18 with the EDF uh and and a few others and uh these projects are there the benefits are there I remember talking to a few uh folks from Manchester and you know and and where the conversation went was we see the

    Benefits we see we see all of these benefits it’s been already proven but what we need now is we need to take them and make them commercial and to make them commercial what we need is regulation and talking to this particular uh talking about this particular Bill and and the other things

    That are happening in the UK for example you’ve got this powering up Britain which is you know Net Zero by 2050 and uh ecomic growth and and a few other things right so if you need to be Net Zero by 2050 and if you need to do you

    Would need to orderly integrate the Renewables you don’t want to just bring uh Renewables and assume that things will happen by Magic it it won’t uh you and by orderly integration take an example of Western Australia MH the largest power plant in Western Australia here are rooftop solar m

    Combined and it’s in orders of magnitude bigger than the largest another the second largest so so the the penetration is already happening it will happen now it will happen in two years it will happen in a couple of years but what the government is kind of uh not able to

    Grapple much is how do you how do you integrate it in in a more sustainable fashion and and a quick thing that comes to mind is you know when you need Renewables all these Wind Blows where it blows so you need to build transmission lines uh Sun Signs where it signs

    Probably in the desert so you know you build transmission lines but think about uh roads right so if just adding highways would alleviate congestion yep there would be no congestion in La no congestion in Texas nothing right so just adding highways wouldn’t wouldn’t alleviate that yes you need more

    Highways more wider Lanes but more AKA more trans Mission at some point but what you also need is you need to have people or not commute as much come with a walkable City similarly in the energy side come with something that you can sare and trade and and and do this in a

    Close proximity because there are these Pockets where this can happen and I I went into and I looked into the UK the energy bill and I was uh looking at uh the volume 737 to be precise and I’ll I’ll quote a gentleman uh you know and

    I Dave Dugan from Scotland and uh what he is saying is it’s patently obvious that any just transition to Net Zero is simply not possible if local communities cannot sell energy they produce to a local consumer it’s absolutely fundamental and he’s right with that right so meaning for this transition to

    Happen the school should be able to buy buy this electricity from everyday you and me from the mom and pop who are sending their kids to the school the brewery we’ve got a very interesting project here in Australia where uh VB uh Victoria bidder what they do is they buy

    Electricity from you and me and pay back in Cottons of beer so you know you could sell electricity to a school in a similar fashion probably you don’t you get paid in in in in some other means so there are so many business models like once you start connecting there is this

    Network effect that will happen right so a lot of business models will appear and and a lot of things will happen but for those to happen what we need is we we need more uh and very clear regulation a very good example from a place where we wouldn’t think that there is a

    Regulation like that there uh utar Pradesh in India so they passed a regulation saying you have to utilities you have to go and do blockchain based period to period okay wow and Everyday People needs to be able to trade Industries can buy from Everyday People U instead of buying from

    The grid you can buy and sell your excess uh across just go ahead and do it and create M create such mandates uh a very loose sort of flimsy I would say is clean energy package in Europe where they do Envision energy communities and you know where where they stra sharing

    And trading could could happen but we need to we need to go uh top town the benefits are there right so the benefits are there it’s very clear if you are a prosumer and uh typically you today you don’t oversiz your solar because there there are no buyers right so only a

    Little amount maybe 20 30% spills into the grid but if you had benefits you’ll probably oversize a bit but even even if you don’t say you are spilling 20 30% into the grid uh depending on where you are at either you have a punitive measure like you don’t get paid anything

    Your inverter is Peril or you are you are paid like a very tiny amount as a feeding tariff or some sort of tariff right so if you have a buyer uh who would be willing to buy at a slightly higher price and we’ve done numerous projects commercial or otherwise to so

    That there will be a buyer who would be willing to buy at a higher price you are better off right I as a buyer imagine in this situation I’m buying your electricity I will be better off because I don’t have to pay for these transmission distribution charges that

    The utility is is is charging and just hiking I’m just paying for the energy right so uh in a very nut small nut cell so I’m making for profit there you are making profit there the utility has to evolve and change their business model so instead of becoming like a wholesaler

    Who buys in bulk and sells and and adds margin now utility come and make margin if you need to when these peers trade because you’re providing that infrastructure or you know you need to find something else to to make money from and and and that’s the type of

    Decentral model where we are headed and to go there we need to leave frog now this particular bill that I was talking and uh what I quoted I’ve not tracked with this energy bill like what Clauses are in and what Clauses are out I know I

    Know it’s it’s in the form of a law already but again uh what we need is we we need more disruption and and more connection amongst the people and once we have these connections and more more disruptions then you would have these you know naturally it comes so take an

    Example why was Apple invented unrelated but related example right so in uh in America there is this guy Steve Jobs who’s sitting he meets Steve wnc who knows how to do computers and then they meet other two or three people and and it emerges right so when you start

    Connecting People new business models emerge new things emerge and that’s that’s what we need in this archaic and dinosaur energy industry and and that’s what blockchain AI all of these would provide a good example is there is uh in in Europe uh in you have you now have a

    Regulation on hydrogen that you can only claim that hydrogen is green if it has been produced by using Renewables at the same time from the same grid you need a Providence you need to put that into blockchain only then you can track that Providence and claim the greenness of

    That hydrogen right so we need those kind of things uh now to make this transition happen and uh and again AI it’s you can use AI anywhere and with these large language models uh energy industry is just sitting on the fence they use AI as an example to predict

    What Transformer fails it’s it’s a very very much used case right so where uh but they can use AI in everyday everyday operations so uh for example when a utility operates a distribution utility majority of the time in even in the most advanced countries when a tree

    Falls in front of your house the way they know is when you call they don’t even have a measurement okay so you call and I call and then oh they have a model that you and I are south of a transformer maybe the outage is in that Transformer right

    So maybe we should send the crew there you can train the sorry about the word right so you can train this AI to and and come up with really good results to save money like you don’t need to send people to random places and search where this event happened you know

    Distribution utility you live and die by these indices called stady KD Ki and and so on right so how long was my outage there right so if you if you want ride this data in blockchain and make it an like transparent to everyone like you’re not tweaking you’re you’re not doing

    Anything put this data in the chain and everybody knows like you know and and then that justifies your bonuses that you’re giving so it’s it’s very U you know all of these Technologies I I see them coming it’s still at infancy but in the next uh 5 10 15 years

    This is going to be the future that’s brilliant I think the disruption of crypto and blockchain anyway in the last few years you you made a good valid point of when there is disruption things have to change very quickly in the Dynamics of compliance and Regulation and that has spreed up significantly in

    In those those particular areas but I think for the energy sector of course there’s a huge huge market value and they know what technologies are coming it’s almost like we’ve had a bit of a warning of we need to sort this out now before it’s too let get it ready um and

    It kind of brings me onto onto the next question or the next Point really because I read your awesome article again I’m going to have to read the title so I don’t get wrong igniting a revolution unleashing web 3 loyalty programs across utility sectors so of

    Course at the moment with Bill hikes and everything like this going on and we’re trying to reduce the s uh the Loyalty aspects and everything like that could you maybe um elaborate a bit further on that article and and what that means in terms of the energy hikes and the bill

    Chaos and things that are all going on right now that we see in the news every day sure so energy sector utility sector is regulated right and uh even when the market is contestable uh you still have some sort of a monopoly uh let’s take an example we’

    We’ve talked quite a bit about the UK Maybe This Time us right so Minnesota in the US you’ve got a majority of the customers are supplied by EXL energy and it’s a regulated Monopoly what that means is the Utility Commission caps how much you can charge

    But it’s a monopoly so when you have these sorts of monopolies uh and they happen in a lot of different places there is very little Innovation that happens because you know if a house gets built that utility will be responsible for providing service to that house the

    Fight would be like what is that price and what is the right price where you know the regulator don’t want to over regulate so that the company becomes bankrupt the the utility uh uh wants to charge more but they shouldn’t charge a lot more so that their exx don’t go in

    Helicopters to eat lunch right so it’s just a fine balance there but when you have competition a lot of things uh a lot of things happen and whether it’s a competition or whether it’s not a competition all of these utilities have lots of customers and the customers the power of

    The customer is not used at the moment this these customers are just takers you know whether it is EXL energy or Synergy in Western Australia or Tata power in India right so they all of them have from hundreds of thousands of customer millions in in in a lot of lot of cases

    But all their customers do is take that electricity and maybe some will generate some electricity and then the utility is forced to buy right so but that’s about the interaction that they have now think as Airlines so in Airlines uh Airlines also has a lot of customers uh

    Now most of the these Airlines make money not by flying planes but they make money by the loyalty programs that they have by running the businesses around the Loyalty program right so and what what is that you interact and you do this you’ll get these points and then

    Those points you can exhaust there and so on like in a plain vanilla Web Two sense now how about we apply this and make it more Dynamic and interactive with in the utility sector electricity utility they already have this captive audience and and where there is competition uh you it’s it’s an

    Excellent tool to gain more so what you can do is say you are a utility in Austria and uh you have all these customers and you want to acquire more customers you can start a utility loyalty program a web3 loyalty program where you want to incentivize people for

    Turning on and off why not use token tokenomics use your tokens use somebody else’s tokens to uh to incentivize people to take actions Energy Efficiency turning on their ACS uh for or you can also use those tokens in an interesting way so as an example I’ve got excess

    Rooftop solar how about I instead of getting that feeding tariff I create a token call it my green token my personal green to and I use that token tomorrow to charge my car so effectively I’m using my Renewables tomorrow and and I’m supporting the grid right so you can create all of these

    Dynamic behaviors when you start embedding this blockchain and web3 aspects to the utilities and until now they they don’t normally do that there are some Progressive utilities uh who try to try out things uh and uh but again in a traditional Web Two sense right but there is so much you can un

    Uncover and so much uh business that you can create just by unleashing that power and that’s that’s what I wrote in that article you know like uh unleashing web three and creating loyalty programs for utilities whether it’s a monopoly you can still do that or it’s a competitive

    And a contestable market you can still do that asper I think uh just tokenomics in general we talk about the you the new upcoming economy of play to earn eat to earn Learn to Earn and you know it’s not saying the wording is energy to earn but

    That that principle is exactly right I think it’s it’s an incentivization aspect a lot of brands are coming into I don’t necessarily like using the word nft anymore you know real world assets and the tokenization of something I think energy is um pun intended is it’s a powerful

    Aspect of what could be really achieved and essentially help to reduce um you know the emissions and things like this to to bring those those numbers down so it I’ll leave a link to that article obviously in the description of this video I think it’s a fascinating read um

    And thank you for sharing it with us as well um the last question viette because I know zoom’s telling me off at the moment it’s running out um education wise not not necessarily about the energy sector in general I think that’s quite clear for most people

    Um what do you think needs to be done at a institutional or commercial level as well as consumer retail level as well in terms of the education about this aspect of energy being able to be tokenized the aspect of blockchain the AI aspect of it because that can Branch off into many

    Areas could be like the developing the coding aspects of it it could be about what we need to do campaign Wise from a government level from a community level what’s your thoughts on that to wrap up this video so the community needs to understand what is possible right so that’s where

    The education comes in so we talked a lot about peer-to-peer take another example uh renewable certificates or carbon credits so for everyday consumer today if I want to offset something the only thing I can do is go in my Airlines and say that I want to offset right so I

    Don’t know what’s happening in the background but you know I’ve got that H maybe they are doing it and I I I click that so I have I have no way to do that it would be so amazing if I could be able to buy these tokenized credits in

    Some Marketplace good quality credits I can buy them today but I need to know who these Brokers are and there are a handful of them I need to talk with them and they’ll not entertain me because I’m I’m not Google and I’m not uh Microsoft right I’m just an everyday person so

    Does not entertain me if they don’t entertain me I need to open up registry accounts which is tens of thousands of dollars the the economics don’t work so I I can’t do that so I can’t buy effectively and I just have like you know I have this heart that oh I click

    There and I trust so now it would be so amazing if the axis could be tokenized and sold as micro right and and M so big re are there but Micro re are not there today and micro Rex from from a lowincome community amazing right so the next

    Olympic that is coming the Olympic could buy its electricity from the low income uh neighborhood why not you are promoting but why isn’t this happening first people are not even aware that this can happen you know we we’ve got these again I’m using the term dinosaur again uh institutions

    Where we don’t we’re the stakers we don’t know know what is possible so the and as soon as the people are aware that this is possible there’s no way of stopping it and the education and the campaigns should be focused on that like look this is possible try it out and and

    In cases where we have already tried it out with the pilots and everything then the next hurdle that we need is we need to buy we need a Buy in of this Central actor to make all of this possible so in the environmental commodity space I it

    Would be these Brokers uh in the energy space it’ll be the utilities we need the bind of these actors and again they’re not losing out is this that they need to understand that the game is changing and they need they can be a part of this bigger change and still be profitable so

    There is this education to Everyday People and there there are these there is this education to the central actors who can who hold and who are pivotal to make this change happen last Brant yes a there’s a long way to go um and I think more and more people do need to hear

    About this this opportunity um and I think it’s going to accelerate as we’ve said many of the other technology advancements across the board um it’s it’s one of those where when people do know about it it’s going to accelerate for sure so I’m really excited about the next few years

    Certainly in the energy sector what we know about blockchain what we know about artificial intelligence and all the other aspects that be pulled into this um whole entire ecosystem is absolutely phenomenal um but youo VC I really massively appreciate you coming on the channel today um talking about all these

    Really amazing topics um definitely would love to have you on again in the near future hopefully if you if you would love to do that um but yeah it’s it’s been absolutely fantastic I’m I’m really excited about the development of power Ledger um and to have you on the

    Channel as well um so again thanks very much for joining us um and if there’s anything else you want to say um that the floor is yours no I mean so I’ll just repeat uh kind of what I said in the beginning so 2024 2025 is the year of transformative

    Synergy so there will be more AI there will be more uh blockchain there will be more traceability there will be more smartness coming into this energy and environment space we just need to stay tuned and there is this very bright future ahead of us I’m excited and I

    Think power Ledger of course is going to be a big Forefront of this for sure um Vic thank you very much for joining us and hopefully we’ll see you soon thank you thanks bye okay guys well that was a fascinating interview uh with Dr V massively appreciate him coming on to

    The channel to discuss uh all things energy sector and the utilization of artificial intelligent blockchain I think it’s absolutely fascinating insight to be honest um really in-depth conversation there hopefully you guys all enjoyed that um and gives a bit more of a extra Dimension as to all the

    Things that we’ve discussed on the channel um so you know I like to think that I know what I’m talking about and obviously we talk about power Ledger quite a bit on the channel as well in particular but for me having conversations like that do take it to

    Another level and it gives a bit of an extra understanding so we’ve kind of like got the introduction of power Ledger already through previous videos and interviews we talk about power Ledger on a regular basis but to have that kind of conversation is absolutely fantastic and as I said gives gives a

    Bit more ammunition as to what’s really going on behind the scenes and what’s coming in the future so to relate that to something in particular is when we talk about doing research about a company or a project that we’re investing in it’s really important to not necessarily just understand the

    People that work within these companies but what’s the the actual strategic goal here what are they actually providing as a solution as a service again to us as potential consumers and users at the end as well as the institutional commercial level once you understand the magnitude

    Of the energy sector in general and you understand the companies like power Ledger what they’re doing and that that future stepping stone approach all the other things coming in that we talked about regulation compliance the technology aspects as well it really gets you excited as an investor but

    Again it’s that research aspect that’s really important with whatever we do in this space and understanding it a lot more like what are we actually investing in and I think we’ve got a lot of really good answers there um as to the whole complexity if you like for a better word

    Of what’s really going on in the background for the energy sector moving forward um and I think it’s really exciting so that’s that’s kind of like why I’m invested an interest in this I found it fascinating I’ve always found the energy sector fascinating anyway um even my uni days I did my dissertations

    About the environmental impacts of things and even back then it was partially laughed at like this isn’t a serious topic but here we are 12 15 years later it’s already becoming a significant topic uh even to the days of when I was taken to uh trade shows at

    Fber a show near to us uh by my dad who who worked at at several different defense companies I was seeing the first Concepts as a child of wind turbines and things like this and it was like I don’t know why the wind turbine looked really

    Interesting to me and it was like a little mini City built and how these wind turbines will power things and and that’s how it kind of took off so I think the education is definitely creeping in um for sure but we are missing a huge gap of Education in regards to the technological

    Advancements that are occurring and how we can be a part of this whether it’s being incentivized or certainly something that we as as humans should be morally try trying to achieve uh collectively as well as individually uh so it’s a really good topic a really good discussion hopefully you enjoyed it

    We’ll definitely get Dr VC back on the channel as soon as possible but I’m going to leave that there I think it’s a great wrap and uh thanks very much for watching we’ll see you in the next interview topic video take care Bye-bye


    1. Do you have a video of how energy is recorded into a blockchain thru a smart meter for it to be recorded on a blockchain?
      This is my lifetime question ever since I ever heard about power ledger, energy web and other DLTs revolutionising the energy sector. I mean since energy is a physical object you would need an Oracle I suppose to verify that physical thing which in this case is energy to verify it and make it digital , I’ve read about IOTA also approaching this problem but I would sincerely appreciate your help or the help of the comunity

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